Elder Scrolls
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"My name is Serana. Were you sent to wake me?"

Serana is an ancient pure-blood vampire and the daughter of Lord Harkon and Valerica. She is known as one of the "Daughters of Coldharbour," and because of this she is central to the main questline in Dawnguard. After being encountered, she can be recruited as a follower, unlocking a multitude of interactions.



Her year of birth is unknown, but she was originally locked away in the mid-late Second Era, in between the rule of the Reman and Septim Empires.[OOG 1]

She is one of the few pure-blood Vampires known to exist. Pure-blood vampires are individuals who are granted vampirism directly from Molag Bal, the creator and patron deity of Vampires.[1][2] The process is somewhat similar to the creation of the first vampire, Lamae Beolfag.[1] Serana gained her vampirism through a ritual in which members of her family pledged themselves to Molag Bal. Females like Serana and her mother, Valerica, who survive the horrific ordeal are dubbed "Daughters of Coldharbour."


Her father, Lord Harkon, is leader of the Volkihar Clan based in Castle Volkihar. He discovered an ancient prophecy called the Tyranny of the Sun which, if enacted, would allow vampires to roam the world freely without the fear of weakness from the sun, but to do so, he required two Elder Scrolls, Auriel's Bow, and Serana for a ritual sacrifice.

In response to this, her mother hid her away with one of the Elder Scrolls in a sealed sarcophagus within Dimhollow Crypt for thousands of years to protect her from her father. She then fled to the Soul Cairn with the other Scroll.



"Any idea how to get out of here?"

She is enterprising and friendly, but also lonely due to her troubled childhood and her mother's self-exile, which is why she confides in the Dragonborn. She is wary of the Dragonborn at first meeting, refusing to share inventories, answer questions in detail, and not letting him/her travel too far ahead alone when told to wait. Because of her Vampiric weakness and time spent in Dimhollow, she will also complain to the Dragonborn about caves and the sun, yet also complain when the weather is anything but sunny as the sun is her preference. Although she complains a lot, she also acknowledges the beauty of Skyrim, especially areas featuring groves and rivers, stating that she is happy to be there with the Dragonborn.

She harbors a degree of resentment towards her mother, Valerica, for locking her away for centuries and is angry that her feelings weren't taken into consideration.

As a child she was close with her mother, but once her parents began to fight, she felt trapped between both. Her mother would often feed her negative opinions of her father and after a time Serana began to believe them. She was never very close with her father, Harkon, before her family became vampires, but once they became followers of Molag Bal, her relationship with him only worsened as her parents became drunk with power and were always in conflict. Her father started to see her as a means to an end and would often state that "power takes precedence." Despite this she still admits to loving him as he is still her father.

She feels trapped between the conflict that consumes her parents and sees herself as a pawn that they are using against each other. Deep down she wishes they were able to reconcile and become a family again, but realizes that it is not possible.

When questioned about her vampirism, she can be defensive. She prefers not to talk about the actual ceremony as it was degrading, but she also does not seem to regret the power it has granted her, and rather sees it as a gift that she earned. The only regret she does seem to have is how it tore her family apart.



Serana DimhollowCrypt

Serana when found in Dimhollow Crypt.

After the Hall of the Vigilant was attacked by vampires, the Dragonborn is sent to Dimhollow Crypt to investigate further. Serana is discovered in the crypt and set free. She asks the Dragonborn to help her get home to Castle Volkihar.

Chasing Echoes

Serana indicates her desire to locate her estranged mother, Valerica. She believes that she may have left a clue to her whereabouts somewhere in the courtyard of Castle Volkihar. The Dragonborn must travel with Serana and infiltrate the castle to discover the whereabouts of Valerica.

Beyond Death

It is discovered Valerica fled to the Soul Cairn via a portal in Castle Volkihar. The Dragonborn and Serana must travel there to retrieve the Elder Scroll Valerica took with her.

Unseen Visions

As Dexion Evicus, the Moth Priest who read Serana's Elder Scroll is now blind, the Dragonborn and Serana must travel to Ancestor Glade and learn how to read the Elder Scroll that will show them where to obtain Auriel's Bow.

Touching the Sky

Serana travels with the Dragonborn to the Forgotten Vale to seek Auriel's Bow. Upon reaching the Inner Sanctum and meeting Arch-Curate Vyrthur, she discovers her role in the ancient prophecy her father was pursuing.

Kindred Judgment

Serana travels with the Dragonborn back to Castle Volkihar to confront her father, Lord Harkon.

Follower interactions

Serana with Hood

Serana dons a hood when outdoors.

Unlike regular followers, Serana displays advanced behavior and situational awareness:

  • If Serana is outside, she will always don a hood.
  • She will comment on the weather; however, be it rain or shine, it's typically a complaint.
  • She will interact with her surroundings. If the Dragonborn is standing still, she may walk around, sit down and even interact with workstations like a grindstone, forge or alchemy lab. If she has a reanimated corpse following her, it may join in.
  • If near an ore vein, she may begin mining, even if she does not have a pickaxe in her inventory.
  • Her stealth is not adequate to remain undetected despite being at level 100. Coupled with her aggressive behavior, she can make it difficult for the Dragonborn to sneak effectively. However, this can allow her to be used as a decoy to draw enemies away while the player attacks them from a different direction.

Serana also displays specific reactions in some locations. When approaching Molag Bal's altar in Markarth's abandoned house, Serana kneels and protects her head with her arms. If taken to High Hrothgar, she will also kneel on the ground, but in a posture of prayer similar to the Greybeards. If she is in the Dawnstar sanctuary, she will also curl up and cover her head with her arms.

Initially, Serana has fewer follower commands than other followers during the Dawnguard questline. Once the questline is completed, she can serve as a regular follower with the same set of commands that other followers have. In some circumstances, however, she may refuse to follow a command, or accept it conditionally.

She will equip enchanted rings, chains and circlets, as well as both light and heavy armor. When outdoors, however, she wears her hood which displaces any circlets.

Bloodcursed Elven Arrows

Upon completion of Touching the Sky, Serana will offer to make Bloodcursed Elven Arrows for use with Auriel's Bow. Note that if the Dragonborn cured Serana of her vampirism, this ability to make such arrows will be lost. This limits the supply of these arrows to the ones made before she was cured.

Confer vampirism

She can also be asked to bite the Dragonborn, which grants the ability to become a Vampire Lord, however this cannot be done if she has been cured of vampirism. While she is a follower, the Vampire Lord's Drain Life spell is weakened.

Vampirism cure

Once the Dawnguard questline is complete, she can be asked about curing her Vampirism. Should she agree, she leaves to see Falion for a cure. She will return to Fort Dawnguard after a few days, cured, however will still exhibit certain traits of her previous Vampirism:

  • She still speaks the same dialogue, such as complaining about the sun.
  • She still wears her hood when outdoors.
  • She still uses the Vampiric Drain spell.
  • Sanguinare Vampiris can be contracted from her through combat.

The option to get her cured can be permanently lost by choosing the wrong dialogue options. If this occurs, every time she is asked about getting cured she replies "I'm not talking about this with you anymore."

If this happens, the console command SetPapyrusQuestVar DLC1NPCMentalModel ToldPlayerSheDidntWantCure_var False can reset the cure conversation, allowing the Dragonborn to ask her about a cure again. Then choose the option saying, "You could be your own person again."

Multiple followers

During the quest "Chasing Echoes," Serana will ask the Dragonborn to search for ingredients. While this objective is active, the normal follower commands are unavailable. If the Dragonborn leaves the castle at this time, they may ask another character to follow them, who will agree. When the Dragonborn and their new follower go back to the castle and finish the objective, Serana will return to normal follower status, but the new follower will not be dismissed. The new follower can be dismissed and replaced as normal, but if Serana is dismissed and asked to follow, she will not unless the Dragonborn has no other followers.


