Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

The Wrath of Sithis is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online: Dark Brotherhood.


The Black Hand has decreed that Lyra the Black Dragon must die for her crimes against the Brotherhood. Green-Venom-Tongue has gone to Knightsgrave to perform the task. Astara has asked me to back him up.


  1. Talk to Astara
  2. Enter Knightsgrave
  3. Find Green-Venom-Tongue
  4. Open the Sealed Doors
  5. Hunt Down The Black Dragon
  6. Explore the Chamber of Enduring Flame
  7. Defeat the Minotaurs
  8. Find Green-Venom-Tongue
  9. Find the Black Dragon
  10. Defeat the Black Dragon's Shadows
  11. Find the Black Dragon
  12. Defeat the Black Dragon
  13. Exit Knightsgrave
  14. Talk to Astara in the Sanctuary


After completing "A Ghost from the Past," you may find Grazda at the Gold Coast Wayshrine. She will tell you that Astara has a task for you, and that you should head to the sanctuary. Alternatively, the quest can be started by talking to Astara directly.

Astara will tell you that she sent Green-Venom-Tongue to kill Lyra Viria, and that your job is to support him in that, or finish the job if he fails. Venom has tracked her to Knightsgrave in the northwest of the Gold Coast. Make your way there and head inside. Once there, look for hints on Green-Venom-Tongue's whereabouts, examining the statues on the way. You will find Green-Venom-Tongue down the stairs; he will ask you to help him solve the puzzle to open the door ahead. There are four braziers here, each paired with a statue similar to the ones you passed on the stairs. You must light the braziers in the order of these heroes' importance to the Order of the Hour.

The correct order is as follows:

  1. Cavor Merula's Flame
  2. Justia Desticus's Flame
  3. Rusio Olo's Flame
  4. Amminus Entius's Flame

Once you have lit the braziers, follow Green-Venom-Tongue through the door. You will be taunted by a shadow of the Black Dragon; she is tracking your progress. Proceed down the stairs to the right and fight your way through several Minotaurs, then proceed into the Overlook of Time. Here, you will see a Wrath of Sithis roaming the halls. Proceed on to the Chamber of the Enduring Flame. There will be a closed gate here; Green-Venom-Tongue can climb over it but you cannot. He will go on without you, but as he does so, another shadow of the Black Dragon will appear and open a hole in the wall, from which two minotaurs will come and attack you. Kill them, the head through the hole.

In the room with the statue, head west into the Order Armory. Make another left turn and fight your way through several undead until you find Venom again. He lost the fight with the Black Dragon and is now severely injured. Before he dies, he will tell you that Sithis is hunting her too. With his death, the task of killing the Dragon now falls on you. Proceed on into the Chamber of Shadow; along the way, the Dragon's shadow will tell you that she now sees through Primate Artorius's lies.

In the circular room in the northeast of the dungeon, you will have to face off against the Dragon's shadows. There are five of them in total; they will start spawning once you step on the hourglass in the center of the room. When they are all dead, the Black Dragon will hint that this entire conflict was orchestrated by Primate Artorius and that this fight is exactly what he wants. Proceed through the door to the north and the Dragon will inform you that Primate Artorius knows the location of the sanctuary; she told him after she tortured its location out of Brema.

Head on into the cave and you will find the real Black Dragon by the dragon statue. In combat, she likes to summon more of her shadows, so be prepared for that. Once you kill her, her soul will be taken by the Wrath of Sithis.

After the Dragon is dead, leave the cave through the exit in the north, then head back to the Sanctuary and speak with Astara to finish the quest.


  • 73–302 Gold
  • 1 skill point
  • Unidentified Sithis' Touch Leg Armor box
  • 10 Dark Brotherhood reputation


QuestMapMarker01 This section is missing a journal entry.

