The Colovian Occupation is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. The Vestige must help the Khajiit retake Arenthia from the Colovians.
The town of Arenthia has been occupied by a Colovian force. I've been tapped to help retake the city alongside a Khajiiti resistance force.
- Listen to magical projection (Optional: Obtain a uniform)
- Talk to Kazirra
- Search the tower district (4)
- Meet Cariel behind the tower
- Enter the tower
- Wait for Centurion Gavo
- Talk to Gavo
- Talk to Cariel
- Wait for Cariel to prepare Gavo
- Wear the earring (in quest items)
- Return to Kazirra with Gavo
- Talk to Kazirra
- Use crystal on Gavo
- Witness the confession
- Talk to Kazirra
- Imprint projections
- Kill Lavinia
- Return to the town center (Optional: Talk to captured Colovian soldier)
- Talk to Cariel
Upon completing "Hallowed to Arenthia," Cariel will tell you that the city has been overrun by Colovians, and that she is tasked by the Queen to aid the resistance. She will tell you to put on the uniform of the deceased soldier in front of her, and then meet her at the safehouse in the market. Before that though, you should listen to the propaganda illusion in the market.
The propaganda illusion will say something about wanting to be equals, but that they are committed and will not be going anywhere. After listening to it, head to the market and into the inconspicuous house north of the Mages Guild. There, speak with a woman named Kazirra, and she will tell you that the leader of the Colovians is in league with the Stonefire Cult, an organization linked to the Worm Cult. She plans to get the Colovians' second in command to confess to this, so that their troops will desert. To this end, she will send you to search the tower district in the south of town for his schedule.
The first piece of evidence will be in Zabibi's House; you will find a letter titled Await My Emissary on the desk. It will detail a future meeting between Centurion Gavo and an emissary of Javad Tharn. In Agapitus' House, you will find Gavo's Itinerary, which is another piece of information you need. Finally, head over to Hirraxim's House for the final two pieces of information: on the ground floor, you will find The Key to Projection on the desk; it details how the projections work. In the coffer next to it, you will find the crystal needed to make the projections. Once you have everything, meet up with Cariel behind the tower in the south.
Cariel will tell you the next part of the plan. You are to pretend you are Tharn's envoy that Gavo is supposed to be meeting here in the tower; head inside and wait for Gavo. Once he arrives, talk to him to keep him occupied while Cariel sneaks up behind him and knocks him out. Talk to Cariel hereafter and she will tell you what to do next. You are to sneak Garo right out of the main gates while you are disguised as him and he is made to look like your prisoner. For this, she will give you a magic earring that Razum-dar used to disguise himself in the past. She will then wake up Garo and instruct him to follow along lest she kill him.
Use the earring, then bring Gavo back to the safe house and speak with Kazirra. She will tell you that the intent is to get Gavo to confess his connections to the Stonefire Cult, and project these confessions all around town using the crystal you found. The honor of using the crystal is yours; use it on Gavo and the others will make him confess that the Stonefire Cult are operating from behind the Temple and are planning to open a Dark Anchor. Speak with Kazirra hereafter and she will tell you to take the crystal to change what the illusions are saying. Head out to any of the illusions and use the crystal; it will change them all.
Once this is done, head to The Pious Arenthi-Inn in the east of town; you will be interrupting a meeting between General Lavinia and Akkhuz-ri. The Mane will head off immediately; kill general Lavinia, then head back out. The resistance soldiers will have captured a Colovian soldier just outside; you can talk to him, and he will tell you he no longer wishes anything to do with this Daedric plot. You can either spare him or kill him. Either way, head to the center of town and speak with Cariel to finish the quest and start the next one, "Stonefire Machinations."
This section is missing a journal entry.