A Daggerfall noble named Lady Laurent seems to be some kind of treasure hunter. She's exploring the Tomb of Lost Kings to find something to add to her collection.
Stibbons and a handful of hired mages recruited by Lady Laurent have ventured into Bal Fell. Misfortune had befallen them there, and you must assist them once again.
"Good day to you. Have you come at the summons of her ladyship?"
No, I haven't. Who is her ladyship?"Lady Laurent, a Daggerfall noble who collects ancient artifacts. She's come to the tombs in search of lost treasures. I only hope she hasn't gotten into trouble again."
What do you mean?"Well, supper is nearly ready. It's not like her ladyship to be late for dinner. Especially when she asked me to open a bottle of her finest wine. Do you suppose something unpleasant might have befallen her in the tomb?"
"Oh, hello there! I remember you … from that tomb in Glenumbra? My memory is so foggy, but I remember your face. You won't believe this, but Lady Laurent has fired me! Now, I don't know what to do."
Why did she fire you?"Because it's all my fault—the Aldmeri. Lady Laurent sent me through the portal to investigate. When the Elves saw me, I ran … and led them to the portal. So now she hates me. Please, I beg you. Will you help me get back in her good graces?"
Sure. What do you need me to do?"Praise you! Praise you! I'm trying to gather all her things, but her tools are scattered out in the ruins, and those are her most important possessions. If you'll get the tools for me, I just know she'll forgive me. I just know it."
All right. I'll go get the tools."There's one more thing you should know. Lady Laurent hired this thuggish Tamien fellow, and I believe she already asked him to recover her tools. You should speak with him up on the ramparts and tell him we have it taken care of."
Why not just let Tamien get the tools?"Because he's a brute and I need to be the one to give her the tools. If I can't make her forgive me, she'll just leave me here, and then, what will I do? This is my only chance!"
Did something happen after the tomb of kings?"No. That expedition was quite a success, and I was the one who found you …. There's simply no explanation for why she's treating me this way."
After finding the lost tools:
"Well, I think I've gathered up all Lady Laurent's personal effects from the camp. I just need those tools from out in the ruins. I don't suppose you beat Tamien to them, did you?"
I've got all the tools right here."Praise the Eight! You just saved my reputation, and my livelihood. Can I have the tools then?"
Yes. Take them."Ha! That sneaky Tamien fellow sure will be surprised. Hopefully now, Lady Laurent will forgive me and realize we don't need any hired help. A mercenary … what in Oblivion was she thinking?"
"Merciful Stendarr! That creature was positively terrifying! I did manage to find one of Lady Laurent's hirelings, though. But it's good to see you again, my friend. You'll save my lady's expedition, just as you've done in the past." (If never met before: "Merciful Stendarr! That creature was positively terrifying! But at least I found one of my lady's hirelings ….")
What creature are you talking about?"That horrific spider! I was using several of the inquisitive techniques employed by Investigator Vale in her fabulous stories when the largest, most terrifying spider I ever laid eyes upon sprang at me with evil intent. Even spooked the mage!"
That's one of the mages working for Lady Laurent?"It is, though she's not making much sense. Perhaps you could talk to her? Lady Laurent believed the mages absconded with her hard-earned gold. So I followed them to these ruins and—well, I encountered the spider and then everything went dark."
Dark? So the spider attacked you?"I, um, no. This is embarrassing. It started … talking to me. Then I swooned and passed out. Spiders have that effect on me. Oh, I must return to Lady Laurent. It's well past her tea time and she's going to be extremely displeased with me."
"You, again! You make a habit of showing up when my lady needs you. I suppose that means we're going to make another attempt to reach that wretched summit after all. Go present yourself to my lady. She should be coming down the trail at any moment."
What's that about reaching the summit?"This is Sorrow. Apt name, don't you think? The House of Orsimer Glories in Orsinium engaged my lady's services to find the shrine of Torug gro-Igron. It supposedly waits at the snowy top. No one's attempted to climb it in years, yet here we are."
Is there a problem with the climb?"Only if you consider vile beasts, freezing winds, and falling ice to be a problem. We tried to climb the mountain three times now, and each failure was more spectacular than the last. If you're interested, Lady Laurent could really use the help."
I'll talk to Lady Laurent."This expedition has really proved to be more troublesome than Lady Laurent anticipated. I hate to say it, but I think this time Sorrow might be more than she bargained for."
Who's Lady Laurent?"Famous treasure hunter. I'm sure you've heard of her. We travel the land, searching for hidden treasures, secret relics, and, er, other mystical things. I'm not at liberty to tell you much about our work, but it's very important."
Who hired her to lead this expedition?"The House of Orsimer Glories. It's Orsinium's fledgeling museum. They hired experts like my lady to scour the countryside for ancient relics related to Wrothgar's history. To display them. Instant culture for the tourists, you see."
Are you looking for a particular relic?"Legends claim that a powerful relic was buried with Orsinium's founder. At Torug's shrine, my lady hopes to find the Armlet of Torug, the bracelet that gave him the power to tame the wilderness. Now if only Kharsthun would stop arguing with her."
Who's Kharsthun?"Kharstun works for the museum and has been serving as our liaison and cultural expert. It has become clear that he and my lady disagree about a great many things. He's really beginning to try Lady Laurent's patience, I'm afraid to say."
At Sorrow Peak:
"You missed all the drama! While you were unconscious, Lady Laurent and our helpful Orc had a dreadfully intense argument about the Armlet of Torug. It was wonderful to watch!"
I was unconscious?"It's the thin air up here. But whatever you did made the weather calm down, so we followed you up. That's when Kharsthun and Lady Laurent started arguing. Kharsthun thinks the shrine would be a better location to display the Armlet than the museum."
And Lady Laurent disagrees?"Oh, most indubitably! The museum hired her to acquire relics and she hates to disappoint. Perhaps you could talk to them. Help them reach a decision that gets us someplace warm. You better let me hold onto the Armlet, just to be on the safe side."
If you insist."I must admit I'm on the edge of my seat to see how this resolves! Don't worry. I'll keep Torug's relic safe while you talk to Lady Laurent and Kharsthun."
"By Zenithar, I have an acute throbbing in my cranium. Could this be what a hangover is like?"
Are you all in one piece?"Possibly, though I'd like to take time for a more detailed inspection. How long was I asleep? Is Lady Laurent all right?"
You don't remember being a statue?"A statue? Are you jesting? No, I can see you're serious. I recall nothing. I seem to be intact, although perhaps a trifle stiff in the joints. I could certainly use a strong … that is, I believe I have a bottle of medicine that will help me."
"Ah, a new guest has come to the manor! Welcome, my friend!"
You don't appear to be in mortal danger."Hardly. I haven't received this much adoration—well, ever! The sisters are even going to throw a celebration in my honor! Doesn't that sound exciting? I'll be at the banquet tables with Rayyaima. Introduce yourself to Nuzara and Shayaifa, then join me."
As you wish.
After freeing him from the cage:
"Thanks for the help, friend. They stole my clothes, my lady's jewels, and … and my dignity. But at least we can recover Lady Laurent's jewels. Will you help me?"
Can you make it to the cave without my protection?"I've been trying to become more of a help to Lady Laurent, so I've been taking dueling lessons. I think I can keep us safe until you return. Find my lady's missing jewels and meet us at the secret tunnel near the pools."
I'll get the jewels back.
After getting the jewels back:
"My dueling lessons have finally paid off. We made it down here with almost no trouble. Well, Fatahala helped a little. Did you find Lady Laurent's jewels?"
Here are your lady's jewels."Oh, that's wonderful! Thank you so much! The secret exit that Fatahala showed me is behind this rock. Give me a second to equip a weapon and we can head out."
I'm ready when you are.
Outside the manor:
"Why do these things keep happening to me, I wonder?"
Will you be all right now?"I think so. Thanks to you. I need to find Lady Laurent and make sure she's all right. She can get so flustered without me. I'll lead Fatahala to the Hollow City. Those dueling lessons were certainly worth the gold!"
"I appreciate that you came to get me. A little longer and who knows what Drasilla would have made me do!"
I'm glad I was able to help."I won't forget what you did for me. Even a loyal servant can withstand the charms of a beautiful, winged Daedra for only so long, you know. I saw a city from the top of the tower. I'll head there and try to find my dear Lady Laurent."
After finishing the quest:
"Freedom is a wonderful thing. And I'm sure that dear Lady Laurent has missed me terribly. She really is lost when I'm not around to help her."