Main stats at level 50
Health 541
Magicka 468
Stamina 148
Light Armor 93
Sneak 100
One-Handed 93
Alteration 52
Conjuration 88
Destruction 52

In battle, Serana proves herself to be a powerful necromancer. She will frequently raise the corpses of both humanoids and creatures, even very powerful ones such as Dremora Caitiffs. However, the bodies she raises will disintegrate into ash piles which prevents the Dragonborn from resurrecting them afterwards.

She prefers to dual wield Vampiric Drain and Ice Spike spells, but may use Lightning Bolt for attacking at range. At higher levels, she also uses Chain Lightning. She will switch to melee combat when her magicka runs dry, with her default weapon being an Elven Dagger. She will equip stronger daggers and swords if given to her and will even wield two-handed weapons.

Bows seem to be her least favored weapon. She will equip a shield if given one, but unequips it as soon as combat starts, so she can use a spell in each hand. She also uses a staff if given a powerful enough one.

She has a high Sneak skill—much more than many other followers. She also prefers light armor and her level is capped 50.


Show: Awakening
Inside Dimhollow Crypt:

"Unh... where is... who sent you here?"

Who were you expecting? "I was expecting someone... like me, at least."
A man named Isran. "I... don't know who that is. Is he... like me?"
That's not your concern. "I think it is, actually. Why would someone who isn't... like me... come all the way down here?"
What do you mean, "like you"? "A... can't you tell just from looking at me? A vampire."
Are you a... "Vampire, yes."
The Dawnguard would want me to kill you. "Not fond of vampires, are they? Well, look. Kill me, you've killed one vampire. But if people are after me, there's something bigger going on. I can help you find out what that is."
Why were you locked away like this? "That's... complicated. And I'm not totally sure if I can trust you. But if you want to know the whole story, help me get back to my family's home."
Template:'''Hide "My family used to live on an island to the west of Solitude. I would guess they still do. By the way... my name is Serana. Good to meet you."
As long as you don't get in the way. "I was going to say the same thing to you."

If a vampire:

"Unh... where is... who sent you here?"

Who were you expecting? "I was expecting someone from my family. I don't recognize you. Are you one of my father's little acolytes?"
A man named Isran. "I... don't know who that is. Is he working for my father?"
That's not your concern. "I think it is, actually. Are you one of my father's little acolytes?"
Who's your father? "He's a very powerful man. Or he was at one point. I'm surprised another vampire hasn't heard of him."
No, a group called the "Dawnguard" sent me here. "That's not a name I know. And it doesn't sound like a name a group of vampires would choose."
How did you know I was a vampire? "You think I can't tell my own kind?"
You're a vampire? "Can't you tell your own kind?"
"I smelled you almost before my eyes were open."
The Dawnguard would want me to kill you. "Don't think that'll keep them from turning on you eventually. They'll figure out what you are."
Why were you locked away like this? "That's... complicated. And I'm not totally sure if I can trust you. But if you want to know the whole story, help me get back to my family's home."
Where do you need to go? (Starts "Bloodline") "My family used to live on an island to the west of Solitude. I would guess they still do. By the way... my name is Serana. Good to meet you."
As long as you don't get in the way. "I was going to say the same thing to you."
Show: Bloodline
Inside Dimhollow Crypt:

"My family used to live on an island to the west of Solitude. I would guess they still do. By the way... my name is Serana. Good to meet you."

Any idea how to get out of here? "Your guess is as good as mine. This place looks pretty different from when I was locked away."
Tell me about your home. "It's on an island near Solitude. Hopefully we can find a boat to take us there. It's my family home. Not the most welcoming place, but depending on whose around, I'll be safe there."
Why wouldn't you be safe there? "Let's just say that my mother and father had a bit of a falling out. Don't worry, I'm not in any danger or anything like that. It'll just be more unpleasant to run into my father."
Someone you don't want to see? "My father and I don't really get along. Ugh, saying it out loud makes it sound so... common. "Little girl who doesn't get along with her father." Read that story a hundred times."
Is that an Elder Scroll? "Yes, it is, and it's mine."
Why do you have an Elder Scroll? "It's... complicated. I can't really talk about it. I'm sorry."
Is it fragile? Do we need to be careful with it? "Ha. Nothing can destroy an Elder Scroll. Worry more about protecting your hide, and let me worry about my things."
How long were you in there? "Good question. Hard to say. I... I can't really tell. I feel like it was a long time. Who is Skyrim's High King?"
That's actually a matter of debate. "Oh, wonderful. A war of succession. Good to know the world didn't get boring while I was gone. Who are the contenders?"
Ulfric Stormcloak is the true High King. "I've... never heard of him. Is he well supported?"
Elisif of Solitude will be High Queen. "I don't know that name. You say she's Jarl of Solitude? Who supports her?"
The Empire supports Ellisif, but there are many in Skyrim loyal to Ulfric. "Empire? What... what empire?"
The... Empire. From Cyrodiil. "Cyrodiil is the seat of an empire? I must have been gone longer than I thought. Definitely longer than we planned. Please, let's hurry. I need to get home so I can figure out what's happened."
Why were you locked away? "I'd... rather not get into that with you. If that's all right. I'm sorry, it's not that... it's just that I don't know who I can trust yet. Let's get to my home, and I'll have a better sense of where we all stand."
Wait here. "If you think I'm going to let you have all the fun, you're crazy. I'll let you lead ahead, but I'll be keeping an eye on you."
Come with me. "Thought you'd never ask."
I need to trade some things with you. "Why don't you keep your things, and I'll keep mine."
I think we should part ways. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

When outside of the cave:

"Ah, it's so good to breathe again! Even in this weather, it's better than the cave."

If brought to Fort Dawnguard:

"I don't like the look of this place. I'll wait for you back by the entrance."

At the Icewater Jetty:

"Umm... this is the part where we usually get in the boat. You with me?"

In front of the castle:

"What now?"

This is your home? "This is it. Home sweet... castle."
Why didn't you tell me it was so huge? "I didn't want you to think I was one of those... you know, the women who just sit in their castle all day? I don't know. Coming from a place like this, well... it's not really me. I hope you can believe that."
It's impressive. "It's something all right."

Upon approaching the castle gate:

"Hey, so... before we go in there..."

What is it? "I wanted to thank you for getting me this far. But after we get in there, I'm going to go my own way for a while. I think... I know your friends would probably want to kill everything in here. I'm hoping you can show some more control than that. Once we're inside, just keep quiet for a bit. Let me take the lead." (Or "I just need to be alone. For a while. There's a lot of feelings wrapped up in this old place, and I don't think you're quite ready for them. So let me take the lead in here." as a vampire)
Are you all right? "I think so. And thanks for asking. I wanted to thank you for getting me this far. But after we get in there, I'm going to go my own way for a while. I think... I know your friends would probably want to kill everything in here. I'm hoping you can show some more control than that. Once we're inside, just keep quiet for a bit. Let me take the lead. (Or "I just need to be alone. For a while. There's a lot of feelings wrapped up in this old place, and I don't think you're quite ready for them. So let me take the lead in here." as a vampire)
What is it now? "Fine, don't worry about it. When we get in, you won't have to babysit about me anymore."
Show: Prophet (Dawnguard)
Inside Fort Dawnguard:

"You probably weren't expecting to see me again."

What are you doing here? "I'd rather not be here either, but I needed to talk to you. It's important, so please just listen before you friend, here, loses his patience. It's... well, it's about me. And the Elder Scroll that was buried with me."
What about the scroll? "The reason I had it... and why I was down there."
What about you? "The reason I was down there... and why I had the Elder Scroll."
"It all comes back to my father. I'm guessing you figured this part out already, but my father's not exactly a good person. Even by vampire standards. He wasn't always like that, though. There was... a turn. He stumbled onto this obscure prophecy and just kind of lost himself in it."
What sort of prophecy? "It's pointless and vague, like all prophecies. The part he latched onto said that vampires would no longer need to fear the sun. That's what he's after. He wants to control the sun, have vampires control the world."
What do you mean... "lost himself"? "He just became absorbed... obsessed. It was kind of sick, actually. The prophecy said that vampires would no longer need to fear the sun. For someone who fancied himself as vampire royalty, that's pretty seductive."
"Anyway, my mother and I didn't feel like inviting a war with all of Tamriel, so we tried to stop him. That's why I was sealed away with the Scroll."
What's all this have to do with the Dawnguard? "I'm sorry, I had heard there were vampire hunters here. I thought they might want to know about a vampire plot to enslave the rest of the world. Was I wrong?"
You took a big risk coming here. "I did. But something about you makes me think I can trust you. I hope I'm not wrong."
No, you're right. We just have to convince the others you're on our side. "Well, let's move on then. I'm nothing if not persuasive."
You want us to help you? "That was the plan, yes. Assuming the rest of them can trust a vampire. Come on, I'll need you to help convince them."

"So far this hasn't been too bad. Gets lonely exploring by myself, though."

After talking with Isran:

"So in case you didn't notice the giant thing on my back, I have the Elder Scroll with me. Whatever it says, it will have something that can help us stop my father. But of course, neither of us can read it."

Who can? "Well, the Moth Priests are the only ones I've heard of who can do it. They spend years preparing before they start reading, though. Not that it helps us anyway, because they're half a continent away in Cyrodiil."

After the conversation between Serana and Isran:

"Any idea how you're going to find a Moth Priest? Skyrim's a pretty big place."

Where would a Moth Priest actually go?
Do you have any ideas?
"Well, back before I... you know. The College of Winterhold was the first place I'd think to go for any kind of magic or historical thing. The wizards know about all kinds of things that people shouldn't know about. Actually, now that I think of it... I'm going to come along with you. I've been really wanting to get out and explore a bit."
What do you know about Elder Scrolls? "I mean... as much as anyone. Not a lot. You'd figure a couple hundred years locked away with one would have given me some insights, but no. Turns out you don't learn much from just sleeping with something."
I guess we'll have to keep looking for that Moth Priest, then. "I guess so."
Are you saying you want to learn more about me? "Not at this rate, no."
Were you always a vampire? "That's... a long story."
I want to hear it. "I guess... we kind of have to go way back. To the very beginning. Do you know where vampirism came from?"
I don't know much about it.
I would guess it came from a daedric lord. "Exactly!"
"The first vampire came from Molag Bal. She... was not a willing subject. But she was still the first. Molag Bal is a powerful daedric lord, and his will is made reality. For those willing to subjugate themselves, he will still bestow the gift, but they must be powerful in their own right before earning his trust."
How did you actually become a vampire, then? "The ceremony was... degrading. Let's not revisit that. But we all took part in it. Not really wholesome family activity, but I guess it's something you do when you give yourselves to a deadric lord."
Do you regret becoming a vampire? "Nobody's ever asked me that before. I... I don't know. I think... mostly I hate what it's done to my family."
How has it affected your family? "Well, you've met most of us. My father's not exactly the most stable, and eventually he drove my mother crazy with him. And it all ended with me being locked underground for who knows how long. It's definitely been a bad thing, on the whole."
It sounds like you weren't thinking clearly. "I'm not sure it's really your place to judge me. To judge us. My family has its problems, but they're our problems. Let's just... move on from here, okay?"
Do you ever think about curing yourself? "A cure? Why even think of it that way? I can't think of any reason I'd want to lose my gift. Especially after what I did to get it. It may have driven my family apart, but I'm still here, and I'm alive. I won't give this up."
Are you all right? "Don't... Just leave me alone for a bit."
Spare me the details. "The short version is that my parents and I... we were followers of Molag Bal."
The daedric princes disgust me. "I know, I know, but just... anyway. Molag Bal is the original source of vampirism, and still grants it to his more worthy followers."
I admire your devotion. "Not many people understand the appeal. You keep surprising me. Now, you might already know that Molag Bal is the original source of vampirism. But what you probably don't know is that he still grants it to his more impressive followers."
I'm a follower of Molag Bal, myself. (If "The House of Horrors" is active or completed) "I have to admit, I'm impressed. I didn't think you had the spirit for it. Now, you might already know that Molag Bal is the original source of vampirism. But what you probably don't know is that he still grants it to his more impressive followers."
"This isn't that watered down child's power that you simply contract from another vampire. We're pureblood creations of original vampires. We earned this."
Show: Prophet (Vampire)
Inside Castle Volkihar:

"Any idea how you're going to find a Moth Priest? Skyrim's a pretty big place."

Where would a Moth Priest actually go?
Do you have any ideas?
"Well, back before I... you know. The College of Winterhold was the first place I'd think to go for any kind of magic or historical thing. The wizards know about all kinds of things that people shouldn't know about. Actually, now that I think of it... I'm going to come along with you. I've been really wanting to get out and explore a bit."
What do you know about Elder Scrolls? "I mean... as much as anyone. Not a lot. You'd figure a couple hundred years locked away with one would have given me some insights, but no. Turns out you don't learn much from just sleeping with something."
I guess we'll have to keep looking for that Moth Priest, then. "I guess so."
Are you saying you want to learn more about me? "Not at this rate, no."
Were you always a vampire? "That's... a long story."
I want to hear it. "I guess... we kind of have to go way back. To the very beginning. Do you know where vampirism came from?"
I don't know much about it.
I would guess it came from a daedric lord. "Exactly!"
"The first vampire came from Molag Bal. She... was not a willing subject. But she was still the first. Molag Bal is a powerful daedric lord, and his will is made reality. For those willing to subjugate themselves, he will still bestow the gift, but they must be powerful in their own right before earning his trust."
How did you actually become a vampire, then? "The ceremony was... degrading. Let's not revisit that. But we all took part in it. Not really wholesome family activity, but I guess it's something you do when you give yourselves to a deadric lord."
Do you regret becoming a vampire? "Nobody's ever asked me that before. I... I don't know. I think... mostly I hate what it's done to my family."
How has it affected your family? "Well, you've met most of us. My father's not exactly the most stable, and eventually he drove my mother crazy with him. And it all ended with me being locked underground for who knows how long. It's definitely been a bad thing, on the whole."
It sounds like you weren't thinking clearly. "I'm not sure it's really your place to judge me. To judge us. My family has its problems, but they're our problems. Let's just... move on from here, okay?"
Do you ever think about curing yourself? "A cure? Why even think of it that way? I can't think of any reason I'd want to lose my gift. Especially after what I did to get it. It may have driven my family apart, but I'm still here, and I'm alive. I won't give this up."
Are you all right? "Don't... Just leave me alone for a bit."
Spare me the details. "The short version is that my parents and I... we were followers of Molag Bal."
The daedric princes disgust me. "I know, I know, but just... anyway. Molag Bal is the original source of vampirism, and still grants it to his more worthy followers."
I admire your devotion. "Not many people understand the appeal. You keep surprising me. Now, you might already know that Molag Bal is the original source of vampirism. But what you probably don't know is that he still grants it to his more impressive followers."
I'm a follower of Molag Bal, myself. (If "The House of Horrors" is active or completed) "I have to admit, I'm impressed. I didn't think you had the spirit for it. Now, you might already know that Molag Bal is the original source of vampirism. But what you probably don't know is that he still grants it to his more impressive followers."
"This isn't that watered down child's power that you simply contract from another vampire. We're pureblood creations of original vampires. We earned this."
Show: Chasing Echoes
Inside Castle Volkihar:

"Do you have a moment to talk?"

What's on your mind? "That Moth Priest, Dexion. He said we needed two other Elder Scrolls. I think I know where we can start looking."
Why didn't you say something earlier? "Didn't want that lot getting wind of it. Especially my father. (Or "Half the people of your little crew would just as soon kill me as talk to me. That doesn't exactly make me want to open up. I got a warmer welcome from my father, and that's saying something." if a member of the Dawnguard)"
What is it between you two? "Ever since he decided to make that prophecy his calling, we kind of drifted apart."
Do you trust Harkon at all? "It's not a question of trust... he's just obsessed with the prophecy. And from what I could tell, a thousand extra years of obsession haven't made him any better. We should have found him a hobby."
Does Harkon even care about you anymore? "You know, I've asked myself the same thing. I thought... I hoped that if he saw me, he might feel something again. But I guess I don't really factor in at this point."
"I don't even think he sees me as his daughter anymore. I'm just... a means to an end."
So where is this Elder Scroll? "We need to find my mother, Valerica. She'll definitely know where it is, and if we're lucky, she actually has it herself."
You said you didn't know where she went. "The last time I saw her, she said that she'd go somewhere safe... somewhere that my father would never search. Other than that, she wouldn't tell me anything. But the way she said it... "someplace he would never search." It was cryptic, yet she called attention to it."
Sounds like she was being cautious. "Maybe. What I can't figure out is why she said it that way."
We can't waste time on cryptic clues. "If you have a better lead than this, I'm all ears."
Maybe your mother didn't trust you, either. "That's always a possibility. She was almost as obsessed as my father by the time she shut me in. But I can't worry about that now. We need the scroll, and she's our only lead."
"Besides, I can't imagine a single place my father would avoid looking. And he's had all this time, too. Any ideas?"
Hiding with the Dawnguard? "I doubt my mather would waste her time with those fools. They probably would have tried to kill her, and that has a way of souring relationships. Any other ideas? (Or "They'd be even less welcoming to her than they've been to me. It would have been a bloodbath. And since the Dawnguard are still around, that must not have happened. Any other ideas?" if a member of the Dawnguard.)"
Sealed away like you were? "I don't think so. She said she wanted to stay awake in case the situation was resolved. It had to be one of us, and, well, she's so much more powerful than I am. It just made sense for her to be out here. Anything else?"
How about right here, in the castle? (Or "In Castle Volkihar" if a member of the Dawnguard) "Wait... that almost makes sense! I used to help my mother tend a garden in the courtyard here. All of the ingredients for our potions came from there. She used to say that my father couldn't stand the place. Too... peaceful."
Isn't that pretty risky, staying around the castle? "Oh, absolutely. But my mother's not a coward. That is... I don't think we'll actually trip over her there. But it's worth a look."
They aren't going to let us use the front door. (As a member of the Dawnguard) "True. But I know a way we can get to the courtyard without arousing suspicion."
'How can we get in without your father noticing? (As a Volkihar vampire) "Trust me. I lived here for a very long time and I know every nook and cranny.
"There's an unused inlet on the northern side of the island that was used by the previous owners to bring supplies into the castle. An old escape tunnel from the castle exits there. I think that's our way in."
Let's go to the castle's secret entrance. "Come on. It's just around the side. (Or "It's around the side of the castle. Let's move." if a member of the Dawnguard)"
Actually, I have some things to do first. "Don't let me stand in your way, then. I'll be at the dock whenever you're ready."
Can't it wait? "Well, you could waste a lot of time trying to figure out our next move, or you could let me help. Your choice."

If refused to go to the inlet:

"I'm ready if you are."

Let's go to the castle's secret entrance. "Come on. It's just around the side."
Actually, I have some things to do first. "Don't let me stand in your way, then. I'll be at the dock whenever you're ready."

If approached again:

"Yes, what did you need?"

Any clues about the other Elder Scroll? "Dexion said something about that scroll. What was it... something to do with dragons I think? Maybe we should try asking at the College of Winterhold. Sounds like something they'd know about."
Were you and Valerica close? "Before my father became obsessed with the prophecy, mother and I spent quite a bit of time together. She was very fond of her alchemical garden in the castle courtyard. She taught me quite a bit about cultivating quality reagents."
So you always got along? "Like the best of friends. I would never hesitate to share anything with her."
But then it all changed. "It was very sudden. It was almost like one day we were a normal family, and then the next I didn't know who they were. I'd try to visit my mother in the garden, and she'd quickly shoo me away saying she was much too busy."
That's why we're headed there? "She had to be up to something in that garden. I'm hoping it's a clue that will tell us where she went."
Tell me about your family. "There's not a whole lot to tell. You've already seen my father's obsession. My mother's not a whole lot better, but you'll see that soon enough."
Were you close with them? "My father... no, not really. I did spend a lot of time with my mother, but she saw me more like a protege than a daughter."
It sounds like you don't like either of them very much. "It's not that simple. I guess it never is with families, is it?"
"What about you? What were your parents like?"
They were good people. I miss them. "Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to bring up a bad memory."
We should keep moving. "Right behind you."
It's fine. "Let's... uh... let's just keep going."
We're very close. I can't wait to see them again. "You're a good son."
We should keep moving. "Right behind you."
I try. "Yeah. Let's... uh... let's just keep going."
We didn't really get along. Best that I haven't seen them in a while. "That's too bad. Do you know how they're doing now?"
Nobody hears from them much anymore. "Oh. I... I see. Let's... uh... let's just keep going."
No, but we're all better off this way. "That makes sense. Let's... uh... let's just keep going."
I never knew them. I grew up alone. "I know how that feels. I mean... I know it isn't the same thing. But I was a pretty lonely child, myself."
Do you still feel lonely? "Not as much. Let's... uh... let's just keep going."
That's too bad. "It is. Let's... uh... let's just keep going."

"I can't wait to see the courtyard again."

During the journey to the courtyard:

"Yeah, just aroubd this bend."
"Castle looks so big from down here. I mean, it is big, but, well, even bigger."
"The old water cistern. On some days, this would smell just... be glad you weren't here then."
"Take the left up here. This is one of those weird double-barred security measures that my father put in when he got more paranoid. If we follow that path around, we can find the other switch."
"This leads out to the courtyard. Just head for the door."

At the courtyard:

"We've mad it to the courtyard. Oh no... What happened to this place? Everything's been torn down... the whole place looks... well, dead. It's like we're the first to set foot here in centuries. This used to lead into the castle's great hall. It looks like my father had it sealed up. I used to walk through here after evening meals. It was beautiful, once. This was my mother's garden. It... do you know how beautiful something can be when it's tended by a master for hundreds of years? She would have hated to see it like this. Wait... Something's wrong with the moondial here. Some of the crests are missing and the dial is askew. I didn't even know the crests could be removed. Maybe my mother's trying to tell us something?"
"I'm telling you, there's something strange with the moondial."
"If we had the crests, we wouldn't have to keep hanging around this lovely place."

What's so special about the moondial? "Well, as far as I'm aware it's the only one in existence. The previous owners of the castle had a sundial in the courtyard, and obviously that didn't appeal to my mother. She persuaded an elven artisan to make some improvements. You can see the plates that show the phases of the moons, Masser and Secunda."
Does it work? "That's the thing... what's the point of a moondial? I always wondered why she didn't just have the whole thing ripped out. But she loved it. I don't know. I guess it's like having a piece of art, if you're into that sort of thing."
So what exactly am I doing to it? "Hard to say. Maybe if we found the missing crests, we could figure it out."
What happened to the castle courtyard? "If I had to guess, I'd say the moment mother fled the castle, father went on a rampage. Knowing him, anything at all that reminded him of her was just destroyed."
Then he just walled it off. "It appears that way. I suppose he wanted to put the past behind him. Perhaps if he had spent more time with us, he would have recognized the beauty for himself."

"Look around for the missing crests. Even in this mess, they should stick out."

After placing the crests:

"Very clever, mother. Very clever. I've never been in those tunnels before, but I'd bet they run right under the courtyard and into the tower ruins. Well, at least we're getting closer. Let's go."

Inside the ruins:

"I've never even seen this part of the castle before. Be careful. I don't know what might be around." "We're getting close, I'm sure of it."

Do you know this place? "I had always just assumed that the other tower was completely destroyed inside. My mother kept this a secret, even from me. She must have been up to something she thought was dangerous."
Did your mother keep gargoyles here? (Upon encountering a gargoyle) "Not that I ever saw. My mother had a bit of a thing for magical constructs. Not... not what you're thinking. She just found them fascinating."

"Turns out my mother is sneakier than I thought. I wonder what she's hiding?"

Upon reaching the gargoyle room:

"I don't think we've reached the top yet. I'd bet there's some kind of secret passage around here."
"Leave it to my mother... always smarter than I gave her credit for."

Upon finding Valerica's Study:

"Look at this place. This has to be it! I knew she was deep into necromancy. I mean, she taught me everything I know. But I had no idea she had a setup like this. Look at all this. She must have spent years collecting these components. And what's this thing? I'm not sure about this circle, but it's obviously... something."
"Let's take a look around. There has to be something here that tells us where she's gone."

What exactly are we looking for? "My mother was meticulous about her research. If we can find her notes, there might be some hints in there."
Your mother maintained quite a laboratory. "I had no idea that her laboratory even existed. She had an alchemy setup in her drawing room, but nothing that even comes close to what's here."
What did she research? "Looking at the equipment and materials, it looks like she was trying to advance her necromancy."
To what end? "I don't know. Certainly not longevity. Kind of a waste of time for a vampire."

"I remember she used to keep a small journal. See if you can dig it up."

Upon finding Valerica's Journal:

"Any luck yet?"

I've found your mother's notes. "You did? Let me see them."
What's this "Soul Cairn" that she mentions? "I only know what she told me. She had a theory about soul gems. That the souls inside of them don't just vanish when they're used... they end up in the Soul Cairn."
Why did she care where used souls went? "The Soul Cairn is home to very powerful beings. Necromancers send them souls, and receive powers of their own in return. My mother spent a lot of time trying to contact them directly, to travel to the Soul Cairn itself."
If she made it there, we'll find her. "That circle in the center of the room is definitely some type of portal. If I'm reading this right, there's a formula here that should give us safe passage into the Soul Cairn."
What do we need? "A handful of soul gem shards, some finely-ground bone meal, a good bit of purified void salts... Oh... damn it..."
What's wrong? "We're also going to need a sample of her blood. Which... if we could get that, we wouldn't even be trying to do this in the first place."
You share her blood. "Hmmm. Not bad. We'd better hope that's good enough. Mistakes with these kind of portals can be... gruesome. Anyway, enough of that. Let's get started."
Are all of those ingredients here? "Oh, definitely. Mother would have plenty of those materials in her laboratory, you just need to find them."

"Having trouble finding those ingredients?"

Anything you can tell me about the Soul Cairn? "The Soul Cairn is a tiny sliver of Oblivion, the realm of the daedra. It's ruled by unseen beings known as the Ideal Masters."
Why was your mother so fascinated by it? "Honestly, I don't know. Necromancers are always interested in souls, though, so that probably has some kind of interest."
What exactly are the Ideal Masters? "Nobody really knows. As far as I've heard, no one's seen them and returned to Tamriel to tell about it."
Then how are you sure they even exist? "I've read stories. Stories about fools that managed to... communicate with them. You give the Ideal Masters souls, they give you powers to summon the undead. It's all very business-like."
Fools? Why do you say that? "Because most of the stories end with the Ideal Masters duping the necromancers, who end up dead or wishing they were dead."

"They shouldn't be that hard to find. Shelves, tables... should be easy to find. She wouldn't have hidden them."

After collecting the ingredients:

"Get the ingredients in the vessel and let me know when you're ready."
"Just get all the ingredients into the vessel."

After placing the ingredients:

"Then the rest is up to me. Are you ready to go? I'm not entirely sure what this thing is going to do when I add my blood."

Can I ask you something first? "Of course. What is it?"
What will you do if we find your mother? "I've been asking myself the same thing since we came back to the castle. She was so sure of what we did to my father, I couldn't help but go along with her. I never thought of the cost."
It sounds like she did everything for your sake. "Possibly. I guess even a vampire mother is still a mother. She worried about me. About all of us. But she wanted to get me as far away from my father as possible before he really went over the edge."
I don't know what she was thinking. "Neither do I. She always seemed happy, before we heard the prophecy. Then it all changed. She became a different person. They both did."
It sounds like she was pretty selfish. "She wasn't, always. But I think you're right. She was practically smirking as we left home. Almost like she was proud of herself. Like she didn't want to just stop my father... she wanted to stick it to him, too."
We won't know uyntil we find her. "Yes... yes, you're right. I'm sorry. I just didn't expect anyone to care how I felt about her. Thank you. Are we ready then?"
Let's get that portal open. "All right. Here goes."
I have some preparations to make, first. "I'll be here. Don't take too long, now!"
I'm ready. "Okay, here goes."

When the portal opens:

"By the blood of my ancestors... She actually did it... created a portal to the Soul Cairn. Incredible."
"Incredible. Simply incredible."
"I'm ready when you are."

Show: Beyond Death
Inside the Soul Cairn:

"Let's go. My mother must be waiting on the other side of that thing."
"Look at this place. I can't imagine choosing to come here. My mother must have been terrified."
"You'd think a vampire would be right at home in this place. You'd be wrong. Let's just find my mother and get out of here, quickly."

Do you know anything about this place? "Just what my mother told me. I've also studied a little bit on my own, but there's not much. When something is trapped in a soul gem, and then the energy is used for powering an enchantment, the remnants are sent here."
Any soul gem? "Well, I think it's specifically the black ones. I don't know if the Soul Cairn takes just any leftovers."
Does anything live here? "Look at this place. Do you think anything would want to live here? The only things that can survive here are the Ideal Masters, the undead and the souls themselves. Well, if you want to call that "living.""
Do you think we'll meet the Ideal Masters? "I don't think anyone's ever met the Ideal Masters. I'm not even sure anyone knows what they look like. They could be underground, flying above us... They might be the ground. I have no idea."
Why are they collecting these souls? "Lots of theories. Some say they feed on them like I feed on blood. Others think they use them as payment to an even higher power... almost like a currency. A very strange currency. Whatever they're doing with them, they've been harvesting for millennia. No telling how many souls are trapped here."
Why would a necromancer want to deal with them? "Look around you. There are some extremely powerful undead here. Even a necromancers as seasoned as my mother would be willing to spend years trying to gain access to them."
Summon them you mean? "Exactly. It's a lost art. Most necromancers just raise up whatever bodies are nearby. A simple trick, really. Child's play. But bringing something from the Soul Cairn gives you something much more powerful."
How do the necromancers communicate with them? "Well, that's usually the trick. It's possible to do it through a simple portal. But to finalize the deal, you have to travel here yourself... and most of them never come back."
Are you sure Valerica has the Elder Scroll? "No, but there's no way she would have left it in Tamriel. She wanted to get it as far away from my father as possible. I can't imagine a better place."
And if she doesn't? "Then we find out where she hid it. If she's still alive... well, as alive as she was before. Or is now. Or... you know what I mean."
Why not hide it in the Soul Cairn and then return? "Probably to avoid whatever my father would do to her if he could get his hands on her. Or maybe her plan was to come back, but she was stuck here. We won't know until we find her."

