Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Steel Axe.

The Steel Axe is a one-handed axes that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online. It is the second type of axe available to craft in the Blacksmithing skill line. The steel axe is the appropriate axe for levels 16-25.


Both enchanted and non-enchanted can be found throughout the world. Locations include:


The steel axe is made with steel ingots and a crafting style stone. The amount of steel ingots used is determined by the level of the axe. Its appearance depends on the style stone used during crafting. It require rank 2 of Metalworking to craft. Its rarity can be upgraded with tempers.


Level Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary Material Used Sell Price Gold
16 370 406 442 477 513 4 Steel Ingots [?]
18 394 430 465 501 537 5 Steel Ingots [?]
20 418 453 489 525 561 6 Steel Ingots [?]
22 442 477 513 549 584 7 Steel Ingots [?]
24 465 501 537 572 608 8 Steel Ingots [?]



