The Storm's Call is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Maormer Sea Vipers invaded Ilayas Ruins, searching for a weather-controlling relic called the Sphere of Storms. I've been asked to help the stormwardens defend the sphere until reinforcements arrive.
- Talk to Mariel the Ironhand
- Recover the Sky-Key
- Talk to Mariel the Ironhand at the Ruins' Entry
- Enter the Stormwarden Undercroft in Ilyas Ruins
- Find the Stormwarden Sanctuary
- Solve the Puzzle by the Sanctuary Door x4
- Enter the Stormwarden Sanctuary
- Talk to the Stormwardens
- Collect Thunderstones from the Storm Atronach x2
- Place Thunderstones in the Receptacles x2
- Leave the Main Chamber
- Kill Firras
- Leave Ilayas Ruins
- Optional Steps: Talk to Master Stormwarden Faranwe
- Talk to Mariel the Ironhand near Ilayas Ruins
When approaching the Ilayas Ruins, you will encounter a woman named Mariel the Ironhand. She will tell you that Sea Vipers have invaded this place, looking for something called a Sphere of Storms, which the Bosmer use to defend the coast here. They have something called the Sky-Key in their camp, which allows them to enter the ruins. Mariel will ask you to retrieve this key before the vipers do any harm with it.
Head into the enemy camp; the chest containing the key will be in the biggest tent. Once you have it, head to the ruins' entrance to the north, and meet up with Mariel there. She has been injured by one of the sea vipers and therefore cannot accompany you into the ruins, so she will task you with heading in and bringing the sky-key to the Stormwardens. You can persuade her to give the solution to one of the puzzles you will have to solve to reach them. Head in and proceed through the ruins until you reach the westernmost of two square rooms in the south. In that room, you will find the bodies of a bunch of Maormer lying on the ground, with strange blue lights above them. The puxxle Mariel mentioned is also here; on the central pillar, you must activate the panels with The Tower, The Shadow, The Lover and The Thief birthsigns, in that order.
Succesfully completing the puzzle will allow you to open the door to the east, by using the button next to the door. This is where the Stormwardens have fortified themselves. Talk to Stormwarden Cirnean and she will tell you that they were betrayed by one of their own; a man named Firras. She will also tell you that the power of the Sphere of Storms is waning, and that it needs to be recharged using thunderstones harvested from Storm Atronachs. You can find these in the big room in the east of the ruins. Upon entering this room, you will encounter a ghost called Master Stormwarden Faranwe. She was once the leader of the Stormwardens, back when they were of Ayleid stock. the recent draining of the Sphere has reawakened her as well as others of her order. She can be intimidated into protecting you from the other ghosts in the area; this will make the ghosts non-hostile as you seek out the Storm Atronachs. There are storm atronachs all around the room; kill at least two of them and take their thunderstones.
Once you have the thunderstones, place them in the receptacles in the west of the room, next to the door. Once you have done this, Master Stormwarden Faranwe will appear in front of the door, and tell you that the traitor Firras must die. Head through the door and you will find Firras with some sea vipers in the next room. Kill him, and Faranwe will appear by the ruins' exit. She will tell you that if you leave through the main exit, you will face an army of Sea Vipers, but there is a secret exit. Around the corner to your left, you will find a stone table; shove it aside to exit the ruins before the stormwardens use the sphere to seal off all entrances.
Once outside, talk to Mariel the Ironhand near the Ilayas Ruins Wayshrine to finish the quest.
This section is missing a journal entry.