- Main article: Books (Skyrim)
- Main article: Books (Oblivion)
- Main article: Books (Morrowind)
- Main article: Books (Online)
The Red Book of Riddles is a book in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and The Elder Scrolls Online.
- Anvil: in Anvil Castle, on the desk in Baeralorn's bedroom
- Anvil: in Anvil Dock, on the table in Sea Tub Clarabella
- Cheydinhal in Mach-Na's Books
- Lord Rugdumph's Estate: inside, on a table near his bed
- Can be found on Fultheim at Nightgate Inn.
- Can be bought from Urag gro-Shub in The Arcanaeum.
- Can be found on the shelf with other books on it in Honeyside with the Children's Bedroom upgrade.
- In Apocrypha, Chapter IV, on a table with ten books.
- In Bloodskal Barrow, in a bookshelf near a bed belonging to a Reaver Lord.
- East of Rawl'kha, Reaper's March
This handye booke doth containe alle diverse manner of riddles and follyes, and, by means of carefulle studye, the prudente scholarlye gentlemane maye finde himselfe noe longer discomfited by the sharpe wite of his fellowes.
[The posing and puzzling of riddles is a convention of polite aristocratic Western society. Nobles and social aspirants collect books of riddles and study them, hoping thereby to increase the chances of their appearing sly and witty in conversation.]
The question:
It has a tail, a side and a head I call it what I call a snake
It has no body and it is dead
The answer:
It must be a drake
The question:
Poets know the hearts of Men and Mer
But beasts can't know my heart, you see
This book was written by a bear
The answer:
It is not a book of poetry.
The question:
I gave you a sock, not unlike a box
With hammers and nails all around it
Two lids open when it knocks
The answer:
It must have been a great hit.
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- The Elder Scrolls Online (Part of Literature lore collection)
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This book was taken from The Elder Scrolls series of video games or from websites created and owned by Bethesda Softworks, the copyright of which is held by Bethesda Softworks. All trademarks and registered trademarks present in the image are proprietary to Bethesda Softworks, the inclusion of which implies no affiliation with The Elder Scrolls Wiki. The use of such images is believed to fall under the fair use doctrine of copyright law.