Unrelenting Force shout didn't work[]
Hi all, just wanted to say I have had some trouble with this misc quest, trying to get Selveni out of the glitch at the entrance\exit. I tried the Unrelenting Force shout for ages and it did move her but she was still stuck. The Southfringe Sanctum page had some great advice to try Clear Skies shout on her which worked better for me but still to no avail, tried to shoot fireballs and lightning, neither worked! In the end I had to go grab and equip a low level bow and arrows and hit both her knees which seemed to sort her out. This is actually the only thing that worked for me after about an hour of trying everything lol!
Just thought I would post in case anyone encountered the same problem with shouts not working. :)
Also I am from Belfast the irony was not lost on me having to kneecap someone into compliance eekkk
Black Widow 22:39, February 11, 2015 (UTC)