Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

The Lair of the Sorcerer-King is part of the main quest in The Elder Scrolls: Blades. After returning to the Town with Telarendil, Saashi will ask the Fugitive for help figuring out the Sorcerer-King's base of operations. The quest has no difficulty rating.


I must talk to villagers about possible locations for the Sorcerer-King's lair, then see with the Loremaster which ones I should go to.


  • Ask townsfolk about possible locations for the Lich's Lair (0/3)
  • Discuss what townsfolk have told you with Saashi (0/3)
  • Explore potential locations for the Lich's Lair and report back to Saashi (0/3)
  • Ask the Traveling Salesman about the Lich's Lair
  • [?]


Due to the various information provided by the townsfolk, a number of additional quests are directly related to this one. In order to continue progressing in this quest, the following must first be completed:


