Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Sezdi-dra is an Alfiq found in the ruins of Cicatrice. Knowing about the town's healing oasis, she brought her children to the location.


  • "Cicatrice is a sad sight to see these days. It was once such a happy town, yes? Many came here seeking hope, and found it in the healing waters of the oasis. Now there is nothing but death and decay. How miserable"
  • "This one visited Cicatrice once, when she was but a kitten. Sezdi remembers being very sick, barely able to breathe. But then her papa put this one in the healing waters of the oasis, and her sickness fled like darkness before the sunrise."
  • "Sezdi's children ask her, "Why did we come here? What is there to find?" She tells them, "Look at the ashes, the crumbling stone. Know once that this was a place of healing, of peace. And know how easily it was destroyed."

