- For other uses, see Tutorial.
- "[The Worm Cult] sacrificed you, and everyone in this prison, to the Daedric Prince Molag Bal. After you died, whatever was left showed up here. They call you the Soul Shriven."
- ―Lyris Titanborn[src]
Soul Shriven in Coldharbour is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. It serves as the start of the main storyline of the base game, and is followed by "The Harborage."
Prior to Update 30 this was the first quest in the game if the player had not purchased the Online: Morrowind, Summerset, Elsweyr, or Greymoor expansions. As of Update 30 it was replaced by The Gates of Adamant as the new starting tutorial for all versions and chapters of the game. This quest was modified slightly, and continues to serve as the start of the main storyline.
I died, but that was only the beginning... I awoke in Oblivion. My body is intact, but my soul has been torn from my body. I must find a way out of this nightmare place to reclaim what was lost to me, or I will be damned for all eternity.
This is the first quest of the main storyline in The Elder Scrolls Online. It is initiated by traveling to a factional starting town — Daggerfall for the Covenant, Davon's Watch for the Pact, or Vulkhel Guard for the Dominion — and finding the Hooded Figure. She will ask the Vestige to talk to the Benefactor.
When talking to the Benefactor, however, the Vestige will be kidnapped and taken to Mannimarco and be sacrificed by him. They will then wake up to find themselves a prisoner in Coldharbour, Molag Bal's Plane of Oblivion.
- Talk to the Hooded Figure
- Talk to the Benefactor
Part 1: Cell[]
- Find a Way to Escape Coldharbour
- Join Lyris
Part 2: The Wailing Prison[]
- Follow Lyris
- Defeat the Prison Guard
- Follow Lyris
- Defeat the Prison Guards
- Follow Lyris
- Talk to Lyris
Part 3: The Bleeding Forge[]
- Continue through the Bleeding Forge
- Defeat Vaekar the Forgemaster
- Reach the Towers of Eyes
Part 4: The Towers of Eyes[]
- Destroy a Coldharbour Sentinel
- Reach the Prophet's Cell
- Talk to Lyris
- Talk to Cadwell
- Enter the Undercroft
Part 5: The Undercroft[]
- Enter the Prophet's Cell
Part 6: Prophet's Cell[]
- Follow Lyris
- Talk to Lyris
- Defend Lyris
- Activate the Anchor Pinions (0/2)
- Wait for the Exchange
- Talk to the Prophet
- Enter the Anchor Mooring
Part 7: Anchor Mooring[]
- Get to the Anchor Base
- Defeat the Child of Bones
- Talk to the Prophet
- Collect the Skyshard
- Wait for the Prophet
- Use the Rift to Escape to Tamriel
Part 8: (Alliance starting island)[]
- Talk to the Prophet
- Talk to the Prophet
Detailed Walkthrough[]
The quest begins when you walk on or near the docks in one of the alliance starting cities — Daggerfall for the Covenant, Davon's Watch for the Pact, or Vulkhel Guard for the Dominion — and hear the Hooded Figure call out to you. She asks you to meet with her benefactor.
"Greetings. My benefactor wishes to speak to you about a matter that could affect the fate of our world."
- What does your benefactor want? "If my benefactor wished to discuss details in the open, why send a messenger? The matter is for your ears only."
- Where can I find them? "My benefactor awaits you in the building (Patheirry House (Covenant), ?? (Pact), or ?? (Dominion)), near location (Trademan's Square (Covenant), ?? (Pact), or ?? (Dominion)). Do not tarry."
- I'll seek them out.
- Where can I find them? "My benefactor awaits you in the building (Patheirry House (Covenant), ?? (Pact), or ?? (Dominion)), near location (Trademan's Square (Covenant), ?? (Pact), or ?? (Dominion)). Do not tarry."
The Hooded Figure disappears into a portal. Go to the indicated building and look around. There is only one person present, seated with their back to you. When you approach, you see that they are tied and gagged.
The Benefactor: "Mmmfh!"
