Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Staff of Sheogorath is an Enchanted Staff in The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles. It belongs to the Daedric Prince of Madness Sheogorath and serves as the symbol of office for the Madgod of the Shivering Isles.


The Staff of Sheogorath is acquired upon completion of "The Roots of Madness," but the staff will not simply be handed to the Hero. The staff must be created and the items for the staff are collected in Symbols of Office.

To learn what items are needed, talk to Dyus in Knifepoint Hollow. He will say that the staff is constructed with the Eye of Ciirta and a branch of the Tree of Shades. Once both these rare items have been obtained, Dyus will put the staff together. The staff is not yet complete though, to unlock its power the Hero must travel to the Tree of Madness in Sheogorath's Palace.

The Hero will need to eradicate the Order Crystals and activate the Font of Madness to give the Staff of Sheogorath its power. The Staff can be recharged at any time at the Font of Madness after this.


The effect of the Voice of Sheogorath enchantment is that when the staff is activated it will cause all enemies in range to freeze. A deep voice will say "HOLD!" at the start of the effect and when the effect has passed, the voice will say "RELEASE!" Anything that is frozen by the Staff of Sheogorath cannot be attacked in a mode similar to when an essential character is unconscious.


  • It is unknown if this staff is in any way related to the Madgod's Wabbajack, the other staff belonging to Sheogorath.
  • The Staff cannot be given to Martin Septim for the quest Blood of the Daedra, despite being a Daedric Artifact.
  • During The End of Order, the words "HOLD!" and "RELEASE!" will not be heard when the staff is used.
  • Trying to interact with a character while it is under the effect of the staff will result in the game informing the Hero that the character is unconscious.
  • Only characters hostile towards the Hero or another character can be affected by the staff.
  • If someone other than the Hero uses the staff, the effect will affect characters that are hostile towards the Hero, even if they are not hostile towards the one who uses the staff. It will also affect characters that are hostile towards the one who uses the staff.
    • If the character that uses the staff is hostile towards the Hero, the staff will not affect either of them.
  • The Staff can affect interactive objects such as beds, doors, and containers.
    • The Staff can affect objects such as the entire Orrery, and the Daedric Siege Crawler. However it will not prevent such objects from moving.
  • The Staff can affect Mehrunes Dagon.


This section contains bugs related to Staff of Sheogorath. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template  360  /  XB1  ,  PS3  /  PS4  ,  PC  /  MAC  ,  NX  /  PS5  ,  XS  , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  • Unlike many other items introduced by the Shivering Isles DLC, it can be duplicated using the scroll duplication exploit.

