Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Sojourn of the Druid King is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. It is the prologue quest for Firesong.


A druid named Laurel hired me to help her deal with the ruthless Firesong druids while she and her partner, the mage Dhulef, investigate the past movements of the ancient Druids of Galen.


  1. Talk to Druid Laurel
  2. Meet Druid Laurel at Ebon Crypt
  3. Find Dhulef
  4. Talk to Dhulef
  5. Go to the Beldama Wyrd Camp
  6. Talk to Wyress Joslin
  7. Search the Firesong Camps x3
  8. Return to the Beldama Wyrd Camp
  9. Talk to Druid Laurel
  10. Go to the Spot Marked on the Map
  11. Enter Eimhir's Cavern
  12. Find Wyress Tola
  13. Talk to Wyress Tola
  14. Talk to Druid Laurel
  15. Go to the Glenmoril Wyrd Camp
  16. Talk to Wyress Matilde
  17. Go to the Sunken Road
  18. Find Entrance to the Ancient Ritual Site
  19. Enter the Ancient Ritual Site
  20. Find Archdruid Michiel
  21. Kill Archdruid Michiel
  22. Release the Nature Spirit
  23. Talk to Frii
  24. Return to Glenmoril Wyrd Camp
  25. Talk to Druid Laurel


In your alliance's starting city, you will run into a woman named Druid Laurel. Laurel is a member of the Stonelore Druids, and also a historian investigating the past of her people, the Druids of Galen. She and her friend Dhulef were investigating the movements of her people after they left High Rock. Her friend is currently in the Ebon Crypt in northern Glenumbra, investigating a meeting that the Druid King had with the Beldama Wyrd. However, their research has attracted the attention of a hostile group of druids, the Firesong. These Firesong have apparently committed some atrocity at the Earthen Root Enclave, so Laurel is worried for her friend's safety and will ask you to head over there with her.

The Ebon Crypt is located west of Cath Bedraud. Meet up with Laurel and head inside. Dhulef will be in the eastern room. You will find him safe and sound, investigating an ancient tablet. Speak with him and he will tell you that the tablet contains the symbol of the Druid King, as well as three other symbols he does not understand. He will ask you to bring it to Wyress Tola at the Beldama Wyrd Camp, on the coast west of the Wyrd Tree.

When you arrive at the Wyrd Camp, you will discover that they have been attacked by the Firesong. Talk to Wyress Joslin and she will tell you that the Firesong were led by someone called Archdruid Michiel; he wanted Wyress Tola to open the Druid King's ritual site. She refused, so they attacked and kidnapped her. Wyress Joslin does not know where they went, but will suggest searching the camps the Firesong set up throughout Glenumbra for more information. If asked about the tablet, Joslin will identify two of the symbols as representing nature and the Beldama Wyrd, but will not recognise the other two.

Laurel will stay behind at the Wyrd Camp, but Dhulef will come with you to the Firesong camps. There are three camps you need to investigate. One is to your southeast, near Shrieking Scar. You will not find the Wyress here, but you will find a note about the Firesong wanting to open the hidden paths and gain control of the Nature Spirit and the Sacred Seeds. Dhulef will comment that they were after the Stonelore seed at Earthen Root Enclave, but will fail to see the connection with the Druid King. The second Firesong camp is east of the Wyrd Tree; north of the Wyrd Tree Wayshrine. This encampment is in a cave; you will find a map of Eastern Glenumbra here, with the area around the Hag Fen encircled. The third camp will be northwest of Westtry and east of Seaview Point. Here, you will find a Wyrd Totem with the word "Frii" inscribed in it.

Once you have searched all the camps, head back to the Wyrd Camp and speak with Druid Laurel. She will also not understand why the Firesong are trying to obtain a nature spirit from the mainland, but when asked will tell you that the Sacred Seeds are part of some prophecy; they were given to each of the three druid circles to guard until a time when they would be needed. Once you are done talking, Wyress Joslin will tell you that there is a cave in the area marked on the map, but that the wyresses never go there because they believe it to be haunted. Dhulef will then tell you to head over there.

The location you are looking for is not actually near the Hag Fen, but rather it is just east of The Lover stone, northeast of Trapjaw's Cove. Head there and enter Eimhir's Cavern. You will come across several Firesong enemies while navigating this cave. At the other end, you will reach an open area, where you will hear a conversation between Wyress Tola and Archdruid Miciel; she will express her displeasure with what they are doing. Head down the path to their location. You will be too late to stop the Firesong's ritual, but you will be in time to save Tola's life. Speak with her and she will tell you more about what is going on. The symbols on the tablet represent the Druid King, the Beldama Wyrd and the Glenmoril Wyrd, with the one in the center representing the nature spirit. Long ago, the Druid King and the wyrds consecrated a nature spirit in three ritual sites. The Firesong seek to undo this ritual by desecrating the ritual sites; they have succeeded here and are now looking to do the same to a second site in Bangkorai.

Speak with Druid Laurel on what to do next. She will tell you that you need to meet with the witches of the Glenmoril Wyrd. Wyress Tola will help you by creating a portal to Bangkorai. Head through and proceed to the southeast; the location you are looking for is southeast of the Eastern Evermore Wayshrine. When you arrive, you will find the wyresses distrustful of your group due to a recent attack from the Firesong Druids. Speak with Wyress Matilde and she will tell you that the Firesong have kidnapped Wyress Sorcha and taken her to a ritual site hidden in the Sunken Road. She will also tell you that Frii is the name of the ancient spirit that was consecrated long ago.

Head to the Sunken Road, west of the Fallen Grotto, and enter the dungeon. The entrance to the ancient ritual site will be located in the southern room. Atop the staircase in said room, you will find the dead body of Wyress Sorcha; Druid Laurel will vow to avenge her death. Head into the ritual site and look for Archdruid Michiel. You will find him in the clearing at the end of this long hallway. Kill him, but beware that his power exceeds that of most of the game's bosses, though it is not quite on the same level as the world bosses. He may also occasionally summon a pair of Primal Ursauks to come to his aid. Once Miciel lies dead, Druid Laurel will ask you to help her free the nature spirit. There is a purple flower pod in the southwest side of the room; open it and talk to Frii. They will tell you that the wyrds and the ancient king summoned them for a reason, but that they do not remember what that reason was.

Speak with Druid Laurel and she will tell you that she is going to consult with her tribe's elders on what all of this means, but that you should first deliver the news of Wyress Sorcha's death to the Glenmoril Wyrd. Dhulef will open a portal there; head through and speak with Laurel in the camp. She will tell you that she will take Frii to her people on the island of Galen, to keep them safe from the Firesong and help them remember their purpose. This will finish the quest.


  • Petal Presentation
  • 604Gold


QuestMapMarker01 This section is missing a journal entry.


