Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

The Long Game is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild.


Zeira has concerns about an ambitious merchant lord named Cosh. She wants to learn if his interests overlap with those of the Thieves Guild.


  1. Talk to Zeira
  2. Meet Walks-Softly at the harbor
  3. Complete One:
    1. Eavesdrop on Captain Evani
    2. Steal Captain Evani's Log
  4. Meet Quen at the harbor
  5. Complete one:
    1. Eavesdrop on the Imperial Client
    2. Search Ventilias Proximus' private room
  6. Meet Velsa at Silver-Claw's shop
  7. Talk to Silver-Claw
  8. Meet Percius Loche at the Diamond Thimble
  9. Complete one:
    1. Steal the servant's outfit
    2. Purchase a servant's outfit
  10. Meet Velsa outside No Shira Citadel
  11. Learn the Iron Wheel Headquarters pass-phrase (x3)
  12. Enter the Iron Wheel Headquarters with the pass-phrase
  13. Learn Cosh's plans.
    1. Hint: Steal Cosh's "Evidence"
    2. Hint: Eavesdrop on Cosh
  14. Spy on Chief Inspector Rhanbiq and Cosh
  15. Escape Iron Wheel Headquarters
  16. Meet Zeira at the Thieves Den


The Vestige was instructed to speak with Zeira at the Thieves Den in Abah's Landing. She has concerns about an ambitious merchant lord named Cosh. She wants to learn if his interests overlap with those of the Thieves Guild. Zeira sent the others ahead to see what they could learn. Speak with Walks-Softly at the harbor first.


After entering the harbor in Abah's Landing, Walks-Softly can be found sitting in a chair. He greets the vestige and relays that the captain of The Dreamsnake is a likely candidate of Cosh's blackmail. In order to confirm this, either eavesdrop on Captain Evani or steal his log.

To eavesdrop, travel to the indicated area southeast of Walks-Softly. Use the hiding area to hear what Captain Evani has to say. To steal Captain Evani's Log, head to The Dreamsnake, docked in the harbor south of Walks-Softly. Upon boarding the ship, pick the locked door to the right and proceed down the stairs. The log can be found in the second room towards the rear of the ship. Upon completion, it is discovered that Captain Evani is to meet with Cosh in No Shira Citadel or else the Iron Wheel will raid The Dreamsnake. After this is completed, go and speak with Quen to see what she has learned.


After entering the harbor in Abah's Landing, Quen can be found sitting on top of some crates. She states that a dockyard boss, Zulgukh, offered housing and resources to needy citizens in the flooded district near Velsa's Villa. Velsa believes Zulgukh to have an ulterior motive and requested further investigation into the altruistic gesture. To confirm this, either eavesdrop on Ventilias Proximus or search his private room at The Serpent and The Senche.

To eavesdrop, travel to the indicated area west of Quen. Use the hiding area to hear what Ventilias Proximus and Zulgukh has to say. To search his private room, head to the Serpent and the Senche west of Quen. Upon entering the inn, pick the locked door on the first floor and read the Journal of Ventilias Proximus. Upon completion, it is discovered that Zulgukh is to meet with Cosh in No Shira Citadel, while Ventilias Proximus was using the citizens as sacrificial souls to join The Cult of the Black Worm. After this is completed, go and speak with Velsa to see what she has learned.


After entering the harbor in Abah's Landing, Velsa can be found inside Silver-Claw's shop, Spotless Goods Shipping Concern. Upon entering, Silver-Claw appears distressed. He reveals that Velsa went to No Shira Citadel alone. Silver-Claw's friend, Percius Loche will assist in obtaining an appropriate disguise in order to enter the Iron Wheel's stronghold safely. Travel to The Diamond Thimble and speak with Percius Loche. He reveals two options for obtaining an appropriate disguise, either recover a servant's outfit that he was never paid for or purchase a similar outfit for gold.

To steal the servant's outfit, head south of the Diamond Thimble and pick the lock to enter Sailor's Rest. The outfit can be found in a basket in the first room on the right. To purchase the outfit, speak with Percius Loche and purchase it for 900 Gold. After obtaining the servant's outfit, head to No Shira Citadel to speak with Velsa.

