Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
For other uses, see Shield.
Oblivion Spellbreaker

Shields are broad pieces of armor strapped to the arm or carried in one hand to provide protection against melee attacks. They add armor bonuses and can be used to block attacks. Blocking with a shield shaves off more damage than blocking with a weapon. Block increases when a shield is used to successfully thwart an attack. The corresponding armor skill also increases.

List of shields[]


Attributes by piece[]

Attributes are calculated independent of skill level, attributes. Shield stats in order of base armor protection.

Piece Class Gold WeightIcon ArmorIcon
Fur Shield Light Armor 8 2 2
Leather Shield Light Armor 20 3 7.5
Mithril Shield Light Armor 115 4.4 10.5
Iron Shield Heavy Armor 45 12 12
Elven Shield Light Armor 315 5.2 12
Steel Shield Heavy Armor 95 14 13.5
Dwarven Shield Heavy Armor 210 16 15
Glass Shield Light Armor 1000 6 15
Orcish Shield Heavy Armor 460 18 16.5
Ebony Shield Heavy Armor 1000 21 18
Daedric Shield Heavy Armor 2500 24 22.5
Dremora Caitiff Shield Heavy Armor 48 24 13

Enchanted shields[]

Attributes by piece[]

Attributes are calculated independent of skill level, attributes. Shield stats in order of base armor protection.

Piece Class Gold WeightIcon ArmorIcon Enchantment
Dwarven Ceremonial Shield Heavy Armor 1 16 1 N/A
Dwarvenskin Shield Heavy Armor 3500 24 22.5 Fortify Block 10 pts
Eagle Feather Shield Light Armor 3208 2 2 Reflect Spell 8%
Spell Breaker Heavy Armor 16500 18 17 Reflect Spell 30%
Stormlord's Shield Heavy Armor 2500 24 22.5 Shock Shield 10 pts

See also[]
