Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Weapon upgrading[]

How many levels of upgrades are there and what are the levels for them?

Weapon Upgrade Tiers[]

  • Fine 1+
  • Superior - 22
  • Exquisite - 40
  • Flawless - 57
  • Epic - 74
  • Legendary - 91

I have comed across that problem with enchanting improved weapons. When i enchanted my Fine Ebony Sword to absorb health, i also named it Dragonsoul Blade. When i was finished, it was Dragonsoul Blade (Fine). I also have full Dragonsoul Armor :P 15:32, March 17, 2012 (UTC)

Factual correction[]

In Lost Valley Redoubt the dead Nord might have been used to make an axe. I remember once a Forsworn said something about using Nord skulls as a good weapon. It might have been after I died though. Which page should I add it to?

Continuing Sound Bug[]

The PS3 Bug of continuing to hear the grindstone seems to happen to me on the Xbox 360. It seems to happen after I use the grindstone and stand up. (I don't know if it happens if an NPC uses the grindstone, or if I stand by it for a while) If I use the grindstone and stand up again, the sound seems to quit. (Which seems to me that the grindstone didn't get the memo to stop and the sound continues to go on.) cyalknight@gmail.com 13:21, March 29, 2014 (UTC)