No Shira Citadel[]

Speak with Velsa outside of the Citadel. She states that Cosh has been blackmailing people in order to bend them to his will. Although, it is unclear how he is connected to the Iron Wheel. Velsa requests the blackmail documents be obtained. She also reveals there may be a pass-phrase to enter the citadel safely. Search the area to learn what it is. Upon learning the pass-phrase, use it to enter the headquarters. Choose whether to speak with Varel Falavel and decide whether to have him drink his sleeping draught.

Continue down the stairs and eavesdrop on Cosh's conversation with Captain Evani and Zulgukh. They agree to work for Cosh. Steal the papers from the counter to obtain proof of Cosh's blackmail. Then follow Cosh as he attends a meeting with Chief Inspector Rhanbiq. Continue down to the passage, until finding a suspicious relief that leads to a secret passage. Eavesdrop on the conversation between Cosh and the Chief Inspector Rhanbiq. Cosh makes a deal with Rhanbiq to recover Magnifica Falorah's missing dowry in exchange for the Iron Wheels leaving Abah's Landing. Cosh then invites Rhanbiq out for drinks to discuss a more "trivial" matter. Escape from the headquarters and return to the Thieves Den to relay to Zeira everything that was uncovered. After speaking with her the quest is completed.


  • Unidentified Bahraha's Curse Leg Armor
  • 1 Skill Point
  • 73–302 Gold


Journal Entry
I should speak with Zeira and see what she plans to do.
  • Objective: Talk to Zeira
Zeira sent the others ahead to see what they could learn. Walks-Softly is waiting for me nearby- I should speak with him first. I can find him at the Abah's Landing harbor.
  • Objective: Meet Walks-Softly at the Harbor
Walks-Softly thinks the captain of the Dreamsnake may be a candidate for Cosh's blackmail. To confirm this, I could spy on her meeting in Abah's Landing or try to steal Captain Evani's log.
  • Objective: Complete one:
    • Eavesdrop on Captain Evani
    • Steal Captain Evani's Log
I should speak with Quen and see what she turned up. I can find her at the Abah's Landing harbor.
  • Objective: Meet Quen at the Harbor
Quen suspects a dockyard boss may be a candidate for Cosh's blackmail. To confirm this, I could spy on a meeting he called with "the Imperial client," or search the Imperial's private room at the Serpent and Senche.
  • Objective: Complete One:
    • Eavesdrop on the Imperial Client
    • Search Ventilias Proximus's Private Room
Velsa went to Silver-Claw's shop. I should speak with her there.
  • Objective: Meet Velsa at Silver-Claw's Shop
Silver-Claw seems distressed. I should speak with him and see what's wrong.
  • Objective: Talk to Silver-Claw
Silver-Claw says Velsa headed to No Shira citadel, the Iron Wheel's headquarters! Before I follow her, he insisted I procure a disguise for my own protection. I should speak with Percius Loche at the Diamond Thimble.
  • Objective: Meet Percius Loche at the Diamond Thimble
Percius Loche crafted an outfit for a servant who works in No Shira Citadel, but was never paid for the trouble. He suggested I recover it for my own use. Alternatively, he will sell me a similar outfit.
  • Objective: Complete one:
    • Steal Servant's Outfit
    • Purchase Servant's Outfit
I should speak with Velsa about why she's at No Shira Citadel, far south of Abah's Landing.
  • Objective: Meet Velsa Outside No Shira Citadel
Velsa learned Cosh is currently inside the Iron Wheel's headquarters. She wants me to find out his connection to the Iron Wheel and steal his blackmail. For her plan to work, I need to learn the pass-phrase needed to gain access.
  • Objective: Learn the Iron Wheel Headquarters Pass-Phrase: 0/3
I should enter Iron Wheel Headquarters with the Iron Wheel pass-phrase. Once inside, I can set Velsa's plan into motion.
  • Objective: Enter Iron Wheel Headquarters With Pass-Phrase
Velsa wants me to learn more about Cosh's plans. If I have the chance, I should steal whatever blackmail material he has at hand.
  • Objective: Learn Cosh's Plans
Cosh is meeting with Chief Inspector Rhanbiq! I should spy on them and learn Cosh's connection to the Iron Wheel.
  • Objective: Spy on Chief Inspector Rhanbiq and Cosh
Cosh made a deal with Chief Inspector Rhanbiq to recover a missing dowry. I should escape from Iron Wheel Headquarters.
  • Objective: Escape Iron Wheel Headquarters
I should bring what I've found to Zeira. Perhaps she can make sense of it.
  • Objective: Meet Zeira at the Thieves Den
  • Quest Completed

