Snilling is a Nord farmer in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim who lives at Katla's Farm. He is the husband of Katla and the father of Knud. Snilling spends most of his time inside eating or sleeping. His wife will say that she does not mind doing the farming, as Snilling would only hurt himself and she leaves him to do the house chores inside.
- "My brothers would have been appalled to see a man outdone by his wife, but not me. Without Katla, this farm would fall apart."
- ―Snilling[src]
- "Oh, hello. Have a seat, will ya?"
- "I was a much younger man when I married Katla. I can hardly keep up with her."
Family dialogue[]
Katla: "Another gorgeous gray day, right dear?" Snilling: "It's too cold for my bones, but that never seems to stop you, dear." Knud: "I'm gonna go play soldier with a tree!" Katla: "That's nice, son. Just don't stomp on the crop like last time!" Snilling: "I'll see if I can't get some work done inside, where it's warm."