Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Stalf is a Nord vampire and a member of the Volkihar Clan.


Stalf resides in Castle Volkihar. If the Dragonborn follows the Vampire questline, Stalf will be waiting in ambush on orders from Orthjolf during "The Bloodstone Chalice." If the Dragonborn sides with the Dawnguard, he will die with the rest of the Volkihar Clan when they launch their final assault on Castle Volkihar to eliminate Lord Harkon and his court in "Kindred Judgment".


An unexpected assault[]

Salonia: "It's really too bad, you know. The little accident you had here, completely unexpected..."
Stalf: "Yeah, too bad. Lord Harkon's new favorite, dead so soon after joining the family." Salonia: "We're just lucky I was here to return the Chalice to Vingalmo, so he could make sure Harkon gets it back." Stalf: "Wait, what? That's not what we agreed. We take it back together." Salonia: "Idiot. You didn't really think I'd let you walk out of here either, did you? Vingalmo wants you both dead." Stalf: "Well that's just fine. Orthjolf told me to finish off anyone who got in the way."


  • If the Dragonborn resurrects Stalf after the Dawnguard questline has been completed for the Volkihar clan, he will recognize the player as leader of the clan, often greeting them with "My Lord" if the Dragonborn is male, or "My Lady" if they are female.