After talking with Valerica:

"Let's kill those... Keeper things and get back to the prison."
"I can't believe we found my mother alive... well, you know what I mean."
"I'm glad you're here. I don't think I could be doing this alone."

How are you feeling after talking to your mother? "Relieved... I think. All those things had been building for a while. You have no idea how long I wanted to say that to her."
Why did you ever agree to her plan? "Look, I loved my father, but when he found that prophecy... that became his life. Everything else, even me and my mother... we just became clutter. I was close with my mother, but she just kept feeding me her opinions of him, and eventually I started believing them."
She doesn't seem too fond of him. "The moment we gave ourselves to Molag Bal, things got really icy between them. They were both drunk with power, and pulling in different directions. Then he found that prophecy, and... that was it."
It sounds like you already didn't like him much. "Like I said, we were never very close. Not a lot of father-daughter bonding if you know what I mean. But once we threw our lot in with Molag Bal... people just don't think about their families anymore. "Power takes precedence," he always said."
And you were caught in the middle. "I was. Honestly, it took me up until now to figure out that my mother was really just as bad as he was. He was obsessed with power. She was obsessed with seeing him fail. It was just so... toxic. Maybe I could have seen this coming. We could all be better off now."
You shouldn't blame yourself. "I know that in my head. But I just can't help feeling bad about... the way things are. Sorry, I know you're trying to help. Thanks."
It probably didn't have anything to do with you. "That's easy to say, but I definitely didn't help things."
It sounds like they were both being selfish. "Oh, they definitely were. I just wonder if that meant it was my job to be giving."
"Anyway, we should keep moving."

After killing the Keepers:

"The barrier should be gone now. Let's head back."

After killing Durnehviir:

"Come on, she's leading us to the scroll."

After talking with Valerica:

"Come on, let's go home."
"The sooner we get the scroll home, the sooner we deal with my father."
"I'm glad we found the scroll, but I... I wish she could come with us."

Show: Unseen Visions
Inside Castle Volkihar:


Does it bother you that we're working with your father? "I figured it would be more of an issue for you."
Why would it matter more to me? "Don't tell me you're that naive. Really? Oh, wow. All right, well, what do you think my father's going to do once we bring the bow to him?"
This isn't going to end well, is it? "No, it's probably not. I mean, what do you think my father will do when we bring him the bow?"
He'll want to use it. "Of course he will. But at that point, he'll have everything he's ever wanted."
We'll celebrate our victory. "And I thought my father was the delusional one. At that point, you'll have given him everything he's ever wanted."
"He won't need either of us anymore."
I've proven my value to him. "No, you've proven your strength to him. Which just makes you a more dangerous rival."
You think he'll try to kill us? "You'll have shown yourself to be strong, which means you can't be allowed to just stick around. And I'll be unnecessary when he has it."
So what do we do? "I think you know. We both know what's going to have to happen once we find the bow. Keep strong, and eyes open. We're on a different path now."
Then we'll have to take care of him. "Not until we have the bow. But... you're right. This won't be easy. But we can handle it."

Inside the grove:

"Hmph... not very impressive, is it? If this ends up being a wasted trip, your friend Dexion and I are going to have some words when we get back."
"Wow. Look at this place. No one's been here in centuries. I doubt there's any other place like it in Skyrim. It's beautiful."

If approached:

"What now?"

Have you ever seen anything like this? "It's not like anything else in Skyrim, I can tell you that much. From now or... before. There's probably groves like this all over Tamriel. Most people just don't even know what to look for."

After collecting one group of moths:


Damn moths! Why are they doing that? "Ha ha. They seem quite taken to you now that you're carrying some of the tree bark. I guess we should have seen this coming... Moth Priests, moths... they're apparently related in some way. Couldn't hurt to gather more I suppose."
How many more? "Well, unless my vision's playing tricks, there seems to be some sort of magical effect around you. Seems like we're on the right track. Otherwise, I don't have the faintest idea."

While collecting the moths:

"Well, we got the knife... now all we need to do is track down one of those Canticle Trees."
"Hope the moths like that bark as much as Dexion said they would."
"Look at them... they've definitely taken a liking to you. And unless I'm seeing things, you're starting to... glimmer."
"Woah! I think that might have been what we were waiting for. Let's head back up there and see if we can read the scrolls."

After collecting seven groups:


Now what? "The effect around you looks an awful lot like that huge column of light shining on the dais. Let's check that out."

After reading the Elder Scrolls:

"Are you okay? Almost thought I lost you there... you went white as the snow."

Don't worry, I'm fine. "I never trusted those damn scrolls. Who knows what those things could have done to you... just look at Dexion."
That felt strange. "I could see it in your eyes. You looked about a thousand leagues away."
Never mind that... it worked! "After everything we've been through, it had damn well better work."
"What about Ariel's Bow? Do you know where we can find it?"
It's in a place called Darkfall Cave. "Then it's almost over. We can finally rewrite the prophecy as we see fit. Where is this "Darkfall Cave?""
The scrolls gave me its exact location. "Then let's get going. I want to get there before my father has a chance to track us down."
Show: Touching the Sky
Inside the Ancestor Glade:


What do you know about Auriel's Bow? "Not much. If you read any history, it shows up from time to time, but it's a hard thing to track. As far as I know, though, it's never been held by a vampire. That would be a new one."
What does it have to do with the sun? "Auriel is one of the elven gods. He's with the rest of them in Aetherius. The way I've heard it, the sun represents the connection from our world to theirs. Supposedly, the bow draws its energy from the sun itself, which is why it shows up in that prophecy."
What exactly does it do? "That part, I don't know. Once we have it, hopefully it'll be obvious."
I think we should part ways. "All right. I'll meet you at Darkfall Cave."

Inside Darkfall Cave, past the bridge:

"Something's not right here. Be careful. I think we may be in for some trouble."

Upon finding the campsite:

"I wonder what happened to them. These people were... why would anyone want to set up camp here?"

When approaching the Wayshrine:

"I don't like the look of this..."

Upon entering the wayshrine's portal:

"That... wasn't as unpleasant as I thought it would be. Kind of soothing, actually. I feel a little warmer, now."

At the Falmer encampment:

"I don't like the look of this..."
"Hmmm. Pull chains and traps. Be careful here. Whatever's on the other side of this, the Falmer wanted to keep there."
"Never saw anything like this back on the island."
"I think that's another wayshrine up there. Here we go."

Inside the Forgotten Vale:

"What now?"

It's ironic that we're "helping" these priests. "Honestly, I don't think they care what a bunch of vampires would do with Auriel's Bow. They're pretty focused on the past. As long as we can get this "Vyrthur" out of the Sanctum, I think they'll be happy to just hand it over."

Upon approaching the second wayshrine:

"Is that another one of those wayshrines up there? I wonder where this one goes..."

When approaching the river in the Vale:

"It... almost doesn't even look real. You know?"

Inside the Glacial Crevice:

"This is the kind of thing I've been wanting to see. Makes everything else worth it. Poor thing. I know it would have tried to kill us, but still..."
"Not the most solid construction here. About what I'd expect from... creatures like this."

Near the chantry:

"That... has to be the place. I've never seen a building like that before. It looks like some kind of temple. By the blood... The bow has to be in here."

Inside the chantry:

"These Falmer are... they're frozen in the ice. And I thought the Soul Cairn was creepy."

After being downed in Vyrthur's throne room:

"Are you alright? Come on, we can do this. I know we can. He's up there on the balcony. Come on!"

After obtaining the bow:

"It's... not as shiny as I was expecting. Still, it's beautiful."

