Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Tienius Delitian is an Imperial Guard and the captain of the Royal Guard in Mournhold. He can be found in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace.


"Delitian is a hard-ass, but he's fair."
Diradeni Farano[src]

Before Tienius Delitian became the Captain of the Royal Guard in Mournhold, he was with Helseth Hlaalu in Wayrest. Tienius followed Helseth to Mournhold, where he became King.[1] As he himself states, Tienius Delitian has influence with the King and knows much about what is happening in the city.


Most of Tienius Delitian's subordinates speak well of him, saying that he is hard, but fair, and knows what he is doing. He seems to uphold the law, as he does not attack even if he knows that the Nerevarine has killed a Royal Guard, but instead states that the matter is to be resolved according to the law.

Tienius Delitian stays reserved towards the Nerevarine and subtly threatens them whenever they refuse to follow his orders, stating for example that "it is much safer if the king considers you a loyal friend". He stays polite all the time, but does not accept disobedience.


Hunt the Dark Brotherhood[]

During this first quest of The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal, the Nerevarine is eventually attacked in his sleep by an Dark Brotherhood assassin. The investigation after this unprovoked attack leads them to Mournhold and finally to the Dark Brotherhood's hideout in Old Mournhold. If A Dark Brotherhood Contract found on their leader Dandras Vules is shown to a member of the Royal Guard and not a High Ordinator or a Hands of Almalexia, the Nerevarine is sent to Tienius Delitian, who will then suggest that they help him with some official matter. He will also confirm that King Helseth himself has payed the Brotherhood to assassinate them.

Speak to the People[]


A Temple Informant[]


Disloyalty Among the Guards[]


Evidence of Conspiracy[]


Muckraking Journalist[]


Queen Barenziah[]


An Attack on Mournhold[]




"[He looks you over slowly and deliberately.] Excuse me."
"[He seems amused, but determined not to speak to you.] I said... EXCUSE ME."

Show: Hunt the Dark Brotherhood
Inside the Royal Palace:

"I'm the captain of King Helseth's Royal Guards. Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

Almalexia "The goddess over in the Temple. She's surrounded by her Hands. Tough fighters from what I hear."
Barenziah "Yes, the Queen Mother. Have you spoken with her? You'll usually find her in her chambers here in the palace. An interesting woman. Has the same keen intellect as her son, the king."
Dark Brotherhood "You wish to know who sent the assassins to kill you in your sleep? A reasonable desire. I won't deny my knowledge of it, but I believe it is more important now to speak about an official matter."
Fedris Hler "Hler is the goddess's lapdog. She snaps, he barks."
Gavas Drin "The priest? He's head of the Temple here in Mournhold. Never understood anyone who was that religious, myself. I've heard he's powerful, though, and he has Almalexia's ear."
Helseth "King Hlaalu Helseth is the Duke of Mournhold, ruler of all Morrowind. You would do well to show him respect."
High Ordinators "Fine warriors and religious zealouts. A nasty combination. Take care around them."
Royal Guard "I am the leader of the Royal Guards. We live to protect King Helseth. Only the strongest and most loyal were picked by our king to serve. Any who would threaten the monarchy will be dealth with severely."
Talen Vandas "I knew the man by reputation only. Sounds like he was a good man, but wasn't careful. It's a shame, but it's a dangerous world."
Tienius Delitian "I am Delitian. What do you need?"

If approached again:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Nerevarine (Player name). Yes, I know your name. And I'm Tienius Delitian, Captain of King Helseth's Royal Guards. I have influence with King Helseth. And King Helseth is known for rewarding his friends. I have an official matter you might be able to help me with."
I'm not interested. "I see. Then we haven't much to talk about. If you change your mind, I'll be here." Goodbye
Show him evidence Helseth tried to have you killed. "I won't pretend I don't know about this. Of course, I'll deny it publicly. But don't take it personally. You appeared to present a threat to King Helseth. Perhaps mistakes were made. But you can prove they were mistakes, if you can prove your loyalty to King Helseth. So. Are you interested in helping me with my problem?"
Tell me more. "There are rumors among the people about King Llethan's death. Rumors that Athyn Llethan did not die a natural death. There's no truth to them, of course. Speak to the people about King Llethan's death. You are not known to them as my representative, and they may be more candid with you. Let me know if you find the source of these rumors."
I'll take care of it. "Good. Report to me when you've learned the source of the rumors about King Llethan's death."
Ask whether Athyn Llethan died a natural death. "That's a silly question. I don't like silly questions."
I'm not interested. "I see. Then we haven't much to talk about. If you change your mind, I'll be here."
I'll take care of it. "Good. Report to me when you've learned the source of the rumors about King Llethan's death."
Show: Speak to the People
Inside the Royal Palace:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you learned the source of the rumors about about King Llethan's death?"
King Llethan's Death "Let me know when you've learned the source of the rumors about King Llethan's death."
Dark Brotherhood "There's no more to say about that at the moment. Let us speak of other things."