- What the—
You turn just in time to see your attacker before you are knocked out. In a cutscene you are dragged to an altar and sacrificed.
The Vestige's Cell[]
You find yourself in a cell in the Wailing Prison. Soon after, Lyris Titanborn appears at the cell door and smashes the lock.
Open the door and head over to Lyris. Follow her down a passage and fight the Dremora guard who appears. Continue following Lyris, past a door that's being blocked by Er-Jaseen in a final act of the defiance against the Dremora, allowing you and Lyris time to escape. A group of guards appears; after you dispatch them and run to the exit, a vision of the Prophet appears and speaks to you.
"Greetings, Vestige. Like you, I am a prisoner in this place. You must rescue me. And I, in turn, must rescue you."
Speak to Lyris; she explains the situation as best she can and answers a few of your questions.
"The Prophet! He's a prisoner here too. It was very dangerous for him to speak to you, even for a moment. He must think you can help me."
- Help you do what? "Break him out, of course! Believe me, I can use all the help I can get. That blind old man is the only person alive who can help us get back home. Tamriel's a long way from here."
- Where do we go from here? "These tunnels will eventually take us to the Towers of Eyes. That's where we'll find the Sentinels."
- What are these Sentinels? "Magical constructs created by Molag Bal to guide his vision in Coldharbour. The Sentinels are connected. If we destroy one, the others will be blinded. With any luck, that will buy us the time we need to free the Prophet."
- How can we destroy it? "I've no idea. Brute force? We'll find a way. We have to. Be ready for anything. I doubt Molad Bal left the Sentinels unguarded."
- I have so many questions. "I'm sure you do. And I'll answer them as best I can."
- Who is this Prophet? "He's a strange one, no doubt about it, but he's the wisest man I've ever met. He sees things. The past, the future."
- What is this place? Where am I? "You're obviously not in Tamriel anymore. Think of the most miserable, depressing place you've ever been in your life. That's paradise compared to Coldharbour. And to top it off, well ... there's no easy way to say it. You're dead."
- Then how are we having this conversation? "I don't know. Once we rescue the Prophet, he can tell you about the Gods and the ways of Oblivion. I don't understand any of it, myself."
- If I'm dead, who killed me? "A man named Mannimarco. His Worm Cult is doing some kind of ritual back in Tamriel. They sacrificed you, and everyone in this prison, to the Daedric Prince Molad Bal. After you died, whatever was left showed up here. They call you the Soul Shriven."
- What does that mean? "It means you're a slave and you'll spend the rest of eternity here in Coldharbour, working under the lash of the Daedra. Unless, of course, you come with me."
- Are you dead, too? "No, I wasn't sacrificed. The Prophet and I were brought here ... conventionally, if that makes any sense. But we're prisoners here, same as you."
- What does that mean? "It means you're a slave and you'll spend the rest of eternity here in Coldharbour, working under the lash of the Daedra. Unless, of course, you come with me."
- How can we rescue the Prophet? "It won't be easy. The place is watched by magical constructs called Sentinels. We won't stand a chance unless we can blind them. I'll tell you more when we get there. And we'll never get there if we don't get moving."
- If I'm dead, who killed me? "A man named Mannimarco. His Worm Cult is doing some kind of ritual back in Tamriel. They sacrificed you, and everyone in this prison, to the Daedric Prince Molad Bal. After you died, whatever was left showed up here. They call you the Soul Shriven."
- Then how are we having this conversation? "I don't know. Once we rescue the Prophet, he can tell you about the Gods and the ways of Oblivion. I don't understand any of it, myself."
- I have so many questions. "I'm sure you do. And I'll answer them as best I can."
- Where do we go from here? "These tunnels will eventually take us to the Towers of Eyes. That's where we'll find the Sentinels."
The Bleeding Forge[]
Follow Lyris through the door into the Bleeding Forge and battle Vaekar the Forgemaster, who must be defeated in order to proceed further. Continue through the forge to the Towers of Eyes.
