Thalmor Gloves are worn by agents of the Aldmeri Dominion, the Thalmor.
Functioning as clothing, the Thalmor Gloves allow the Alteration perk, Mage Armor to double the effects of Flesh spells, such as Oakflesh and Stoneflesh. Thalmor Gloves can be enchanted.
- For those wanting to find a full set of the robes, boots, and gloves early in the game just follow these directions.
- After exiting the cave with Hadvar or Ralof follow the path until coming to a sign.
- At the sign turn left and follow that path until seeing a dirt path ahead going up a small hill.
- Go up this dirt path and find a Shrine of Talos with the dead bodies of worshipers and a Thalmor body with the robe, boots, and gloves.
- A pair is also dropped by Ancano after his defeat in the quest "The Eye of Magnus."
- Two sets can be found on a shelf in the Thalmor Embassy during "Diplomatic Immunity."
- Worn by Thalmor Wizards and Thalmor Justiciar mages.