Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Swift Swim MW
"This effect temporarily increases the swimming speed of the subject."
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Construction Set[src]

Swift Swim is a magic effect in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind that is a member of the Alteration school of magic, governed by Willpower. Its base Magicka cost is 2.00 points.


The following spells consist of a Swift Swim effect. They may include additional effects. See articles for details.

Swift Swim Spells
Name Type Cost
Range Area
Gold Base ID
Buoyancy Spell 2 1 1 20 Self 0 buoyancy
Puzzle Canal Blessings * Spell 7632 25 25 2880 Touch 0 shrine_puzzle_sp
Swimmer's Blessing Spell 15 5 5 30 Self 0 Swimmer's_Blessing
* Received from a shrine in the Palace of Vivec City, Puzzle Canal Gold = Available for purchase from a spell merchant.


The following spell merchants are purveyors of one or more spells consisting of a Swift Swim effect:

Swift Swim Merchants
Name Faction MS Location Spell(s)
Dulian Imperial Legion 10 Buckmoth Legion Fort: Interior Swimmer's Blessing
Fevyn Ralen Telvanni 10 Vivec, Telvanni Canton: Telvanni Waistworks, Mage Buoyancy
Marayn Dren Mages Guild 10 Balmora: Mages Guild Buoyancy
Medila Indaren Mages Guild 10 Caldera: Mages Guild Swimmer's Blessing
Nelso Salenim Telvanni 10 Sadrith Mora: Telvanni Council House Entry Buoyancy
Vaval Selas None 15 Vivec, St. Olms Canton: Temple Swimmer's Blessing

* This person's services are available to faction members of a sufficient rank only.


The following items consist of a Swift Swim effect. They may include additional effects. See articles for details.


First effect ingredients can be consumed raw for the effect. Otherwise they must be combined using Alchemy.

Alchemy Ingredients
Ingredient WeightIcon Gold First Effect Second Effect Third Effect Fourth Effect Item ID
Daedra Skin 0.20 200 ingred_daedra_skin_01
Golden Sedge Flowers TR 1.00 1 Ingred_golden_sedge_01
Scales 0.20 2 ingred_scales_01
Scrib Jerky 0.20 5 ingred_scrib_jerky_01

Potions and scrolls[]

Potions and Scrolls
Item Type WeightIcon Gold Magnitude
Item ID
Bargain Potion of Swift Swim * Potion 1.50 5 1 1 8 p_swift_swim_b
Cheap Potion of Swift Swim Potion 1.00 15 8 8 15 p_swift_swim_c
Exclusive Potion of Swift Swim Potion 0.25 175 20 20 60 p_swift_swim_e
Quality Potion of Swift Swim Potion 0.50 80 15 15 45 p_swift_swim_q
Scroll of Reynos' Fins Scroll 0.20 145 50 50 180 sc_reynosfins
Spoiled Potion of Swift Swim Potion 1.00 10 1 1 15 p_drain_intelligence_q

* This potion erroneously has 1 point magnitude instead of 5 points as per other "Bargain" potions.


  • Fortify Speed is generally preferred to this effect because it functions both on land and in the water, at a significantly lower magicka cost.

