- For the city sometimes called Sotha Sil, see Clockwork City.
Sotha Sil, also called Lord Seht,[2] was one of the members of the Tribunal,[3] the divine rulers of Morrowind. For his feats, Sotha Sil was called an architect of time, a binder of Oblivion,[4] and the "Mystery of Morrowind." He is known by many other titles, such as the Clockwork God, Father of Mysteries, the Inspiration of Craft and Sorcery, the Light of Knowledge, Magus, Magician, Sorcerer, Tinkerer, the "si" in ALMSIVI, and later a Saint of the New Temple.[5]
- "Sotha Sil, or Seht, is a member of the Dark Elf Tribunal. He reigns over Morrowind as the god of craft and sorcery—the wisest and most reclusive of the Three."
- ―Divayth Fyr[src]
He was said to be reshaping the world from his hidden Clockwork City. Sotha Sil the Magus was one of the three God-like Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal Temple, and the patron of artificers and wizards. Sotha Sil was the mightiest wizard and the wisest councilor of the First Council, and also spent time training the Psijic Order on Artaeum. He was the companion and teacher of Vivec and Nerevar. According to the Tribunal Temple Cult, Sotha Sil was the Light of Knowledge and the Inspiration of Craft and Sorcery, and Azura was the Anticipation of Sotha Sil.[6]
By game[]
Early life[]
- "Now, now, my little lord. Let's dry those tears. Everything will be alright."
- ―Sotha Sil's mother[src]
Sotha Sil was born a Chimer to the small house of Sotha in Ald Sotha, Resdayn, now known as Morrowind.[7] He was known to have had a mother, whose name is unknown, and a sister, Sotha Nall.[8][9] From one of his memories, Sotha Sil's mother comforted the young boy after he had sustained a minor injury, using the childhood nursery tale of the Brave Little Scrib to inspire courage in him. Another memory involved his sister, Nall, trying to convince Sil to enter an off-limits area, an idea that Sil was hesitant towards.[10]
According to one of Almalexia's homilies, a young Sotha Sil was playing in a Kwama Egg Mine as a child, throwing stones at small scribs for amusement. One scrib lifted its head up and begged Sotha Sil to stop, telling him that for them, it was suffering and death when they were hit by the stones. This taught the young Chimer that what are idle amusements of one can be solemn tortures for another.[11] Another homily tells of young Sotha laying down and gazing at the stars at night. In his passion for maths, Sil decided to count every star and give each of them a name, eventually falling asleep. When he awoke, he saw that the stars had vanished, and began to weep, learning the lesson that time cages all tasks.[12]
For unknown reasons, the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon arrived in Ald Sotha during Sotha Sil's youth and destroyed it, killing everyone in it including Sil's family.[9][13] Sotha Sil was the only survivor of the attack, as Vivec was said to have rescued him.[7][8]
- "Your guidance and wisdom has been invaluable to me. Where would I be without you? [...] I'll stand beside you, my friend. Till the end."
- ―Indoril Nerevar to Sotha Sil[src]
At some point he became an advisor to Nerevar, his wife Almalexia, and his generals. He had a number of students and companions studying under him, such as Farena Andrano.[14] During the first Battle of the Red Mountain, Sotha Sil helped drive the Nord people from Morrowind using his skills in sorcery, accompanied by Nerevar's forces and King Dumac's Dwemer army. After this, the First Council was formed. During this time Sotha Sil was praised for his diplomatic skill and was known as the greatest wizard of his time. Tensions soon grew between the two races after High Tonal Architect Kagrenac secretly attempted to transcend the Dwemer race to godhood. Due to this Nerevar declared war on the entire Dwemer and the War of the First Council began. During the war, Sotha Sil was named a general of the chimer army and alongside Vivec, Nerevar and Almalexia battled king Dumac and Kagrenac in the bowels of the Red Mountain. During this battle, Dumac was killed. Kagrenac used Keening, Sunder, and Wraithguard on the Heart of Lorkhan, making the entire Dwemer race vanish off the face of Nirn.[15]
War of the First Council[]

A sketch of Sotha Sil (left) during the death of Nerevar at the alleged hands of the Tribunal.
- "Our soldiers are useless against the sheer volume of Kagrenac's machines. We're sending those mer out for slaughter."