The Towers of Eyes[]
Make your way to either of the two indicated gateways and up the slope, fighting any Dremora, Clannfear, and Feral Soul Shriven that get in your way. At the top you'll find the Coldharbour Sentinel — a giant eyeball. Wait for it to look the other way, sneak up behind it, and attack it.
After destroying the Sentinel, retrace your steps and head to the Prophet's cell in the south. You find that it's warded, and so another way must be found. Lyris mentions that Cadwell, the oldest non-feral Soul Shriven, probably knows a way around.
"Damn it! Destroying the Sentinel must have triggered these wards. We'll need to find another way in. Hmm. Maybe Cadwell can help us."
- Who's Cadwell? "Cadwell is the oldest of the Soul Shriven. After years of torment, Soul Shriven usually go insane and turn feral, but not Cadwell. He was already insane before he left Tamriel. Mad as a box of frogs, but completely harmless. You'll see."
- How can a madman possibly help us? "Cadwell sees things as he wishes them to be. To him, Coldharbour is a wondrous place. It's his home. And he knows it like the back of his hand. He's usually down by the river. Let's go find him."
Cadwell can be found in a camp to the southwest. After expressing skepticism over the Vestige's odds, Cadwell tells of a passage known as the Undercroft, which is filled with traps and enemies.
"Hello, what's this? Out for a stroll, then? Lovely day for it."
- You must be Cadwell. "Sir Cadwell, yes indeed. A pleasure! And fair Lyris! Good to see you, m'dear! How are you, then?"
- We're trying to get inside the Prophet's Cell. The door is sealed. "Oh dear, oh dear. Wll, that is inconvenient, isn't it? Tell you what—I happen to know another way in! Much more of a scenic route. Rather a fun little jaunt, actually. Full of traps, and corpses, and nasty beasties filling up the bits in between."
- How do we get through all that? "Rather cautiously, I expect. Watch your step, hold your nose, and do mind the traps. There'll like as not be a fair dose of running and skull-bashing as well."
- Where's the entrance? "Follow the river. You'll find the door to the Undercroft at the water's end. Once you're inside, stick to the light and you'll find a ladder that will take you right up to the Prophet, straightaway. Do give him my best!"
- Thanks. "Best of luck. Do check in now and again, won't you?"
- Tell me about yourself, Sir Cadwell. "Well, there's not much to tell, is there? It's the same old pish-tosh. Gallant knight, epic quests, rescued maidens. I came to this land when my head was quite unceremoniously separated from my body. Bad luck that, but you make the best of things."
- How long have you been here? "Oh, quite a long time. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if I was the oldest of the Soul Shriven. Of those who didn't go feral, that is. I know every tunnel and path, every nook and cranny. The others look up to me, I suppose."
- How do you know Lyris? "Ah, Lyris. Girl's as mad as Sheogorath's jammies. Heart's in the right place, I suppose. Says she's got to rescue the Prophet to save us all from eternal torment. How an old blind man could do that is quite beyond me!"
- What do you know about the Prophet? "An Imperial gentleman. Apparently he was once a powerful mage, but the years haven't been kind. Lyris says he knows of a path back to Tamriel. I rather think that if one existed, I'd have found it by now."
- You don't think there's a way to get home? "I hadn't actually given it much thought. Anything's possible, I suppose. Truth is, I've been here so long, this place feels like home. But a good uprising now and again is a pleasant diversion, so where's the harm, eh?"
- What do you know about the Prophet? "An Imperial gentleman. Apparently he was once a powerful mage, but the years haven't been kind. Lyris says he knows of a path back to Tamriel. I rather think that if one existed, I'd have found it by now."
- Tell me about yourself, Sir Cadwell. "Well, there's not much to tell, is there? It's the same old pish-tosh. Gallant knight, epic quests, rescued maidens. I came to this land when my head was quite unceremoniously separated from my body. Bad luck that, but you make the best of things."
- Thanks. "Best of luck. Do check in now and again, won't you?"
