Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Thwarting the Aldmeri Dominion is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.


While exploring, Lady Clarisse Laurent mistakenly opened a portal allowing Aldmeri Dominion soldiers to invade the ruins of Salas En. I've agreed to help her close the portal.


  1. Talk to Lady Clarisse Laurent
  2. Recover the Ayleid Tome
  3. Activate the Pillars x4
  4. Talk to Lady Laurent
  5. Find the Switch to Open the Portal Chamber
  6. Enter the Portal Chamber
  7. Talk to Lady Laurent
  8. Close the Portal
  9. Talk to Lady Laurent


Near Salas En, you will run into Lady Clarisse Laurent. She will tell you that she found a portal in the Ayleid Ruins, and that she sent Stibbons through to investigate. However, it turned out to be a portal to Grahtwood, and the Aldmeri Dominion is now looking to use it to launch an invasion into Hammerfell. She will ask for your help in closing the portal. She found a tome that explains how, but she had to leave it behind when fleeing from the dominion troops.

Your first order of business is recovering the book. It should be to the northwest of your location; in Lady Laurent's camp. You will also fond the lorebook The Salas En Expedition here, as well as Stibbons, who will give you the quest "Lady Laurent's Favor." That quest takes place in the same areas as this one, so it is efficient to do both simultaneously. Either way, once you have the book, you should use it to activate the pillars around Salas En to open the ruin's back entrance; the elves have sealed the main entrance. The pillars are in each of the four cardinal directions from the ruins; near the south pillar, you will find a Skyshard, so be sure to pick that up.

Once all of the pillars have been activated, head into the lower ruins and speak with Lady Laurent there. She will tell you that the room with the portal is just past the door, but that the door is locked. Lady Laurent suspects that there will be a switch deeper in the ruins that will allow you to open the door; he will task you with finding it. Head through the passageway to the big room on the other side of the ruins; the switch you are looking for will be on the side of the stairs. In this room, you will also find an orc named Gurlak who has been trapped by Ayleid magic; speaking with him will start the quest "The Oldest Orc." This quest takes place entirely in this room, so it can be a good idea to do it while you are here. Either way, press the button and head to the portal chamber.

Once you have entered the portal chamber, talk to Lady Laurent. She will tell you that she can close the portal, but that once she starts, they will notice it on the other side and send troops through to stop her. She will ask you to protect her while she closes the portal. After you are done talking, Lady Laurent will start the ritual and you will have to fend off several waves of elves before Lady Laurent successfully closes the portal. After it is closed, talk to Lady Laurent to finish the quest.


  • 73–302 Gold


QuestMapMarker01 This section is missing a journal entry.


  • Update 1: Everyone who participates in the wave event will now receive credit.[1]


