- For the event, see Konunleikar.
The Konunleikar is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. Mera Stormcloak has appointed the Vestige the title of Champion of Windhelm and instructs them to report to Lenning the Hawk to compete in the traditional Footrace of the Nine Holds.
Thane Mera has named me the Champion of Windhelm and wants me to enter the Footrace of the Nine Holds.
- Talk to Lenning the Hawk
- Light the Torch
- Reach the First Tower
- Reach the Second Tower
- Reach the Third Tower
- Reach the Fourth Tower
- Reach the Fifth Tower
- Reach the Sixth Tower
- Help Hadring
- Reach the Seventh Tower
- Reach the Eighth Tower
- Talk to Lenning
- Talk to Thane Mera Stormcloak
After speaking to Mera Stormcloak, the Vestige must head to the western part of the city to join the contestants of the Footrace of the Nine Holds, a part of the Konunleikar where contestants race the city walls and try to reach the nine towers, each representing one of the nine holds of Skyrim, as fast as possible. Upon arriving, the Vestige is instructed to light the starting torch, as they are the last to arrive. After the race has started and the Vestige has reached the sixth tower, they will witness fellow contestant Hadring the Swift barely conscious on the ground. They can either help and speak to him, or leave him be to finish the race. If the Vestige speaks to him, he will tell them the following.

"Thanks. It's the rare soul who stops to help an opponent."
- What happened to you? "Treachery. An Orcish arrow. Poisoned. I drank a potion, but it didn't help. I'm finished."
I can help you. "It's too late for me. You need to listen! I saw where the assassin fled. To the south, away from the city. They must be hiding nearby. Avenge me, Champion. Avenge..."
After which he will swiftly succumb to the poison and die. The Vestige must speak to the organizer, Lenning the Hawk, to inform him of what has just happened. He will remark that this hasn't been the first murder taking place in broad daylight that has happened recently, and instructs them to speak to Mera Stormcloak. She will be frustrated by the events, but complements the Vestige on their compassion and rewards them.
- 91–377
- [?]
Journal Entry |
The footrace starts along the western wall of Windhelm. I need to speak to Lenning the Hawk, the race organizer, to enter the event.
Lenning the Hawk has directed me, as the last racer to arrive, to light the starting flare. As soon as I ignite the flare, the race begins.
The race continues! I should stop reading my journal and run to the next tower.
The race continues! I should stop reading my journal and run to the next tower.
The race continues! I should stop reading my journal and run to the next tower.
The race continues! I should stop reading my journal and run to the next tower.
The race continues! I should stop reading my journal and run to the next tower.
The race continues! I should stop reading my journal and run to the next tower.
The race continues! I should stop reading my journal and run to the next tower. Or I can stop to help another racer who has been injured and is lying beside the track.
I abandoned the race to help Hadring. Unfortunately, he didn't make it. He provided me with useful information before he expired, though. I should speak with Lenning the Hawk.
Someone killed Hadring during the race. I should speak to Thane Mera and let her know what happened.