What do we do now? "Well, before we spoke to my mother in the Soul Cairn, I would have said we bring the bow to my father. But after everything with her... I don't think we can trust him."
Then we kill him, before he kills us. "I keep thinking there's got to be another way, but he'll turn on us both the moment he gets the chance."
We have the bow, he'll listen to us. "Have you been paying attention to everything that's happened? He'll betray us the second our backs are turned."
We should honor our agreement with him. "Are you out of your mind? The moment you hand over the bow your usefulness ends. He'll kill you and then he'll take my blood for the damn prophecy."
"No. He has to die. We have no choice."
Then let's face him, together. "Thank you. Somehow I knew you'd understand."

If approached again:


Vyrthur was saying something about vampire blood and the bow... "It sounds like... that's the last bit of the prophecy. The blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour can corrupt the bow."
Can I use your blood, then? "Sure... do you have any arrows, though? They would have to be of elven quality, I'd guess."
You're a Daughter of Coldharbour. "So I am. I guess we could use my blood. Do you have any arrows. Elven arrows. I'm not just going to bleed on any old thing."
I'd like to treat some arrows with your blood. "Let's just get this over with."
I'd like to treat some arrows with your blood. (With an insuffient amount of elven arrows) "I think you'll need to find some arrows, first. Only elven ones will work for this, remember?"
I'm not going to take your blood right now. "Oh. All right, then."
Are you ready to do this? "I don't think you can ever be ready to kill your parent. I'm doing my best not to think of him as my father anymore."
That's a good way to be thinking. "I know you didn't know your parents. But if they were anything like mine, you're better off."
Let me know if you need anything. "We've got enough to worry about right now. You stay focused, and I'll worry about me."
Are you ready to do this? "Just... leave me alone for now. I'll be fine."
Show: Kindred Judgment
Inside Castle Volkihar:

"No... it's not working!"
"The bow! Use the bow!"
"Get it now while we can!"
"Quick, the bow!"
"Break his shield! Hurry!"

After the fight:

"Well, now that's done."

What will you do now? "I'm not sure. I'll probably stay here, for as long as they'll let me. I think we can rebuild here. Make my family's legacy something more respectable. Of course, if you've got any more adventures planned..."
I'd love to have you along. "That's what I wanted to hear."
I don't think they'll involve you. "Suit yourself."



Isran: "This vampire showed up while you were away. I'm guessing it's the one you found in Dimhollow Crypt. Says it's got something really important to say to you. So let's hear it."
[After talking with Serana and Isran]
Isran: "You hear me? Don't feel like a guest, because you're not. You're a resource. You're an asset. In the meantime, don't make me regert my sudden outburst of tolerance and generosity, because if you do, your friend here is going to pay for it."
Serana: "Thank you for your kindness. I'll remember it the next time I'm feeling hungry."
[After talking with Serana again]
Isran: "Some Imperial scholar arrived in Skyrim a few days ago. I was staking out the road when I saw him pass by. Maybe that's your Moth Priest."
Serana: "Do you know where he's staying now?"
Isran: "No, and I'm not going to waste men looking. We're fighting a war against your kind, and I intend to win it. You want to find him, try talking to anyone who'd meet a traveler. Innkeepers and carriage drivers in the big cities maybe. But you're on your own."

Valerica, Vampire

Serana: "Mother? Mother!"
Valerica: "Maker... it can't be. Serana?"
Serana: "Is it really you? I can't believe it! How do we get inside? We have to talk."
Valerica: "Serana? What are you doing here? Where's your father?"
Serana: "He doesn't know we're here. I don't have time to explain."
Valerica: "I must have failed. Harkon's found a way to decipher the prophecy, hasn't he."
Serana: "No, you've got it all wrong. We're here to complete the prophecy our way, not his."
Valerica: "Wait a moment... you've brought a stranger here? Have you lost your mind?"
Serana: "No, you don't..."
Valerica: "You. Come forward. I would speak with you."
[After talking with Valerica]
Valerica: "This stranger may call himself vampire, but he knoes nothing of our struggle, Why should I entrust you to him?"
Serana: "This "stranger" has done more for me in the brief time I've known him than you've done in centuries!"
Valerica: "How dare you! I gave up everything I cared about to protect you from that fanatic you call a father!"
Serana: "Yes, he's a fanatic... he's changed. But he's still my father. Why can't you understand how that makes me feel?"
Valerica: "Oh, Serana. If you'd only open your eyes. The moment your father discovers your role in the prophecy, that he needs your blood, you'd be in terrible danger."
Serana: "So to protect me you decided to shut me away from everything I cared about? You never asked me if hiding me in that tomb was the best course of action, you just expected me to follow you blindly. Both of you were obsessed with your own paths. Your motivations might have been different, but in the end, I'm still just a pawn to you, too. I want us to be a family again. But I don't know if we can ever have that. Maybe we don't deserve that kind of happiness. Maybe it isn't for us. But we have to stop him. Before he goes too far. And to do that, we need the Elder Scroll."
Valerica: "I'm sorry, Serana. I didn't know... I didn't see. I've allowed my hatred of your father to enstrange us for too long. Forgive me. If you want the Elder Scroll, it's yours."


Serana: "Wait... I hear something!"
Valerica: "It's Durnehviir... he's here! Defend yourselves!"

Auriel's Bow

Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "Did you really come here expecting to claim Auriel's Bow? You've done exactly as I predicted and brought your fetching companion to me."
Serana: "Wait, is he talking about me?"
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "Which, I'm sorry to say, means your usefulness is at an end!"
[After killing the first wave of Falmer]
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "An impressive display, but a wasted effort. You delay nothing but your own deaths!"
Serana: "Watch out! He's pulling down the ceiling!"
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "Finish them!"
[After killing the second wave of Falmer]
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "This has gone on long enough."
Serana: "Your life ends here, Vyrthur!"
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "Child, my life ended long before you were born!"
[After killing the third wave of Falmer]
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "No... I won't let you ruin centuries of preparations..."
Serana: "Surrender and give us the bow!"
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "Death first!"
[After the collapsing of the chantry]
Serana: "Enough, Vyrthur. Give us the bow!"
Arch-Curate Vyrthur "How dare you. I was the Arch-Curate of Auri-El, girl. I had the ears of a god!"
Serana: "Until the "Betrayed" corrupted you. Yes, yes. We've heard this sad story"
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "Gelebor and his kind are easily manipulated fools. Look into my eyes, Serana. You tell me what I am."
Serana: "You're... you're a vampire? But Auriel should have protected you..."
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "The moment I was infected by one of my own Initiates, Auri-El turned his back on me. I swore I'd have my revenge, no matter what the cost."
Serana: "You want to take revenge... on a god?"
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "Auri-El himself may have been beyond my reach, but his influence on our world wasn't. All I needed was the blood of a vampire and his own weapon, Auriel's Bow."
Serana: "The blood of a vampire... Auriel's Bow... It... it was you? You created that prophecy?"
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "A prophecy that lacked a single, final ingredient... the blood of a pure vampire. The blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour."
Serana: "You were waiting... all this time for someone with my blood to come along. Well, too bad for you... I intend on keeping it. Let's see if your blood has any power to it!"
Arch-Curate Vyrthur: "What trickery is this?"

Kindred Judgment

Harkon: "So, you've returned. Is your... pet keeping you entertained?"
Serana: "You know why we're here."
Harkon: "Of course I do. You disappoint me, Serana. You've taken everything I provided for you and thrown it all away for this... pathetic being (Or "half-breed vampire" if a vampire)."
Serana: "Provided for me? Are you insane? You've destroyed our family. You've killed other vampires. All over some prophecy that we barely understand. No more. I'm done with you. You will not touch him."
Harkon: "So, I see this dragon has fangs. Your voice drips with the venom of your mother's infleunce. How alike you've become."
Serana: "No... Because unlike her, I'm not afraid of you. Not anymore."
Harkon: "And you..."
[During the fight]
Serana: "Tough day for you!"
Serana: "Sorry it had to be this way!"
Serana: "This won't end well for you!"
Serana: "I won't fall for your tricks!"
Serana: "It's time for you to suffer!"
Harkon: "No... Serana... your own father..."

