- Not to be confused with The Waking Dreamer.
The Waking Darkness is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Corpses are crawling out of the ground at Pelin Graveyard and taking up arms. Prince Adrien was to be entombed here.
- Talk to Lort the Gravedigger
- Find Prince Adrien's Corpse
- Talk to Prince Adrien
- Investigate the Royal Crypt
- Examine the Candle Holder
- Talk to Prince Adrien
- Talk to Dame Valyrie
- Extinguish the Blue Flames
- Meet Dame Valyrie at the South Monument
- Talk to Dame Valyrie
- Talk to the Priest
- Defeat the Defiler at the North Monument
- Defeat the Defiler at the West Monument
- Meet Father Quiston at the Church
- Listen to Prince Adrien
- Talk to Dame Valyrie
- Enter the Mausoleums
- Talk to the Blue Flames
- Cleanse the Mausoleums x4
- Talk to Dame Valyrie
- Find a Way into the Church
- Investigate the Church
- Talk to Prince Adrien
- Destroy Preinrha
- Talk to Prince Adrien
- Wait for Prince Adrien to be Put to Rest
- Talk to Dame Valyrie
In the Pelin Graveyard, you will run into a man named Lort the Gravedigger. He will tell you that while he was preparing the burial of Prince Adrien, the dead came rising out of their graves. He just left the prince's corpse with Dame Valyrie Spenard and fled, but he feels guilty, so he will ask you to head in and deal with the situation.
Head to the center of the graveyard and you will find that the prince has risen. Speak with him; he will theorize that he is undead, though he does not understand why he is not a mindless killing machine like the other risen dead. He will ask you to head into the royal crypt to see whether any of his ancestors have also risen and can provide answers as to what is going on. Head into the crypt and search the coffins there. You will find that all the graves are empty; once you have searched all four of them, a mysterious voice will state just that. Examine the candle holder by the statue to speak with the mysterious voice; it will tell you that the dead here have risen to follow Prince Adrien into battle to avenge their enemies, and that this is Arkay's will.
Head back outside and tell this to Prince Adrien. Once you have told him everything, he will tell you to bring this information to Dame Valyrie, who will be standing just to the west. Valyrie will wonder why, if the undead are Prince Adrien's army, they are hostile to everyone. She thinks that the dead must be pacified by pouring holy water on the blue flames seen throughout the graveyard, and will task you with doing so. Once you have extinguished four flames, meet Dame Valyrie at the south monument; she saw someone skulking around there. That person is Father Quiston; Valyrie will tell you that he has been ignoring her, and will ask you to talk to him.
Father Quiston will express his doubts at the idea that Arkay is responsible for raising the dead here; he will want to see the prince for himself, but in the meantime, he asks you to stop the evil spirits that are defiling the North and West Monuments. Both of these are to your north, with the west monument being just west of the north one. Once you have defeated the spirits defiling these monuments, head to the church to your southwest. There, you will find the prince and the priest confronting each other; speak with Dame Valyrie and she will explain what has happened. The dead did bow to prince Adrien, but Father Quiston thought this was a bad sign, and when they dripped holy water on the prince's hand, it burned. She will ask you to head into the mausoleums and use holy water to stop the corruption.
In the mausoleums, you will find the same blue flames that you quenched earlier. Speak with the flames and they will admit that the undead did not in fact rise because of Arkay. The flames will then disappear; pour holy water on the piles of bones gathered in each of the four mausoleums, then head back to Dame Valyrie. She will tell you that since you left, the prince had another argument with the priest and locked himself in the church. Speak with Father Quiston and he will tell you that there is a spare key buried by the big tree west of the church; retrieve it and head into the church. Inside, you will find the prince kneeling before a Daedra that is standing on the altar. Speak with him and the Daedra will speak through his mouth. It will challenge you to come see its power for yourself; head through the trap door behind the altar into the crypt. there, Preinrha will be waiting for you. Slay her, then head out of the crypt and speak with Prince Adrien.
Adrien will tell you that the only way to truly slay this evil spirit is to kill him. The life force inside him is pure evil, so he must be put to rest. After this conversation, Father Quiston will perform the rites and the Prince will be laid to rest. Talk to Dame Valyrie to finish the quest.
This section is missing a journal entry.