- Where's the entrance? "Follow the river. You'll find the door to the Undercroft at the water's end. Once you're inside, stick to the light and you'll find a ladder that will take you right up to the Prophet, straightaway. Do give him my best!"
- How do we get through all that? "Rather cautiously, I expect. Watch your step, hold your nose, and do mind the traps. There'll like as not be a fair dose of running and skull-bashing as well."
- We're trying to get inside the Prophet's Cell. The door is sealed. "Oh dear, oh dear. Wll, that is inconvenient, isn't it? Tell you what—I happen to know another way in! Much more of a scenic route. Rather a fun little jaunt, actually. Full of traps, and corpses, and nasty beasties filling up the bits in between."
The Undercroft[]
Follow the river southeast to a locked door. You can pick the lock, but since its difficulty is "Trivial" the odds of forcing it successfully are 100%.
Inside the cavern, several skeletons and Feral Soul Shriven will be guarding the way; although they can be killed, they can also be completely avoided without a penalty. Several fire traps also stand in the way, which must be waited-out in order to avoid taking damage.
The Prophet's Cell[]
Follow Lyris down the tunnel into the main part of the cell, where you find the Prophet suspended in magic. Lyris informs the Vestige that someone living must take his place, and so she volunteers herself, warning that guards are sure to appear.
"There's a trick to opening the cell. The only way for a prisoner to leave is for another living soul to take their place. I need to swap places with the Prophet."
- There's no other way? "Believe me, I wish there was. But I don't see anyone else here with a beating heart, do you? If Molag Bal isn't stopped he'll destroy everyone and everything we've ever loved."
- I'm ready when you are. "Once it's done, get moving. The Prophet will know where to go, but he'll need your eyes, and your protection."
As Lyris begins the ritual, several Dremora appear. Defeat them, then activate the two Dark Pinions and wait for the exchange to be completed.
The Prophet will appear in her place, freed from his bonds. He notes that the Soul-Shriven player is the Vestige, and, therefore, is too important to leave in Coldharbour. He mentions that the only way to return to Tamriel is to get to the Dark Anchor.
"Thank the Divines, you are safe! There is that, at least. Lyris sacrificed everything, that we might go free. Her sacrifice must not be in vain."
- Can we find a way to take her with us? "I wish that were possible. But I promise you, once we escape Coldharbour we will find a way to rescue her together, Vestige."
- Vestige? "That is the name I have given you. You are but a trace of your former self. A soulless one. An empty vessel that longs to be filled. It is as the Scrolls foretold, but not exactly as I imagined."
- Why does Lyris call you the Prophet? "That is what I have come to be called. My true name is lost—even to me. Years of torment have taken their toll. Quickly now, we must make haste to the Anchor!"
- Anchor? "The Anchors are Daedric machine of the darkest magic. Their chains bind our world and pull it towards Coldharbour. I can use one of these Anchors to return us to Tamriel, but you must lead me to it."
- All right. Stay close then.
- Anchor? "The Anchors are Daedric machine of the darkest magic. Their chains bind our world and pull it towards Coldharbour. I can use one of these Anchors to return us to Tamriel, but you must lead me to it."
- Why does Lyris call you the Prophet? "That is what I have come to be called. My true name is lost—even to me. Years of torment have taken their toll. Quickly now, we must make haste to the Anchor!"
- Vestige? "That is the name I have given you. You are but a trace of your former self. A soulless one. An empty vessel that longs to be filled. It is as the Scrolls foretold, but not exactly as I imagined."
Head to the cell's other door, which leads to the Dark Anchor Mooring.
The Dark Anchor Mooring[]
As you approach the center of the room, the Child of Bones appears to stop you., which also must be defeated to escape. It is the final boss of The Wailing Prison, and will use several different attacks, including grabbing you. After defeating it you can loot its corpse for the Collar of Bones.
The Prophet notes that you will need a Skyshard to restore your physical form, and uses his magic to summon one.
