The Caldera Spy is a House Hlaalu quest, available to the Nerevarine, if they joined House Hlaalu, in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
- Speak with Odral Helvi
- Ask around Caldera about the theft
- Speak with Irgola and Elmussa Damori
- (Either) Kill Damori
- (Or) Allow Damori to escape
- Return to Helvi
Having completed Odral Helvi's previous task (delivering the orders), the Nerevarine will be given a fresh quest by Helvi. He will inform the Nerevarine that a set of Mining Contracts have been stolen from the Governor's Hall. It is, therefore, the Nerevarine's job to retrieve the documents and deal with the thief.
Suspicous Minds[]
The general feeling around Caldera is that the town's newest residents, Irgola and Elmussa Damori, are the most likely suspects. Initially, both suspects will deny any knowledge of the theft, however, should the Nerevarine raise her disposition above 80, Damori will admit to the theft and hand the Nerevarine the stolen contracts.
Naturally, Damori is not willing to let the Nerevarine kill her, and will beg that the Nerevarine lie to Helvi in order to save her life. At this point the Nerevarine is faced with a choice: lie to Helvi, or bring Damori to justice. No matter what choice the Nerevarine has chosen, they must return to Helvi to return the contracts and complete the quest.
The Caldera Spy – HH_CaptureSpy | |
ID | Journal Entry |
10 | Odral Helvi told me that a spy has been stealing documents from Caldera. He asked me to find out who has been stealing the documents.
20 | Odral Helvi gave me some documents similar to the ones that have been stolen. |
40 | Elmusa Damori admitted that she is the thief. |
41 | Elmussa Damori admitted that she is the thief. She asked me not to tell Odral Helvi. |
50 | Crassius Curio told me to try and spare the thief, Elmussa Damori. |
100 | Odral Helvi thanked me for returning the documents.
110 | Odral Helvi thanked me for reporting Elmussa Damori.
120 | Odral Helvi thanked me for killing Elmussa Damori.
- The Nerevarine also has the option of telling Helvi the truth about Damori.
- In order to successfully lie to Helvi about the identity of the thief, his disposition must be above 70.
- Should Damori be turned in, the Nerevarine will not receive quests from those in the Thieves Guild whom are above them in rank.
- Crassius Curio (whom has an interest in Helvi's conduct) will recommend that the Nerevarine spare the life of Damori and lie to Helvi.