Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

The Angry Trader is a Miscellaneous quest available in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Tinos Drothan tells the Nerevarine that his escorts stole his shipment of raw glass, and needs their help to retrieve and return it to him.

Quick walkthrough[]

  1. Talk to Tinos Drothan.
  2. Go to Beshara.
  3. Retrieve all ten pieces of raw glass from the chest behind Alvur Hleran.
  4. (Optional) Kill the thieves Alvur Hleran and Dondir.
  5. Return the raw glass to Tinos Drothan.

Detailed walkthrough[]



  • Mercantile points
    • 2 points if Alvur Hleran and Dondir are not killed.
    • 3 points if only one thief is killed.
    • 5 points if both thieves are killed.


The Angry Trader – MV_AngryTrader
ID Journal Entry
5 I met a traveler near Vivec. He looked like a trader, but he was furious about something and refused to speak to me.
10 I met an angry trader near Vivec. His name is Tinos Drothan, and his "guards" have run off with the goods he was carrying.
20 Tinos Drothan has told me if I can find the guards who stole his glass, kill them, and return the glass, he'd teach me some trader's tricks that could save me money in the future. The guards' names are Alvur Hleran and Dondiir, and he believes they are still in the area, perhaps holed up in a cave southeast of here.
23 I've agreed to help Tinos Drothan recover his stolen glass.
  • Quest accepted
25 I've decided not to help Tinos Drothan recover his stolen glass.
  • Quest failed
30 I've found where Alvur Hleran and Dondir were hiding, and was able to recover the glass.
100 I've returned the raw glass shipment to Tinos Drothan, and although he was happy to have it back, he was unhappy I hadn't killed off his former guards. I guess that was enough, though, and he taught me a few tricks to dealing with merchants that could come in handy.
  • Quest completed
105 I returned the raw glass that had been stolen from Tinos Drothan, and he was fairly happy that I had also killed off one of his former guards. In return, he taught me some "tricks of the trade" that should help me in future dealings with merchants.
  • Quest completed
110 I returned the raw glass that had been stolen from Tinos Drothan, and he was very happy that I had also killed off his former guards. In return, he taught me some "tricks of the trade" that should help me in future dealings with merchants.
  • Quest completed
