Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Not to be confused with Zvvius the Hive-Lord.

The Hive Lord is a kwama warrior found in Darkshade Caverns I.



Achievement Description Points Reward
Darkshade Caverns I Vanquisher Defeat Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, and the Sentinel of Rkugamz in Darkshade Caverns I. 10 Trophy: Sentinel of Rkugamz
Darkshade Caverns I Conqueror Defeat Head Shepard Neloren, Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, the Cavern Patriarch, the Sentinel of Rkugamz, and the Cutting Sphere in Veteran Darkshade Caverns I. 10 Bust: Sentinel of Rkugamz
Veteran Kwama Slayer Defeat 300 Kwama in Veteran Darkshade Caverns I. 10 N/A
Darkshade Caverns I Survivor Defeat Head Shepard Neloren, Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, the Cavern Patriarch, the Sentinel of Rkugamz, and the Cutting Sphere in Veteran Darkshade Caverns I, without suffering a group member death. 50 N/A
Darkshade Caverns I Assassin Defeat Head Shepard Neloren, Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, the Cavern Patriarch, the Sentinel of Rkugamz, and the Cutting Sphere in Veteran Darkshade Caverns I within twenty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when a group member descends into the caverns. 50 N/A