How did you end up in the tower?"The Mages Guild hired Lady Laurent and a few other scholars and treasure hunters for some sort of mission. I was never really made privy to the finer details. Anyway, Lady Laurent had me gather her equipment and follow her through a portal."
And then you were separated from the others?"Quite so. I must have blacked out. When I opened my eyes, a winged beauty was hovering above me. She took me in her claws and carried me to the top of that tower."
That must have been terrible!"Well, it wasn't that bad. Drasilla was very kind—for an evil Daedra. But she became infatuated. My natural charms, I suppose. But the more I refused her, the harder she pressed herself upon me. I'd rather not talk about this, if you don't mind."
I met Lady Laurent. You should find her at the Hollow City."That's excellent news! The poor dear really isn't cut out for taking care of herself. She depends on me for everything, you know."
Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Stibbons! Could you come and put this lovely crown away, please?"Stibbons:"Of course, my lady."Forgotten Seneschal:"Why? Why isn't he bound?"Stibbons:"There we are, my lady. Safe and sound."Forgotten Seneschal:"No! That's not the right crown!""You betrayed me! Betrayed me!"Stibbons:"I'll go see about more fish for the stew, my lady."
If Lady Laurent was told the truth about the Chalice's effects:
Stibbons:"Yes m'lady. Please try not to get any on my clothes. Blood is murder to get out."Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Now just hold still Stibbons …. Now you, Goblin, drink from the chalice."Stibbons:"What? What's happening …?"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Oh, dear … that was an unexpected side effect."
Stibbons:"Thank you. Now just give me a moment to deal with my nakedness situation."Fatahala:"Stibbons! Thank the Radiant Mother you're all right. When I saw Rayyaima with your jewels, I feared the worst!"Stibbons:"All right? How can you say that? They have my dear Lady Laurent's jewels! She will be quite distraught if I don't retrieve them."Fatahala:"At least you're alive. That's something! I know a secret tunnel by the pools. I can lead you there while our friend fetches your lady's jewelry. What do you think?"
Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Stibbons, don't you dare put down that firewood! It won't do us any good if it gets wet."Stibbons:"You make a sound point, my lady."
Upon finding the second stanza:
Kharsthun:"Another stanza! Incredible! Torug took the armlet to the very summit! But this word …?"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Come now, Stibbons, keep it up!"Stibbons:"Right behind you, m'lady. As always."Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Brr! This cold is unbearable! Stibbons, the firewood!"Stibbons:"A fire! Splendid idea, m'lady! I'll just—oh my!"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"If this is Torug's shrine, where's his body?"Stibbons:"M'lady … you need to see this."Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Build the fire here. I need more light! Maybe there's a hidden door."Stibbons:"Lady Clarisse Laurent, I insist you listen to me!"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"What are you going on about, Stibbons? Can't you see I'm trying to—oh. I suggest a strategic retreat."Stibbons:"I wholeheartedly agree, m'lady."Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Let's stand back here and let Kharsthun and our friend work in peace, Stibbons."
Upon finding the third stanza:
Stibbons:"I think they found the third stanza, m'lady!"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Quiet, Stibbons! There might still be ogres about! Quickly, Kharsthun. What does it say?"Kharsthun:"Let me take a look. Torug wasn't pleased that they built his shrine below the summit. He wanted to rest at the top."Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Does it say anything about the Armlet of Torug?"Kharsthun:"He carried it to the summit. It says he "laid Sorrow's … kiss upon it." Yes, "zugka." I'm certain it's ""kiss.""Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Sorrow's kiss? The same phrase from the fragment! Doesn't that sound so romantic, Stibbons?"Stibbons:"Very sentimental, m'lady. But are you sure that doesn't say "zugra?""Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Now, Stibbons, really! Leave the translating to the experts. In the meantime, I must speak to our friend."
Lady Clarisse Laurent:"You sided with Kharsthun? After all we've been through?"Kharsthun:"It's been decided. Torug's relic stays in Torug's shrine."Lady Clarisse Laurent:"The poor Orcs have to climb up here to see a piece of their heritage? That's positively criminal!"Kharsthun:"Wait! What's Stibbons doing with the relic!"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"A little faster, Stibbons. I'm anxious to see what the relic actually does!"Stibbons:"But, m'lady, what if I'm not worthy?"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Nonsense! We're not afraid of legends and superstitions, are we?"Stibbons:"No, m'lady. Of course not. Well, here goes nothing."
