This is the banner of the Aldmeri Dominion – Elven supremacists ruled by the Thalmor, who are sworn enemies of the Blades.
The Thalmor are the governmental body of the Third Aldmeri Dominion. They can be encountered throughout various points of The Elder Scrolls: Blades. Thalmor members are weak to poison damage.
The Justiciar Cometh[]
The Thalmor under the command of Aranande have arrived at the Town.
The Troll Trap[]
Try to distract and damage the Thalmor by luring them into a forest invested by Trolls.
The Forbidden Divine[]
Find out who informed the Thalmor about nearby Talos worshippers.
The Freedom to Believe[]
Find and warn the Talos worshippers before the Thalmor can arrest them.
The Haunted Grove[]
Lure the Thalmor to the Haunted Grove in order to distract them from their investigation of the Blade in town.
The Messenger[]
Intercept a Thalmor messenger who has information for Aranande in regards to the Blades.
Draugluin's Tomb[]
Lure the Thalmor to Draugluin's Tomb in order to distract them from their investigation of the Blade in town.
The Old Enchanter[]
The Thalmor are willing to help in give information in regards to the Sorcer-King, Celemaril Light-Bringer. Their source is Martin Gavinius, but in return for his location, the Thalmor demand his death.
Prisoner of the Thalmor[]
The Thalmor have arrested the enchanter Martin Gavinius. He must be rescued from his Thalmor captors.
A Friend in Need[]
The Thalmor accuse Henrik Seven-Swords to be the Blade. The Fugitive must decide if they kill Henrik, thus keeping their identity safe, or fight back against the Thalmor.
Like Father, Like Son[]
Help Jonathan escape from the Thalmor trying to find him for worshipping Talos.
- Thalmor Assassins
- Thalmor Champions
- Thalmor Prosecutors
- Thalmor Spellswords
- Thalmor Examiners
- Thalmor Inquisitors
- Thalmor Agents
- Thalmor Justiciar
- Thalmor Soldiers
- Aranande, the head of the Thalmor in The Elder Scrolls: Blades