This page is an archive of a community-wide discussion. This page is no longer live. Further comments should be made on its Talk Page or new Consensus track pages rather than here so that this page is preserved as a historic record. Please do not modify it.
So we talked about the "Discussions" feature and Wikia Staff Member BertH was there to answer our questions and everything. That was supported something 8-0-0. I want to thank Bert for taking the time to join us and help answer our questions.
Rim brought up the thing to move the page from Kurog gro-Orsinium to King Kurog because that was his updated name. That was supported something like 6-0-0.
Atvelonis also mentioned that he was starting a guide to get users editing, at User:Atvelonis/Editing. He is open to suggestions to expand the guide.
Also, as a reminder that we're supposed to be updating book templates from the separate ones to {{Book}}. If people are going to update them themselves they should consult someone who knows how they work to figure out how to do it correctly.
Flight also updated {{Incomplete}}, so now you can do {{Incomplete|Skyrim}}, {{Incomplete|Online}}, etc.