Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

The Winds of Kyne is a repeatable prologue quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. The Vestige is tasked by Jee-Lar from Cyrodilic Collections to make contact with a priestess of Kyne who is able to make accurate forecasts of the weather for the expedition. The quest is available after completing the initial Murkmire prologue quest "The Cursed Skull" and can be repeated once a day.


Jee-Lar's associates in Murkmire need accurate weather predictions to plan their expeditions. Luckily, a priestess of Kyne named Hodyette can supply them with accurate forecasts. I can find this mysterious prophetess in Eastmarch.


  1. Find Priestess Hodyette's Camp
  2. Talk to Priestess Hodyette
  3. Shout from Northern Vista
  4. Shout from Eastern Vista
  5. Shout from Southern Vista
  6. Talk to Priestess Hodyette
  7. Talk to Jee-Lar


Talk to Jee-Lar in Stormhold, Shadowfen, next to Nielsold's Steeds by the wayshrine to begin the quest. He will task you with going to Eastmarch in Skyrim to talk with Hodyette, a priestess of the goddess Kyne, who can provide accurate weather forecasts for the expedition.

What can I do for you? "As you may know, the weather in Murkmire can be nastier than a crocodile's bite. The last storm to hit our expedition set us back an entire week! We need an ally who can help us prepare, and that's a fact."

Who did you have in mind? "Priestess Hodyette. They say that the goddess Kyne has blessed her with the ability to see the patterns of storms, day before they arrive. Travel to Priestess Hodyette's camp in Eastmarch and implore her to help our cause."
I'll visit Priestess Hodyette in Eastmarch and ask for her help.

Go to Priestess Hodyette's camp on the cliff face west past the Frigid Grotto and west from Fort Amol Wayshrine. Upon speaking with her, she will agree to help the expedition so long as you take a rune of Kyne, go to three locations, and shout from them to get Kyne's attention.

"If you're looking for a friendly chat, best be on your way. I didn't set up camp on top of a mountain for the company."

How about for gold? Cyrodilic Collections would pay handsomely for your predictions. "They'll pay, will they? Well, that's a mammoth of a different color. Still, I'm not about to go making such a business transaction without Kyne's say so. I just hope you have a hearty set of lungs on you. I could use the gold."
…Lungs? "Kyne's the Goddess of the Storm, after all. From the wind of your lungs, invoke her power to view the winds of the world. Take this rune and travel northeast. Find some nice vistas, give a hearty shout, and the rune will do the rest."
All right. I'll go to these locations and give a shout. "You'll find some lovely vistas just east of Windhelm. That's where I generally go when I want to get Kyne's attention. Now, be off with you. Don't want to keep the great goddess waiting, do we?"

After speaking with the priestess, you can make your way to the vistas, all of which are east of Windhelm around Lower Yorgrim, and they can be completed in any order. The southern vista is immediately south of Giant's Heart, the eastern vista is shortly southwest of the Chill Hollow, and the northern vista is on the tip of the east bank up from the furthest north building from Lower Yorgrim. You will need to go to each location where you will be prompted to shout. When you have done so at all three locations, you can return to Priestess Hodyette.

"All done, are we? Let's see if Kyne has answered your call. Yes, I feel her presence within the rune. The goddess has accepted your offer. Now, tell me, where is this organization of yours headed to?"

Murkmire. Jee-Lar can give you more details. "Jee-Lar, is it? Then I'll be expecting my payment from him too, I suspect. Still, Kyne believes that your intentions are true. For that, I'll give you a prediction. Let's call it a… proof of further investment."
We're most concerned about storms that could delay the expedition. "Very well. I shall scour the sky of Murkmire, and see if any such storms lie before you."
I'll let Cyrodilic Collections know of your predictions.

After speking with the priestess, you can return to Jee-Lar in Shadowfen to complete the quest and earn your reward. Another Cyrodilic Collections quest will become available the next time the daily server clock resets.

"You return! Was your task a success?"

Priestess Hodyette has given me a prediction. "I erect the spine of gratitude—ah, I mean, thank you, my friend! With such help, our expedition should be prepared for whatever weather Murkmire has in store for us!"



The Winds of Kyne
Journal Entry
Priestess Hodyette is currently at her camp in the mountains of Eastmarch. I should go there and implore her to help the expedition.
  • Objective: Find Priestess Hodyette's Camp
I found Priestess Hodyette's camp. I should talk to her and see if she will agree to help the expedition.
  • Objective: Talk to Priestess Hodyette
Priestess Hodyette requested that I scream into the wind in order to commune with Kyne, absorbing her energy within a rune. In order to do this I must find several scenic vistas around Eastmarch.
  • Objective: Shout from Northern Vista
  • Objective: Shout from Eastern Vista
  • Objective: Shout from Southern Vista
I successfully communed with Kyne and absorbed her energy within the rune. I should return to Priestess Hodyette's camp and talk to her.
  • Objective: Talk to Priestess Hodyette
Priestess Hodyette has agreed to give a weather prediction to Cyrodilic Collections. I should return to Jee-Lar and tell him the good news.
  • Objective: Talk to Jee-Lar
  • Quest Complete


  • Completing 1, 10, and 30 repeatable quests for Cyrodilic Collections will grant the Cyrodilic Collections Associate, Agent, and Champion achievements, respectively.

