Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
For other uses, see Spells.

The following is a list of spells in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall. Most of these can be purchased from the Mages Guild. Note: The casting cost, spell strength, and chance for success will vary depending on level and skill levels.

Spell Name School Description
Acidic Field Destruction Caster surrounded by a medium-level damage aura, affecting all who came within target.
Balyna's Antidote Restoration Medium-level chance of curing caster of paralysis, poison, and mundane diseases.
Banish Daedra Mysticism Medium-level chance of transporting Daedra target back to the plane of Oblivion.
Chameleon Illusion If caster does not move, they are mostly camouflaged, as per an Invisibility spell.
Charisma Restoration Temporarily boosts caster's Personality attribute.
Cure Disease Restoration High-level chance of curing the caster of mundane diseases.
Cure Poison Restoration High-level change of curing caster of poisons.
Energy Leech Destruction/Restoration Transfer fatigue from target to caster with a successful strike.
Far Silence Mysticism Creates a sphere of silence around a target, making spell-casting impossible for the duration.
Feet of Notorgo Restoration Temporarily boosts caster's Speed attribute.
Fire Storm Destruction Creates a fiery aura around the caster, delivering medium-level damage to all within its boundaries.
Fireball Destruction Fires a ball of flame at a single target, delivering medium to high-level damage.
Light Illusion Creates an aura of light around the caster, making visibility higher.
Force Bolt Destruction|Alteration Fires a ball of energy at a single target, delivering high-level damage and a chance of paralysis.
Fortitude Restoration Temporarily boosts caster's Endurance attribute.
Free Action Alteration/Restoration High-level chance of curing, and creating an immunity to, paralysis for the duration of the spell.
Frostbite Destruction Causes Frost Damage on touch.
Ghost Form Illusion/Thaumaturgy Turns caster invisible and weightless, as per the spells Invisibility and Levitate.
God's Fire Destruction Fires a ball of energy at a single target, delivering very high-level damage.
Hand of Sleep Destruction/Alteration Destroys fatigue from a target with a successful strike.
Hand of Decay Destruction Low to medium-level chance of disintegrating a target with a successful strike.
Harbour Air Destruction Surrounds caster with a frost-based damage aura, delivering medium- to -high-level damage.
Heal Restoration Heals low- to medium- level wounds of caster.
Holy Touch Mysticism Chance to dispel undead (zombies, skeletons, ghosts, wraiths, etc.).
Holy Word Mysticism Low- to -medium-level chance of dispelling undead (zombies, skeletons, ghosts, wraiths, etc.).
Ice Storm Destruction Fires ball of frost which explodes on contact, delivering medium-level damage to all within range.
Ice Bolt Destruction Fires a ball of frost which inflicts medium- to high- level damage to a single target.
Invisibility Illusion Medium-level chance of causing caster to vanish.
Iron Will Restoration Temporarily boosts caster's Willpower attribute.
Jack of Trades Restoration Temporarily boosts caster's Luck attribute.
Jumping Alteration/Restoration Temporarily boosts caster's Jumping Skill.
Levitate Thaumaturgy Causes caster to become weightless and able to float in any direction for the duration.
Light Illusion Creates a sphere of light around the caster, improving visibility for the duration.
Lightning Destruction Fires ball of lightning at a single target, delivering high-level damage.
Magicka Leech Destruction/Restoration Transfers inherent magicka energy from a target to the caster on a successful strike.
Medusa's Gaze Alteration Medium- to high- level chance of paralyzing a target on a successful strike.
Nimbleness Restoration Temporarily boosts caster's Agility attribute.
Notorgo's Curse Destruction/Alteration Slows a target with a successful strike by.
Null Magicka Mysticism Creates an anti-magicka sphere around the caster, with a high-level chance of removing all magic.
Open Mysticism Medium-level chance of unlocking a mundane or magically locked door.
Orc Strength Restoration Temporarily boosts caster's Strength attribute.
Paralysis Alteration Medium level chance of immobilizing a target for the duration of the spell.
Resist Cold Alteration Improve caster's chance of resisting spells based on the frost element.
Resist Shock Alteration Improve caster's chance of resisting spells based on the shock or lightning element.
Resist Fire Alteration Improve caster's chance of resisting spells based on the fire element.
Resist Poison Alteration Improve caster's chance of resisting spells based on the poison or acid element.
Sanctuary Illusion Creates a powerful invisibility on the caster which will not fade even if the caster weaves other spells.
Shadow Form Illusion Improves the caster's ability to hide in the shadows, moving invisibly in dark places.
Shalidor's Mirror Thaumaturgy Medium-chance of reflecting spells fired at caster back to the aggressor mage.
Shield Alteration Creates a temporary shield around caster, capable of absorbing damage meant for the caster.
Shock Destruction Shocks the next creature struck by the caster with lightning-based medium-level damage.
Silence Mysticism Quiets the next creature struck by the caster, making spellcasting impossible for the duration.
Sleep Destruction/Alteration Fatigues a target with a successful strike from the caster.
Slowfalling Alteration Slows the descent of a caster when falling, so little damage is taken on impact.
Soul Trap


Holds the soul of a target, so when the host body dies, the soul can be stored for enchantments.
Spell Absorption Restoration Creates a sphere around caster to disperse targeted spells, replenishing the caster's reserves.
Spell Drain Alteration/Destruction Drains magicka from a target on a successful strike.
Spell Resistance Restoration/Alteration/Thaumaturgy Creates a sphere to dilute and disperse low-level spells targeted at caster.
Spell Shield Restoration/Alteration/Thaumaturgy Creates a sphere to dilute and disperse low- to medium-level spells targeted at caster.
Spell Reflection Thaumaturgy/Mysticism Creates a sphere around caster to reflect targeted spells back toward their source.
Sphere of Negation Destruction Creates a sphere around the caster which may disintegrate any sentient from trapped in its radius.
Spider Touch Alteration Paralyzes target successfully touched by the caster.
Stamina Restoration Replenishes lost fatigue, invigorating the tired caster.
Strength Leech Restoration/Destruction Transfers Strength attribute points from target to caster on a successful strike.
Toxic Cloud Destruction Fires a ball of acid at a single target, inflicting medium-level damage.
Troll's Blood Restoration Regenerates caster's health from a target to the caster by touch.
Vampire Touch Restoration/Destruction Transfers health from a target to the caster by touch.
Water Breathing Alteration Allows the caster to breath in an underwater environment for the duration of the spell.
Water Walking Alteration/Thaumaturgy Allows the caster to walk on the surface of water for the duration of the spell.
Wildfire Destruction Fires a ball of flame at a single target, inflicting medium-level damage and then low-level damage as the fire continues to burn.
Wisdom Restoration Temporarily boosts caster's Intelligence attribute.
Wizard Rend Alteration/Mysticism Medium-level chance of paralyzing and silencing target successfully struck.
Wizard Lock Mysticism Holds door securely locked for the duration of the spell.
Wizard's Fire Destruction Fires a ball of flame at a single target, inflicting low- to medium-level damage.

