The Warrior's Call is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.
I met a strange Imperial who was being held captive by the Daggerfall Covenant. He believes he knows how to defeat the cursed army of Anka-Ra that has laid siege to Craglorn since the Celestials appeared.
I learned of a strange Imperial being held captive by the Dragonstar Arena Guard. He claims to know how to defeat the cursed army of Anka-Ra that has laid siege to Craglorn since the Celestials appeared.
- Talk to Brown-Tooth
- Search for the Indecent Imperial at Bangkorai Gate
- Free Titus Valerius
- Travel to Buried Sands
- Search for the Burial Chamber
- Listen to Titus Valerius
- Find the Ruined Libary
- Enter the Ruined Library
- Help Titus Locate the Legend of Tarish-Zi
- Retrieve Tahmin's Royal Seal
- Retrieve Riza's Royal Seal
- Meet Titus at the Tombs of the Na-Totambu
- Search for Emperor Tarish-Zi
- Defeat Emperor Tarish-Zi
- Talk to the Thief
After being initiated into the Star-Gazers, you will find an Argonian named Brown-Tooth on the road back to town. She will tell you that a naked Imperial appeared out of thin air at the Dragonstar Arena and started shouting about defeating the Anka-Ra. He was taken to the Bangkorai Gate.
Head to the Bangkorai Gate. In a tent to its north, you will find the naked imperial, though he is now wearing underwear. His name is Titus Valerius; speak with him and he will tell you that he came from the distant past, and he knows how to defeat the Anka-Ra and their leader, Emperor Tarish-Zi. If you agree to free him, he will ask you to meet with him at Buried Sands, a delve not too far to the north. Head in and you will find Titus there, now fully clothed. He will tell you that your target is the ancient burial chamber at the far northwest of the dungeon. Once you reach the chamber, defeat the boss guarding it, and head inside. Titus will tell you that this is in fact his burial chamber. In ages past, he was trying to undermine Tarish-Zi's authority from within his own ranks; the presence of his remains in this burial chamber shows that he failed and was in fact given a military funeral by Tarish-Zi.
However, the chamber also contains one of the three seals you will need to defeat the Anka-Ra. Titus will reveal that Tarish-Zi probably kept records of where his other generals were buried in a great library. The library in question is located in the south of the region, south of the Scorpion Ravine. It is an unmarked location; you will find a door there in a stone structure. Head inside and start helping Titus in looking for the relevant tomes. Investigating the wrong piles of books will summon Tome Guardians that will try to kill you, so be on your guard. The tome you're looking for is in the pile furthest from the entrance; show it to Titus and he will read that the generals Tahmin and Riza were buried in the north, near the falls. He will suggest to split up so that he can scout Tarish-Zi's tomb while you recover the seals.
The tombs are not actually in the north of Craglorn; Riza's tomb is north of the Scorpion Ravine at the Anka-Ra's Vigil and Tahmin's tomb is northeast of the Seeker's Archive at Anka-Ra's Mettle. These are world boss locations, but the boss won't actually spawn unless you interact with the Star-Gazer Priest there. You will have to fight the respective generals once inside the tombs, but after that, you can claim the seals for yourself. Once you have both of them, head for the Tombs of the Na-Totambu to meet with Titus there.
The tomb is west of the Scorpion Ravine. Head through to the other end of this open-air delve, and you will meet Titus standing by a door. He will tell you the door should open now that all the seals are nearby, and will enter. Head in after him and confront Tarish-Zi in his tomb. He will put up quite a fight, and will summon his allies to aid him in battle. Once he is dead, Titus will tell you to meet him in Belkarth. However, as you head back to the door, the Thief will appear. She will tell you that the reason the Anka-Ra were back is because the Warrior has the power to call forth warriors from across time, and that the Serpent manipulated this to call the villainous Anka-Ra. This conversation will finish the quest.
This section is missing a journal entry.
- PC Titus may not allow the quest to progress at the end of the Tombs of the Na-Totambu. It is important that the Vestige does not rush ahead of him, and instead listens to his conversation when he stops. Otherwise, the door to the quest boss may remain locked, and the conversation quest step may not be able to be triggered. Reloading the UI does not appear to help. Relogging will place the Vestige outside of the delve.
- PC (Fix) Abandoning and restarting the quest may fix this.