Scroll of Conjure Flame Atronach is a scroll that appears in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
The scroll emulates the effects of the Conjuration spell, Conjure Flame Atronach, without having to know the spell in order to use the scroll.
- In a burnt down house east of Lost Tongue Overlook in the southeast of the map.
- Sometimes found on hostile mages.
- May be found on altars in mage hideouts.
- Sometimes in containers, such as chests and dressers.
- May be sold by Court Wizards.
The Scroll of Conjure Flame Atronach can be crafted at the Atronach Forge underneath the College of Winterhold with the following ingredients:
- 1 Fire Salts
- 1 Roll of Paper
- 1 Charcoal