- ―Sotha Sil[src]
After the Battle of Red Mountain, Sotha Sil learned how to use Kagrenac's Tools so that a mortal could tap the divine power within the Heart and turn themselves into a god. Nerevar forbade this divine manipulation and forced the Tribunal to make an oath not to use it. Nerevar then entrusted Kagrenac's tools to Voryn Dagoth (who would later become Dagoth Ur) while he and his advisors convened on what to do with the Heart of Lorkhan. When Sotha Sil, Vivec and Almalexia returned to lock the tools away from the world, Voryn, who had been corrupted by the Heart, refused to give Kagrenac's Tools to Nerevar. He believed that he was entrusted to hold them and, in his madness, attacked Nerevar and his companions. During this battle, Nerevar was killed and Dagoth Ur retreated into the bowels of the Red Mountain.
- "Thieves? An interesting concept. Did we steal the essence of the Divine, or was it given to us freely, that we might lead our people into a new age?"
- ―Sotha Sil[src]
The death of Nerevar caused the Tribunal to make use of the Heart for the good of their people, the Chimer. They went to Red Mountain and used the tools to transform themselves into gods.[16] Azura cursed them for breaking their oath to Nerevar and establishing a new religion by forsaking any connection with the Daedra. During this confrontation Sotha Sil taunted Azura, telling her that the Chimer did not need the Daedra anymore. Enraged by the Tribunal's betrayal, Azura cursed almost the entire Chimer race. From that moment on, the Chimer were known as the Dunmer, their skin turned ashen, and their eyes turned red.[17]
Four Score War[]
During the Four Score War with the Reman Empire, the Tribunal used many tactics previously used in the war between the Chimer and the Dwemer, which seemed to work in the beginning. The war was brought to a conclusion by the Morag Tong who assassinated King Reman Cyrodiil III in 1E 2920.[18]
Time in the Isles and Coldharbour Compact[]
During the end of the First Era, at 1E 2920, Sotha Sil spent some time on the Isle of Artaeum and as a member of the Psijic Order, taught some of the new mages in sorcery and all forms of magic.[19]
After a daedric disaster at the village of Gil-Var-Delle (caused by Molag Bal), Sotha Sil at the urging of Almalexia journeyed into Oblivion via The Dreaming Cave, and issued a meeting in Coldharbour with the eight most prominent Daedric Princes: Molag Bal, Boethiah, Azura, Hircine, Hermaeus Mora, Malacath, Sheogorath, and Mehrunes Dagon. Although the exact terms of the pact are unknown to most of the inhabitants of Tamriel, what is known is that the Princes had agreed not to answer any summoning by any amateurs until the war between Morrowind and the Reman Empire ended. Only the Psijics could counsel with the daedra, along with a few nomadic sorcerers and witches.[20]
Sack of Mournhold[]

The ruins of Old Mournhold.
- "Few called us thieves when by words and by rite the Princes of Oblivion were bound to a truce. Fewer still when Mehrunes Dagon broke that truce and himself was broken on the soil of Mournhold."
- ―Sotha Sil[src]
Sotha Sil's pact with the Daedric Princes failed to prevent the destruction of Mournhold, as a Dunmer witch named Turala managed to summon Mehrunes Dagon, and asked for its destruction. Sotha Sil and Almalexia were too late to prevent the destruction, but after fighting countless hordes of Dremora, they managed to banish the prince of destruction back to Oblivion. Although Mehrunes Dagon had been defeated, Mournhold had all but been destroyed.[21]
The Three Banners War[]

Dunmer Crest of the Ebonheart Pact.
- "Wizard. Mystic. Master of the Clockwork City. An architect of time and a binder of Oblivion. One who masters the tools that mastered others."
- ―Servant of Sotha Sil[src]
Sotha Sil had a few assistants in the Second Era, the most notable being Barilzar, who later retired from his service.[22] During the Three Banners War and Molag Bal's invasion of Tamriel, Sotha Sil was often travelling, with not even Vivec knowing where he was.[23] In the city of Ebonheart, the populace turned to Disciple Sildras for comfort due to an expected attack by the Daggerfall Covenant. Sildras, however, had begun to lose faith in the Tribunal's protection of the city. This was not until the Vestige came and at Sildras's urging prayed at the shrines to the three gods. During this time, the Vestige encountered the Servant of Sotha Sil, an apparition sent by the god to communicate with his worshippers.[24]
Varen Aquilarios also warned the Vestige that a war involving the Daedric Princes would occur when Sotha Sil opened the gates to his Clockwork City.[25] Clavicus Vile, one of the princes not bound by the Coldharbour Compact, made a deal to give Sotha Sil's staff Sunna'rah to the later Failed Incarnate Conoon Chodala, who used it to steal Vivec's divine energy. Barbas later took the staff and used Vivec's stolen power to travel to the Clockwork City, but was successfully stopped by the Vestige and Barilzar.[26]
Troubles of the Tribunal and return of Dagoth Ur[]

The Heart of Lorkhan.