<Stibbons turns to ice>
Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Oh, Stibbons, what did you do this time?"Kharsthun:"Hmm. Maybe your man-servant was right. Maybe it does say "Sorrow's curse.""
Stibbons:"I beg m'lady's pardon. I really thought I could solve the case of the missing mages."Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Whatever gave you that idea? You can barely manage not to lose my collection of combs and brushes every time you pack them!"Stibbons:"But … but … Investigator Vale …. I mean, would m'lady like her tea now?"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"And some of those sweet biscuits I like. Let's return to camp so you can start cooking!"Stibbons: "Of course, m'lady. Right away."
Lady Clarisse Laurent:"And Stibbons, I want my book back. I must find out what happens when Investigator Vale meets the innkeeper's daughter in the wine cellar. I'm sure it will be scandalous!"
After releasing the spider:
Stibbons:"Ahh! A spider!"Stibbons:"I'm … still conscious?"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"My tea worked! Head for the ruins and find the spider that talked to you, Stibbons!"Stibbons:"As you command, m'lady."
Further into the ruins:
Stibbons:"Another spider! And it's talking to me!"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Follow my man-servant!"
After the quest, in the camp:
Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Stibbons, I have something I'd like you to read."Stibbons:"What's this? The newest Investigator Vale mystery?"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Just read it out loud and tell me what it says."Stibbons:"A read-aloud? What fun!"Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Just enunciate, Stibbons. And speak loudly."Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Any time now, Stibbons."Stibbons: "This isn't the newest Investigator Vale mystery …."
Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Read the scroll, Stibbons!"Stibbons:"Something, something … Mad God flows and ebbs. Something, something … call forth the tangled webs …. Oh no, that doesn't sound good …."Lady Clarisse Laurent:"Really, Stibbons? You do manage to complicate the simplest tasks."
"I never could stand cold weather. Chills me to the bone! I feel like a frozen icicle!" – Before searching for expedition members
"Between you and me, I'm glad Kharsthun decided to leave the dead Orcs where they fell. I have no idea how I would have dug proper graves in this ground. It's frozen solid!" – If spoken to in the cave
"Ogres! Even the dead ones make my knees shake with uncontrollable fright! Do m'lady a favor and get rid of the foul creatures before one of them decides that chilled Stibbons is an ogre delicacy." – At Torug's shrine before finding the second stanza
"You should talk to Lady Laurent. She has that gleam in her eye. You know, the one that usually results in some catastrophe befalling her faithful man-servant―me." – At Torug's shrine after completing the stanzas
"I must say, I'm relieved that you volunteered to ascend to the summit. I was certain my lady was going to make me do it. Now I might actually get off this mountain without getting frozen into a block of ice!" – If spoken to before heading out to Sorrow's Peak
"Please, do get on with it. I'm afraid Lady Laurent will be dreadfully cross at my tardiness." – Before talking to the mage next to him
"Should we follow her? Oh dear. What would Investigator Vale do in this situation? I know! I'll just wait here and let you see where she's rushing off to." – After Dralane Elarven runs off
"Lady Laurent's tea was actually quite delicious, but the thought of listening to that spider and walking into a mysterious ruin scares the pudding out of me! Still, if that's what my lady thinks is best …." – After catching a mind spider
"Why do my feet hurt? Oh, never mind. Run!" – After stopping the ritual
"How dreadful! Spiders are bad enough, but that melody … Daedra have no ability to follow a sheet of music!" – Speaking to him in the camp after stopping the ritual
"Ah, that was delicious! Why don't we head over to the pools and take a nice, relaxing soak?" – After the banquet
"Ah, my dear Shayaifa. You've grown lovelier in my absence." – At the bath
"Look what they did to me! Shayaifa has the key. She took it downstairs. Please, get that key!" – While he is in the cage
"These Daedra tried to keep me from my dear Lady Laurent. It's time to make them pay!" – When heading for the manor's exit
Saving Stibbons
"Oh, thank you! Let's meet by the wayshrine, just east of this tower. I'll be fine. As long as the Daedra think I still belong to Drasilla, they won't harm me." – After saving him from Drasilla
Stibbons, frozen by the Armlet of Torug.
Stibbons, turned into stone by the stoneflesh potion.