Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

The Only Armor[]

It says in the article that this is the only armor item that you can duplicate, I'm not sure where this information comes from, however I'm one hundred percent certain that with the Scroll Duplication technique, it is possible to duplicate the Hands of the Atronach. I've used this a bunch of times to get gold by selling them one at a time to Calindil. It is however possible that a patch changes this, because after I downloaded the latest patch, I could no longer duplicate the gauntlets (I've only tried it on one character though.) I'm going to do a little more investigation into this. Kirbsys 01:43, 11 June 2008 (UTC)

I think the Article means this is the only armor-item-which-comes-from-a-daedra-shrine that you can duplicate. --Remco 15:07, 11 June 2008 (UTC)

Spell Breaker or Spellbreaker?[]

I've seen Spellbreaker on all of the Oblivion pages so far, so which one is it really? Kroq-gar78 (talk) 17:46, March 30, 2013 (UTC)