"The Dark Anchor's portal is high above us. I will prepare a spell to lift us to it. But first, you must re-attune yourself to Nirn in order to regain your physical form. To do this, you will need a skyshard."
- A skyshard? "A shard of Aetherial magicka that carries the essence of Nirn. Some link them to Lorkhan, the missing god of creation. If you collect and absorb its power, it should restore your corporeal form. I will summon one of these shards for you to absorb."
- I'm ready.
After you absorb the Skyshard, the Prophet casts a levitation spell to lift both of you to the portal. Wait for him to finish, then jump into the rift to escape Coldharbour.
Back in Tamriel[]
You find yourself back at the starting island for your alliance: Khenarthi's Roost for the Aldmeri Dominion, Bleakrock Isle for the Ebonheart Pact, or Stros M'Kai for the Daggerfall Covenant. The Prophet arrives in a different location and speaks to you as a vision. He describes his location, which depends on your alliance.
"As I feared, we arrived in different locations." Dominion: "I am in a city near the sea, in a land of eternal spring. The air smells of the ocean, and of markets, and gardens." Covenant: "I am in a city of industry, where men speak of intrigues and plots beneath layers of innuendo and pleasantry." Pact: "I am in a place with the smell of burning ash on a hot wind, and the sounds of a distant battle." "It matters not. You have awakened once again and we must set you on your path."
- How long was I unconscious? "Days? Weeks? I cannot tell. The voyage between worlds disrupted all sense of time and space. I know only that you were deposited into the sea, and some charitable soul fished you out and brought you to dry land."
- What should I do now? "I'm afraid you will have to decide that for yourself. I must focus on searching for a way to repay Lyris's bold sacrifice. I cannot simply abandon her to the wrath of Molag Bal."
- When will I see you again? "I cannot foresee that. Not yet. But we will meet again. There is still much we need to accomplish. Be wary, vestige. Our very plane of existence is in peril. The threat of Molag Bal looms across all Tamriel, and chaos spreads in its shadow. Danger roams the land and will assume many forms. Do not let it catch you off-guard."
- Where should I go? "You must find your own path. But perhaps there is a reason for the place in which you find yourself. Explore. Search for a cause to lend your hand. Join with others. You might even seek out those who rescued you from the sea. The choice is yours.
- You think there are many who need my help? "Indeed. I sense that even now there are good people near you who face grave danger. They need your assistance should you be willing to give it. To thwart the will of Molag Bal, we must skirmish with evil wherever it rears its head."
- Who would I join up with? "We do not face these trouble times alone. Many shall rise up to fight this tide of darkness. Wherever you go, you will encounter others who share your courage and valor. Help them if you can, and enlist their aid if you have need of it."
- Where should I go? "You must find your own path. But perhaps there is a reason for the place in which you find yourself. Explore. Search for a cause to lend your hand. Join with others. You might even seek out those who rescued you from the sea. The choice is yours.
- When will I see you again? "I cannot foresee that. Not yet. But we will meet again. There is still much we need to accomplish. Be wary, vestige. Our very plane of existence is in peril. The threat of Molag Bal looms across all Tamriel, and chaos spreads in its shadow. Danger roams the land and will assume many forms. Do not let it catch you off-guard."
- What should I do now? "I'm afraid you will have to decide that for yourself. I must focus on searching for a way to repay Lyris's bold sacrifice. I cannot simply abandon her to the wrath of Molag Bal."
- Sealed Urn
- +1 Skill Point
- Skill Line: Soul Magic
Journal Entry |
A hooded figure wishes to speak to me. I should see what the hooded figure wants.
The hooded figure said an unnamed benefactor needed to speak to me about a matter concerning the fate of the world. I can find the benefactor in city (Daggerfall (Covenant), Davon's Watch (Pact), or Vulkhel Guard (Dominion)).
I awoke in some kind of prison cell. I should try to find a way out.
A woman named Lyris broke open my cell for me to escape. If I'm to survive I better arm myself.
Lyris seems to know her way around this prison. I should follow her.
