This spell allows the caster to float slightly above the ground for 5 rounds, plus 1 round for each level of the caster. Floating thus the caster can traverse pits, lava flows, or water chasms.
Creates a globe of light that will follow the caster, illuminating roughly a 12-meter radius around the caster. The duration is 5 rounds per level of the caster.
Fires a globe of light in whatever direction the caster wishes, illuminating all around it while it travels. Upon impact with an object the light globe will dissipate. The globe illuminates a 12-meter radius circle.
Fires a dart of fire at a single targeted enemy, inflicting 1–15 points of damage to health, plus an additional 1–5 points for each level of the caster.
Creates a charge of electricity to cover the caster's body. The next creature touched will take 1–35 points of electrical damage to health, plus an additional 1–5 points for every level of the caster.
Creates an invisible shield around the caster, which will absorb 15 points of damage, plus an additional 5 points for every level of the caster before being dissipated.
Caster has a 30% chance, plus a 2% chance per level to resist the damaging effects of cold, whether these effects are carried by spell or in the environment. The duration is 1 round per level of the caster.
Caster has a 30% chance, plus a 2% chance per level to resist the damaging effects of fire, whether these effects are carried by spell or in the environment. The duration is 1 round per level of the caster.
Caster has a 30% chance, plus a 2% chance per level to resist the damaging effects of shock, whether these effects are carried by spell or in the environment. The duration is 1 round per level of the caster.
Caster has a 50% chance, plus an additional 2% per level of being ignored by attacking people or monsters. The duration is 1 round per level of the caster. The caster may not cast offensive spells while in sanctuary.
The caster has the ability to magically seal a portal or door. The chance is 20% plus an additional 2% per level of the caster. Wizard Locked doors must be opened using an Open spell, or be broken down in order to gain entry.
Caster can channel vast amounts of energy into a ball of fire, which will travel to the selected target and explode, doing damage to all creatures within one meter of the target point. The damage to health is 4–12 points per level of the caster. Care must be taken for if the Fireball impacts a target within a meter of the caster, he too will be enveloped in the explosion.
Caster can project a bolt of intense cold at a single creature, inflicting 5–35 points of cold damage to health, plus an additional 1–5 points for every level attained.
A field of negative energy surrounds the caster, giving a 50% chance plus an additional 2% per level of the caster to resist the effects of any spell. The duration is 1 round per level of the caster.
Caster can silence another single creature, thus preventing it from casting spells. Upon a successful hit (touch) after the spell is cast, there is a 35% chance plus 2% for every level of the caster that the struck creature will be silenced. The duration of this silence is 1 round for every level of the caster.
Upon casting this spell the caster begins regenerating health points. The rate at which the points will be regained is 1 health point per round. The duration of the spell is 60 rounds for every level of the caster.
The caster can curse a single creature, causing slow degradation to the target creature's Intelligence, Willpower, Personality, and Luck. Upon a successful hit (touch) after the spell is cast, there is a 30% chance plus 3% for every level of the caster that the offending creature be cursed. The afflicted creature will begin losing 1 point from the four aforementioned statistics every round. The spell's duration is 1 round per level of the caster.
The caster can send a ball of intense cold, which explodes upon contact with target or with any intervening structure, inflicting an explosion of 1–30 points of damage to health plus an additional 1–5 points for every level of the caster. All creatures caught within the 3 meter diameter explosion will suffer the damaging effects of the numbing cold.
The caster can cause the very surrounding air to superheat, exploding outward. All creatures within 1 meter of the caster will take 10–30 points of fire damage to health, plus an additional 1–5 points for every level of the caster.
The caster fires a magical dart which can poison a creature, causing slow degradation to the creature's health. The chance is 30% plus 2% per level of the caster that the targeted creature is poisoned. Creatures poisoned with this spell lose 1 health point per round. The spell's duration is 5 rounds per level of the caster.
The caster can magically enhance the ability to resist poisons of any sort. Once the spell is cast the caster has a 50% chance to resist any poison, plus an additional 5% per level. The spell's duration is 1 round per level of the caster.
The caster has the ability to destroy up to 3 walls, vaporizing them instantly. The walls are destroyed permanently. Note, some walls will be protected against Passwall, and will not be destroyed by this spell.
The caster can destroy up to 3 floor sections, creating tunnels under walls. These floor sections are destroyed permanently. Note, certain floors may be protected against Pitfalls, and will not be destroyed by this spell.
The caster can envelop himself in a protective shield, much stronger than the Shield spell. This protective barrier will absorb up to 50 points of damage, plus an additional 5 points for every level of the caster. It will persist until the damage points exceed its total points.
This spell will cause a bolt of fire to hit a selected target and inflict 1–15 points of damage plus an additional 1–5 points for every level of the caster, then continue to inflict the same damage at 5 round intervals. The spell's duration is 15 rounds.
The caster can damage a single selected target's spell point reserve, inflicting 1–50 points of damage to the spell points, plus an additional 1–5 points for every level of the caster. Spell points, like health points, regenerate with rest.
The caster can silence a single creature at range, having a 35% chance plus 2% per level to succeed. Silenced creatures are unable to cast spells. The duration of this spell is 1 round per level of the caster. See 'Silence' for more details.
Upon casting this spell the caster has the ability to transfer 40 points of health from the single creature at range to their own health reserve. The transfer is instant. The transfer will add health points to the caster's health up to the normal maximum for the caster.
The caster causes a gaseous ball of toxic gas to speed outward to a selected target. The single creature so affected will take 1–25 points of damage to both health and fatigue, plus an additional 1–5 points for every level of the caster.
This spell is the bane of wizards everywhere. When cast, the next creature struck (touched) has a 5% chance plus and additional 5% per level of the caster to be both silenced and paralyzed. In addition to this the spell does 15 points of damage to the target's spell point total for every level of the caster.
By turning the very air surrounding the caster into a reflective shield, the caster has the ability to reflect spells cast at them back at the opposing caster. The chance is 40% plus 2% per level of the caster. If successful, the caster suffers no damage. The spell duration is 1 round per level of the caster.
The caster can fire a bolt of electrical energy at a single creature. The creature struck will take 1–30 points of damage to both health and fatigue, plus an additional 1–5 points of damage for every level of the caster.
The caster has the ability to paralyze a single creature with their gaze. The chance is 50% plus 2% per level of the caster. A creature so afflicted is unable to move and/or protect itself. The duration of the paralysis is 1 round per level of the caster.
The caster has a 25% chance plus 2% per level to cause a disease on one target at range. Targets inflicted with disease lose 2 pts. of Strength, Agility, Speed, and Endurance every round. The duration of this spell is 6 rounds per level of the caster
By concentrating the magical aura that surrounds all beings, the caster can cause a magical implosion around a single creature at range. The targeted creature suffers 10–30 points of damage to health plus an additional 1–10 points for every level of the caster. The targeted creature also has a 10% chance plus 5% for every level of the caster to be paralyzed while the magical aura surrounding it realigns itself.
Upon casting this spell the caster is healed 100 health points, cured of any poison, and enveloped in a Sanctuary spell that will cause other creatures to ignore them, but from which the caster can still cast offensive spells.
The caster unleashes a bolt of fire that envelopes a single target, doing 100 points of fire damage, plus an additional 100 damage points for every level of the caster. Needless to say, for a high level caster, this spell will vaporize almost any single foe.