After discovering the source of the rumors:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you learned the source of the rumors about about King Llethan's death?"
King Llethan's Death "So. According to a broadside sheet called 'The Common Tongue', King Helseth poisoned many people in the West, so maybe he poisoned Athyn Llethan. Very interesting. I'd like to see a copy of 'The Common Tongue', if you can bring me one. Thank you. You've done well. But now... we lack sources of information in Almalexia's Temple. Could you help me find a Temple Informant?"
King Llethan's Death "You've resolved this matter satisfactory -- though it would be nice to see a copy of 'The Common Tongue'."

After obtaining The Commong Tongue:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you learned the source of the rumors about about King Llethan's death?"
King Llethan's Death "Thank you for bringing me this copy of 'The Commong Tongue'. I believe this is indeed the source of the rumors. I see no source or evidence for its speculation -- just vague falsehoods. Thank you. Well done. I'll mention your loyal services and exceptional qualities to King Helseth. And I think we might find you further employment. For example, we lack sources of information in Almalexia's Temple. Could you help me find a Temple informant?"
Show: A Temple Informant
Inside the Royal Palace:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you learned the source of the rumors about about King Llethan's death?"
King Llethan's Death "So. According to a broadside sheet called 'The Common Tongue', King Helseth poisoned many people in the West, so maybe he poisoned Athyn Llethan. Very interesting. I'd like to see a copy of 'The Common Tongue', if you can bring me one. Thank you. You've done well. But now... we lack sources of information in Almalexia's Temple. Could you help me find a Temple Informant?"
Temple Informant "We need a source of information inside Almalexia's Temple. There are rumors of discontent in the Temple. Go to Almalexia's Temple. Look for someone discontented. Listen sympathetically. And find out whether the Temple is willing to accept King Helseth -- or whether the Temple plans to act against him."
I'll take care of it. "Good. Find a Temple informant, then report to me if you find out whether the Temple is willing to accept King Helseth -- or whether the Temple plans to act against him."
I'm not interested. "A pity. King Helseth would be grateful for your help. And a grateful king can be a comfort and protection against those who would do you harm. If you change your mind, I'll be here."
Ask whether King Helseth is a supporter of the Temple. "King Helseth is a faithful member of both the Temple and the Imperial cult. Now -- will you help us find a Temple informant who can tell us whether the Temple is willing to accept King Helseth -- or whether the Temple plans to act against him?"

If approached again:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you discovered a Temple informant?"
Temple informant "Have you found a Temple informant who can tell us whether the Temple is willing to accept King Helseth -- or whether the Temple plans to act against him?"

After talking to Galsa Andrano:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you discovered a Temple informant?"
Temple informant "Galsa Andrano speaks her mind, and, from what you say, sounds sincere. You handled her well. The Temple seems to recognize that King Helseth will not be content to be a puppet like King Llethan, and plans to act against us. Very good work, Nerevarine (Player name). The king will hear of your loyal service. Now you can help us with another matter. King Helseth is concerned about possible disloyalty among the Guards."
Show: Disloyalty Among the Guards
Inside the Royal Palace:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you discovered a Temple informant?"
Temple informant "Galsa Andrano speaks her mind, and, from what you say, sounds sincere. You handled her well. The Temple seems to recognize that King Helseth will not be content to be a puppet like King Llethan, and plans to act against us. Very good work, Nerevarine (Player name). The king will hear of your loyal service. Now you can help us with another matter. King Helseth is concerned about possible disloyalty among the Guards."
disloyalty among the Guards "I've replaced many of the former king's guards with more reliable men. But I had to keep some experienced guards, and I can't be certain of their loyalties. I will pretend you wish to join the Royal Guards. That's your excuse for talking to the guards, sounding them out, and looking for evidence of disloyalty. If you find any hint of treason or evidence of disloyalty, report it to me. Take no action. Report to me, and I will judge what action is appropriate."
I'll take care of it. "Good. If you find evidence of disloyalty among the guards, bring it to me."
I'm not interested. "I see. I hope you'll reconsider. It is much safer if the king considers you a loyal friend."
Ask about specific guards. "It's YOUR judgement I'm testing, not mine. Talk to them yourself. Form your own conclusions."

If approached again:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you found any evidence of disloyalty among the Guards?"
disloyalty among the Guards "Have you found any evidence of disloyalty among the Guards?"
join the Royal Guards "If people ask you questions about your background and qualification, play the close-mouthed professional -- tell them to mind their own business. But I'll let slip my concerns about you hiding close dealings with House Hlaalu in the past. Only a fool would share confidences with a stranger. But perhaps we are dealing with a fool."

