Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

The Ask Me Anything with Wiki Lead for Gaming on Fandom and Gamepedia, Carrol, was held on July 30, 2020 in the official Fandom/Gamepedia Discord server. This is a transcript of all of the answered questions.

Questions and Answers[]

Maxforce99: what games do you play?

Game widow: The Witcher, Civ 6 (lately), Skyrim
Game widow: i've also played fallout (prefer 3 to 4)

Moviesign: My burning question: Do French-speaking people have a pidgin-french for cats, like "I can has cheeseburger?"

Game widow: i am not aware of cat-speak in french but i do most of my internetting in english

pcj: do many homes in Canada have air conditioning?

Game widow: lol, probably most, but not mine (yet!)
Game widow: i have a bar-fridge sized contraption that sounds like thunder

🐅Garfield🐅: What's the temp there atm?

Game widow: currently 23°C

Maxforce99: what is the best thing about working at fandom/gamepedia and what is the worst

Game widow: best thing about working at Fandom/Gamepedia: working from home

worst thing: same

Game widow: it's very convenient to work from home, but you end up working all hours and every day

🐅Garfield🐅: Oh. Was gonna say that was due to quarantine lol

Game widow: nope, i've always been a remote worker while at Fandom/Gamepedia
Tupka217: The commute is great, though.
Game widow: yep, just cross the hall

TheSeal27: Do you spend more time playing games, or editing Fandom?

Game widow: i actually don't get to do much wiki editing these days, so i would have to say i game more, but what really takes up most of my time is wiki admin stuff

Tupka217: What was the most boring Triple A game you've ever played?

Game widow: fallout 4 :smile:

Magiczocker: why do you chose game_widow as pseudonym?

Game widow: i wanted something that was slightly threatening (that's just me) and i typically wear black, so at first, i thought "black widow", but then that seemed off topic so i changed the black to game
Game widow: see? kind of a dull story
Philo04: and obligatory follow up: how did you end up on the outer circle of heck?
Game widow: i didn't originally want to put down where i really live, though i think pretty much everyone knows that now (Montréal)
Game widow: and i find substituting mild swears amusing

Dark Yada: If you're a remote worker in F/G, how often do you go to US/other Fandom offices?

Game widow: the most frequent occurrence of visits to the US offices happened about 4 - 5 years ago when i went 3 times in the same year
Game widow: i have not been to a US office in at least 3 years now
Game widow: i once visited the old Wikia office in Poznan just on a lark, it was to see a friend who has since moved on to a different job

🐅Garfield🐅: What would you say is the main difference between working at Fandom and at Gamepedia?

Game widow: going from 2400 (or so) wikis to over 450 000 was big