We've been stopped by a prison guard—a Dremora. I need to defeat him to pass.
With the guard defeated, Lyris and I can make our way out of this prison.
Another Dremora guard stands in my way. I must defeat him, and any others who bar the path.
We've defeated the guards, and now we can finally escape. I should let Lyris take the lead.
A strange vision appeared to both of us, of a man calling himself "the Prophet." I should talk to Lyris about who this is.
Lyris is on her way to rescue the Prophet, and needs my help. I should follow her.
Another Dremora stands in our way, but this one looks much more formidable. We'll have to defeat him like the others.
Lyris is on her way to rescue the Prophet, and needs my help. I should follow her.
Lyris said the Coldharbour Sentinels are allowing Molag Bal to watch over the Wailing Prison directly. If we are to escape Coldharbour, we will need to blind him by destroying one of the Sentinels.
The Sentinel is destroyed. We should make fore the entrance to the Prophet's cell.
The door to the Prophet's cell is sealed. I should see if Lyris has any idea on what we should do next.
Lyris knows someone named Cadwell who might know a different way into the Prophet's cell. We should find him and see what he knows.
Cadwell told us of another way into the Prophet's cell, but it's filled with traps and creatures. We should enter the Undercroft.
The Undercroft reeks of death. We should carefully make our way through and enter the Prophet's cell.
We've entered the cell. The Prophet should be in here somewhere.
We've Found the Prophet, but he's within some kind of magical prison. I should see if Lyris knows how to get him out.
Lyris must switch places with the Prophet in order to free him. Her efforts will catch the attention of more guards, no doubt.
The pinions on either side of the ritual circle seem to be activated. I should see if I can manipulate them to complete the ritual.
Lyris has to trade places with the Prophet in order to free him. I should wait for her to complete the exchange.
The Prophet is free, but Lyris is now trapped in the cell. I should talk to the Prophet and find out what's next.
The Prophet knows of a Daedric Anchor we can use to return to Tamriel. We should leave this place.
We've made our way to the Dark Anchor. The Prophet and I will need to reach the base of the Anchor Mooring.
The Prophet and I must fight our way past the guardian and through the Mooring's base if we're to escape.
We made it to the Anchor Mooring. I should talk to the Prophet.
The Prophet said that we'll need a Skyshard in order to return to Tamriel and attune my corporeal form to Nirn. I should collect the Skyshard.
The Prophet has begun summoning something to lift us to the portal above. I should wait for him to complete the spell.
The way to Tamriel is open! I must enter the rift to escape!
I've emerged from the rift in an unfamiliar place. The Prophet is nearby, but his form is indistinct and translucent. I should speak with him.
I've shown up in an unfamiliar place. The Prophet has appeared as a shade; I should speak with him and see where I must go next.
- Er-Jaseen is the one that frees the Vestige from their cell.
- As the first tutorial, this quest can be skipped once completed by one of the player's characters.
- The final boss of the quest used to be the Anchor Guardian, but was changed to the Child of Bones after the Beta ended.
- The hanging cells and wheelbarrows are lootable.
- Sneaking in the Undercroft will reveal traps, and may allow the player to disarm them.
- The quest can be completed with minimal combat. Only the Dremora before the forge, Vaekar, the guards in The Prophet's Cell, and the Child of Bones must be killed.
- The Vestige's Cell, The Bleeding Forge, and The Prophet's Cell are separated from other players, meaning that those areas are completed alone.
- Jumping into the central area of the Anchor Mooring (before activating the rift) will result in a flash of white and return the Vestige to the ground nearby, instead of dying.
- This quest is unique in that it rewards a Skyshard (given towards end of quest).
This section contains bugs related to Soul Shriven in Coldharbour. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:
- Lyris may appear floating in the air off of the ramp leading to the Sentinel after destroying it, making it impossible to talk to her and advance the quest.
- Jumping towards her may force her to spawn in the correct location. Alternatively, logging out and back in may also resolve this.