After speaking to Ivulen Irano:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you found any evidence of disloyalty among the Guards?"
disloyalty among the Guards "So Ivulen Irano delivered a memorized and not-very-sincere sounding speech about King Helseth. Well, Ivulen Irano is not very bright. It's not necessarily evidence of disloyalty. But follow up on it. There may be more."

After speaking to Aleri Aren:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you found any evidence of disloyalty among the Guards?"
disloyalty among the Guards "So you spoke to Aleri Aren about your Hlaalu connections, as Ivulen Irano suggested, and Aleri Aren acted like she didn't know what he was talking about. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps Aleri Aren was covering up for Ivulen Irano. See if you can find some more tangible evidence of disloyalty -- something in writing, perhaps. Ivulen Irano seems to be the weak link. Take a careful look at his possessions in the Guard Quarters. But be careful. Don't get caught, or you'll be attacked like a common thief."

After finding the Handwritten note:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you found any evidence of disloyalty among the Guards?"
disloyalty among the Guards "This is Ivulen Irano's handwriting on the note you found. He notes the watches when Dralen, Aren, and Irano are the only guards in the Throne Room. I believe I'll change the watch schedule to prevent that. And I'll need to keep a close eye on all three. Very shrewd work, Nerevarine (Player name). You've brought me clear evidence of disloyalty among the guards. Now I need your help finding evidence of conspiracy against King Helseth among the Hlaalu nobles."
disloyalty among the Guards "You've brought me clear evidence of disloyalty among the guards. Now I need your help finding evidence of conspiracy against King Helseth among the Hlaalu nobles."
join the Royal Guards "Hmm. I doubt someone of your temperment would find the duty interesting. But there's no further need to maintain the pretense."
Show: Evidence of Conspiracy
Inside the Royal Palace:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you found any evidence of disloyalty among the Guards?"
disloyalty among the Guards "This is Ivulen Irano's handwriting on the note you found. He notes the watches when Dralen, Aren, and Irano are the only guards in the Throne Room. I believe I'll change the watch schedule to prevent that. And I'll need to keep a close eye on all three. Very shrewd work, Nerevarine (Player name). You've brought me clear evidence of disloyalty among the guards. Now I need your help finding evidence of conspiracy against King Helseth among the Hlaalu nobles."
evidence of conspiracy "The old king's Hlaalu supporters haven't accepted King Helseth's accession to the Throne with good grace. Maybe they think that another candidate -- a Hlaalu candidate, for example -- would be better. Maybe they have some plan to express such a preference. If so, I doubt they would be candid about it. But maybe you should search Llethan Manor for documents, diaries or other tangible evidence of such plan."
I'll take care of it. "Good. If you find evidence of conspiracy, bring it to me."
evidence of conspiracy "Have you found evidence of conspiracy against King Helseth by Hlaalu nobles?"
I'm not interested. "Good. I see. You are not interested now, perhaps. But I feel confident that you will change your mind. I'll be here waiting."
Ask about Llethan Manor defenses. "That is a matter for you to study. Only the widow of the dead king, Ravani Llethan, lives at Llethan Manor now. There might be guards. Perhaps you should go to offer your condolences to the widow, and have a look around."

After finding the Handwritten note:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you found evidence of conspiracy against King Helseth by Hlaalu nobles?"
evidence of conspiracy "This letter you've found is very interesting. Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen are obviously conspiring to assassinate King Helseth. This is treason, punishable by death. I will immediately draw up writes for their execution. You would do the king a great service if you would execute these traitors."
I'll take care of it. "Excellent. When you've executed the traitors, report back to me."
I'm not interested. "I think you should be interested. Serving King Helseth is in your best interests. But suit yourself. Speak to me again if you change your mind."
Forven Berano "He's a faithful Temple-going noble. Look for him in or around the Temple."
Hloggar the Bloody "I don't know where to find him. Like a lot of those Nord louts, he may be too cheap to pay for lodging. Try looking down below in the sewers."
Bedal Alen "I have no idea where to look. He could be anywhere in the city."
official matter "The evidence of conspiracy is conclusive. When you have executed Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen, I'll want a full report."
evidence of conspiracy "When you've executed Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen, report back to me."

If all three escaped:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "The evidence of conspiracy is conclusive. When you have executed Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen, I'll want a full report."
Forven Berano "He's escaped? That's regrettable... but not a serious problem."
Hloggar the Bloody "He's escaped? Unfortunate. But he won't be causing us any more trouble."
Bedal Alen "He's escaped? A pity. But at least he's out of way."
evidence of conspiracy "Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen have escaped? All three? There must be a leak here at the Palace. Well, you've done the best you could. You have my thanks, and I'll tell King Helseth that you tried. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."
evidence of conspiracy "You've handled this matter."