Garan: "Lord Harkon, defeated. I never imagined I'd see the day. My lady, you have my deepest sympathies. I'm sure this was not easy for you."
Serana: "He was out of control, Garan. It had to be done. I'm not happy about this. He... he was still my father. But I suppose my father really died a long time ago. This was just the end of something else."
Garan: "Of course, my dear. All will be well now."


Quote Topic Audio
"I'd read stories about the Solitude windmill, but I didn't expect it to be that big!" When in Solitude
"From the castle, you used to just be able to see Solitude over the mountains. It's exactly what I imagined." When in Solitude
"They used to call Windhelm, "the City of Kings." In my books, anyway." When in Windhelm
"I had expected Ysgramor's city to be... bigger." When in Windhelm
"What a curious city. It's so... open." When in Whiterun
"This place makes me a little uneasy." When in Riften
"These people seem nervous, which makes me nervous." When in Riften
"This land feels... twisted. I'm surprised my father didn't want to live out here." When in The Reach
"Rocks and valley, crevices and hiding places. This is the kind of place where hermits and fanatics dwell." When in The Reach
"I've never seen leaves this color." When in The Rift
"I'm okay with the dark, but I've spent more than my share of time in caves already." When near a cave
"Let's move faster. The sun is... it's not great for my skin, if you know what I mean." When outside
"This must be that beautiful Skyrim weather I've always heard about." When outside
"I'm no fan of the sun, but it would be better than this." When outside
"Let's get indoors. Or in a cave. Anywhere, just out of this." When outside
"Good, let's get inside there. The sun is starting to get to me." When outside
"I was always taught to avoid these types of ruins. I think I see why, now." When near an ancient Nordic ruin
"Nordic ruins. Even older than I am. I wonder if the draugr are as gullible as they were when I was a girl." When near an ancient Nordic ruin
"Does the air feel... heavy down here? I'm a little woozy, but it might just be from waking up." When inside a cave
"It'll be good to get outside and breathe again. I haven't missed the sunlight, but I do miss fresh air." When inside a cave
"So this is the grand tour of Skyrim's caves that you're showing me?" When inside a cave
"Is this a dwarven city? I can't believe they'd let it get so run down." When in a Dwarven ruin
"I always wondered what the dwarves actually looked like. I hear they're like elves, but with beards." When in a Dwarven ruin
"Oh Wow. This is gorgeous. I'm glad you're here with me." When entering Bloated Man's Grotto


  • Serana is voiced by Laura Bailey.[3]
  • Serana politely refuses a proposal of marriage, mentioning her unease with temples and complicated history.
  • Even if she is in Solstheim, Serana still may say, "This must be that beautiful Skyrim weather I've always heard about."
  • After Serana is cured, her eyes retain a faint glow to them, causing the whites to look yellow.
  • During "Unseen Visions," her RefID inside the Ancestor Grove is changed to xx00feca and returns to normal when the Dragonborn exits the cave after receiving the vision.
  • If Serana is made unessential via console commands and then killed, she will sometimes scream "Nooo!" upon death. This implies that there was an idea for her death to be a possibility, but this was scrapped from the game.


This section contains bugs related to Serana. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template  360  /  XB1  ,  PS3  /  PS4  ,  PC  /  MAC  ,  NX  /  PS5  ,  XS  , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
Click to show a list of bugs.
  •  PC   She may suddenly become intangible to any source of damage or staggering effects.
    •  PC (Fix)   This can be fixed by using the command setghost 0 on her.
  •  360   She might get stuck in one place as if being ordered to wait. Pushing her with Unrelenting Force can fix this.
  •  360   PS3   Sometimes, when sneak is entered and then left, she will continue to be sneaking. Entering another cell should fix this.
  •  360   If told to wait, the option to "Follow me" may not appear when spoken to. If the cell is unloaded, she may disappear forever. This can only be fixed with console commands.
    • If the main questline for Dawnguard is finished, asking to part ways may fix this. If she will not continue following during the questline, she will appear at scenarios requiring her. If not, using ally commands to move her into the area may also work.
    • Sleeping for 3 days and then entering a new area will cause her to come running up towards the Dragonborn.
  •  360   It may be impossible to recruit her again once dismissed. The only known fix is to reload a save back when she was a follower.
  •  360   If she is downed, she may not get up until entering a new area. She will slide along the ground as if "dead," and can even still be talked to.
  •  360   After using her spells to defeat an enemy, the crackling sound from her spells may continue to be heard around her despite the spells no longer being active.
    • Solution: Enter a new area and the sound should go away.
  •  360   PS3   After the Volkihar questline is completed, when dismissed she may say things such as, "I'll meet you at Darkfall Cave" or "I'll be at the glade" even though the location has already been visited and the associated quest is complete. Dismissing her multiple times until she says something different should fix this.
  •  360   When wearing armor given to her instead of her standard attire, she may not wear her hood when outside, and may wear it when indoors.
  •  360   Even though she can be seen rolling forward while sneaking, she still sets off pressure plates and tripwires.
  •  360   When she is brought to a place with a specific animation, such as Molag Bal's altar or Cicero's room in the Dawnstar Sanctuary, she performs the action done there, such as crouching with her hands on her head and curling into fetal position, respectively.
  •  360   When first encountered during "Bloodline," she becomes a possible candidate for the multiple followers exploit.
  •  360   Serana may disappear after a Draugr Deathlord uses Unrelenting Force on her. However, she will reappear after a loading screen.
  •  360   The name "Serana" may appear over other Vampires and Vampire's Thralls.
  •  360   Serana might repeat the line "Yes? What do you need?" outside of dialogue whenever she gets close, which can be an hindrance while in dialogue with other characters (i.e. during the Season Unending scenes).
  •  360   If given a staff, it may change in appearance to the Falmer style (metallic grey with a forked end), when she uses it. This change in appearance persists even if the staff is taken from her.
  •  PC   If told to wait or is dismissed, she cannot be recruited again. This can be fixed by dismissing Serana (if told to wait) then implementing the following console command fix:
    •  PC (Fix)   To bring back the "Come with me" dialogue after dismissing Serana, enter the code: sqv DLC1NPCMentalModel in the console. A long list of information is given. Scroll down the list using the page up and down keys, and make sure that the following codes: CanFollow_var = True / IsFollowing_var = False / IsWaiting_var = True / TurnOffComeWithMe_var = False / LockedIn_var = False are in order by looking at the false/true (i.e., if LockedIn_var was set to true then it needs to be put to false). To do this, enter the following command: setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel LockedIn_var False. Once this is done Serena will be able to be recruited as a follower again.
  •  PC   While Serena is a follower, she may not be able to get out of crouch mode while she is in a dungeon while sneaking.
    •  PC (Fix)   Get out of the dungeon and she will get out of crouch mode.
  •  360   After completing the Dawnguard questline, Serana might randomly appear and follow the Dragonborn, even if he or she already has a follower. She will have normal follower dialogue and interactions, and when asked to wait or to leave, the bug will stop.
  •  NX   Due to her spells having an area-of-effect consequence, she may sometimes get into fights with the Dragonborn's other followers, if they have multiple companions active.
  •  NX   She will refuse to don any armour given to her, preferring to use her default attire, even if it has enchantments like Fortify Magicka Regeneration.



Notice: The following are unlicensed references. They are not copyrighted by a ZeniMax Media company, but can still be considered part of The Elder Scrolls lore and are included for completeness.