In 3E 417, Almalexia and Sotha Sil visited the Red Mountain for their annual divine bath. The reawakened leaders of the Sixth House and Dagoth Ur ambushed them and stole two of Kagrenac's Tools, Keening and Sunder.[27]
Vivec rescued Almalexia and Sotha Sil, but failing to recover Keening and Sunder, and the Tribunal retreated from Red Mountain in disorder. The Tribunal grew weaker without access to the Heart. During this time a citizen of the empire bearing the signs of Nerevar reincarnated appeared. This citizen continued to exhibit more and more of the specific criteria of the Nerevarine, and eventually rallied the three great houses House Hlaalu, House Redoran, and House Telvanni and defeated Dagoth Ur while severing the Heart from the mortal plane.[27]
Later Life and Death[]

Sotha Sil's remains after his encounter with Almalexia
Later in life, it is believed that Sotha Sil grew weary of mortal imperfections, and retired to his Clockwork City. It is here where he reshaped life—some say the world—into an image he found pleasing.
Sotha Sil died at the hands of his long-time friend and fellow Tribunal member, Almalexia. In madness, she, after losing her godhood due to the releasing of the Heart of Lorkhan by the Nerevarine, transported herself to the Clockwork City by using Barilzar's Mazed Band and slew him. Even as he died, he kept his silence, much to the chagrin and further provocation of Almalexia. His charred, limbless corpse can be found in The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal.[28] Following the Red Year, Sotha Sil, alongside the rest of the Tribunal, were relegated to the status of Saints in the new Dunmeri Pantheon.[29]
Initially, no one believed the Nerevarine when they told them about Sotha Sil and Almalexia's death, other than Helseth Hlaalu, Barenziah, and Vivec.[28] In 3E 433, most of the Redoran and the Temple believed that Sotha Sil still lived and considered it heretical to suggest otherwise.[UL 1] After the collapse of the Tribunal temple, Sotha Sil was renamed a saint, alongside Vivec and Almalexia in the New Temple religion,[30] and was believed to be either dead or have disappeared by the citizens of Morrowind.[5] His body was retrieved by Vivec, who interred him and Almalexia in the proper Velothi fashion.[UL 2] He was succeeded by his cosmic daughter, named Memory.[UL 3]
In life, Sotha Sil, spent time counseling, guiding, and protecting mortals, and was known to love them perhaps more than either Vivec or Almalexia.[16] Sotha Sil was said to have felt the stress of each of his people, but gave them no more load than he knew they could bear.[4] He was close to Almalexia and Vivec as Vivec called him a "brother" during his conversations with the Nerevarine[31] and when Almalexia arrived in Artaeum, she embraced Sotha Sil when she saw him.[20] Eventually, He became almost completely detached from the real world after the loss of Sunder and Keening. He slowly lost touch with the affairs of the Dunmer, the rest of his fellow Tribunal, and eventually all of Tamriel.[32] Almalexia had falsely proclaimed that Sotha Sil had gone mad after killing him, as to attribute the Fabricant attacks on Mournhold to him.[16]
Sotha Sil shows strong signs of determinism, believing that his actions are already set in time, no matter the morals of his actions, since they are inevitable. Because of this, he feels almost trapped, but does not consider himself a prisoner since he cannot see a way out of this logic.[33] While differently from Vivec and Almalexia he does not see himself as a god, he gazes upon existence with admiration and puts effort into perfecting everything he can no matter what role he must take, being watchful of every detail reality can offer and its implications in the past and future.[33]
Physical appearance[]
In 1E 2920, Sotha Sil had the appearance of a Dunmer in a white cloak,[1] and was known to have maintained this apparel in 2E 583. Sil was rather tall for the average Dunmer, towering above even most Altmer. He wore a mask with three large spikes protruding from its top that covered most of the left side of his face, yet left the rest of it exposed. His left arm was replaced by an advanced robotic limb, and he wore light metallic pauldrons on his shoulders, yet often walked around barefoot.
By 3E 427, Sil had his lower body replaced by machinery, with multiple wires and cords keeping him held up.[28]
- Fa-Nuit-Hen says that he, along with the Baron Who Moves Like Heat Lightning, fought alongside Sotha Sil against the "Borers from Within" and "The Hinged Ones."[2]
- Despite the fact Sotha Sil's views, living appearance, voice, and opinions had been shrouded in mystery, during the events of The Elder Scrolls Online: Clockwork City it is possible to talk directly to him, in a way he reveals much about himself.
- When asked by the Vestige about the true nature of what he really is, Sotha Sil says that while the expected answer could be grand, the truth is that he is a mere result of time and circumstance, and not choices, quoting misfortunes in his life that happened out of his control.[33]
- While asked if he is a god, Sotha Sil compares himself with a mirror, being whatever the people need him to be, no matter if a guardian or an oppressor. Also, he remarks on the fact that the divine title is much more of the theatricality of Almalexia and Vivec, as being revered as gods appeases them, while he does not care, but does not condemn his companions.[33]
- Sotha Sil mentions that he sees Vivec as a brother and that each one knows the struggles of the other, making their relationships complicated. According to the Clockwork God, Vivec is a prisoner of beauty and desire of great works, with an insatiable appetite of embracing everything - every race, every gender, every hero, divinity and finity - but as in the end he can only be Vivec, he is left in despair and regret.[33]
- Despite the aforementioned commentaries, Sotha Sil mentions that Vivec knows the boundaries of what is real and what is not, existing inside his own tales, but recognizing his own contradictions, partly believing, and partly not.[33]
- When it comes to Almalexia, he highlights that differently from Vivec, she believes and sows lies with great capacity, only to receive trust and adulation. Despite the critique, Sotha Sil does not get bothered by this, as he remarks that this is Almalexia's nature, and that she cannot do otherwise.[33]
- In a case of ominous foreshadowing, Sotha Sil states that Almalexia's behavior will not end well, despite showing no concern about it.[33] This is ironic since Almalexia's lack of control eventually led to his own death at her hands.
- Later, Sotha Sil describes himself as suffering from the burden of total, absolute, relentless certainty, giving him the strong impression of the lack of freedom caused by having no indecision. He states his actions, good or evil are locked in time, determined by action and consequence.[33]
- Sotha Sil's determinist behavior, his way of seeing reality and calmly accepting it, the tragic past events that led to his eventual ascension into a godlike being, his relation with clockworks and his exile and apparent apathy in his later years bears some resemblance to Alan Moore's Dr. Manhattan from 1986's comic book Watchmen.
- The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard (mentioned only)[source?]
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (mentioned only)[17]
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (mentioned only)[18]
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (mentioned only)[15]
- The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn (mentioned only)[17]
- The Elder Scrolls Online (mentioned only)[18]
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Orsinium (mentioned only)
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind (mentioned only)
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Clockwork City
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Deadlands (mentioned only)
- The Elder Scrolls Legends: Return to Clockwork City
- The Elder Scrolls Legends: Houses of Morrowind
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 2920, vol 08 - Last Seed
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 A Memory Book, Part 2
- ↑ 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 1
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Dialogue with Servant of Sotha Sil
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 The Reclamations
- ↑ Vivec and Mephala
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Dialogue with Tholer Saryoni
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 A Brief History of Ald Sotha
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 The Factotum's Secret Voice
- ↑ Memories in the Mnemonic Planisphere
- ↑ The Homilies of Blessed Almalexia
- ↑ Blessed Almalexia's Fables for Evening
- ↑ The Truth in Sequence: Volume 8
- ↑ Dialogue of Canon Llevule
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 The Battle of Red Mountain
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Dialogue with Almalexia in Tribunal
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Nerevar at Red Mountain
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 2920, vol 12 - Evening Star
- ↑ 2920, vol 02 - Sun's Dawn
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 2920, vol 04 - Rain's Hand
- ↑ 2920, vol 11 - Sun's Dusk
- ↑ Dialogue of Divayth Fyr in Online: Morrowind
- ↑ Dialogue of Vivec in Online: Morrowind
- ↑ Events of Night of the Soul
- ↑ Dialogue with Varen Aquilarios
- ↑ Events of The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Dagoth Ur's Plans
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 Events of Tribunal
- ↑ Conversations between Elder Othreloth and Galdrus Hlervu
- ↑ Dialogue with Elder Othreloth
- ↑ Dialogue with Vivec
- ↑ Dialogue with Mehra Helas
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 33.7 33.8 Dialogue with Sotha Sil in Clockwork City