If all three were killed:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "The evidence of conspiracy is conclusive. When you have executed Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen, I'll want a full report."
Forven Berano "No one mourns the death of traitors. King Helseth shall learn how well you have served him."
Hloggar the Bloody "He will trouble us no longer."
Bedal Alen "The world is safer with him out of it."
evidence of conspiracy "You've executed Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen? Congratulations. It is customary to pay the executioner for his services. Here are 3000 gold pieces, with our thanks. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."
evidence of conspiracy "You've handled this matter."

If all three suspects were already killed before being assigned to do so:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you found evidence of conspiracy against King Helseth by Hlaalu nobles?"
evidence of conspiracy "You say you've ALREADY executed Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen? Hmm. Well. Remarkable how you have anticipated our needs. Well, then..... Congratulations are in order. It is customary to pay the executioner for his services. Here are 3000 gold pieces, with our thanks. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."

If one of the three suspects was allowed to escape before having been assigned to kill them:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you found evidence of conspiracy against King Helseth by Hlaalu nobles?"
evidence of conspiracy "You say you've ALREADY taken care of Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen? Hmm. Well, then.... Congratulations are in order. It is customary to pay the executioner for his services. Here are 3000 gold pieces, with our thanks. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."

If two of the three are warned:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "The evidence of conspiracy is conclusive. When you have executed Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen, I'll want a full report."
evidence of conspiracy (after warning Berano and Hloggar) "Forven Berano and Hloggar the Bloody have escaped? There must be a leak here at the Palace. Well, at least you got Bedal Alen. It is customary to pay the executioner for his services. Here are 1000 gold pieces, with our thanks. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."
evidence of conspiracy (after warning Alen and Hloggar) "Bedal Alen and Hloggar the Bloody have escaped? There must be a leak here at the Palace. Well, at least you got Forven Berano. It is customary to pay the executioner for his services. Here are 1000 gold pieces, with our thanks. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."
evidence of conspiracy (after warning Alen and Berano) "Bedal Alen and Forven Berano have escaped? There must be a leak here at the Palace. Well, at least you got Hloggar the Bloody. It is customary to pay the executioner for his services. Here are 1000 gold pieces, with our thanks. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."

If one of the three is warned

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "The evidence of conspiracy is conclusive. When you have executed Forven Berano, Hloggar the Bloody, and Bedal Alen, I'll want a full report."
evidence of conspiracy (after warning Alen) "Bedal Alen escaped? There must be a leak here at the Palace. Well, at least you got Hloggar the Bloody and Forven Berano. It is customary to pay the executioner for his services. Here are 2000 gold pieces, with our thanks. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."
evidence of conspiracy (after warning Hloggar) "Hloggar the Bloody escaped? There must be a leak here at the Palace. Well, at least you got Bedal Alen and Forven Berano. It is customary to pay the executioner for his services. Here are 2000 gold pieces, with our thanks. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."
evidence of conspiracy (after warning Berano) "Forven Berano escaped? There must be a leak here at the Palace. Well, at least you got Bedal Alen and Hloggar the Bloody. It is customary to pay the executioner for his services. Here are 2000 gold pieces, with our thanks. And now I'd like your help finding the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."
Show: Muckraking Journalist
Inside the Royal Palace:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "We're looking for the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'."
anonymous writer "We'd like you to find the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue' and persuade him to stop printing such lies about King Helseth. When we make official inquiries, people just look stupid and assure us they have no idea what we are talking about. We think you may have better luck -- particularly if you approach less-reputable citizens -- persons who place profit above honor."
Tell me more about this mission. "First we want you to ask around and discover who is writing these lies. Then we want you to find him and persuade him to stop printing lies. The manner of the persuasion is left to your discretion. You WILL be discreet, of course. We don't want to appear to be threatening the time-honored Imperial traditions of encouraging free-speech."
I'll take care of it. "Good. Report to me when you've found this anonymous writer and made sure that he will never print lies about King Helseth again."
I'm not interested. "You pretend that this mission is not to your taste -- perhaps to encourage me to raise the value of my rewards. Such pretenses are foolish. I know you will change your mind and accept this mission. And I'll be here waiting."
I'm not interested. "You pretend that this mission is not to your taste -- perhaps to encourage me to raise the value of my rewards. Such pretenses are foolish. I know you will change your mind and accept this mission. And I'll be here waiting."
'Lies'? Helseth IS a poisoner, isn't he? (Low disposition) "What do YOU know about it? Do not let our close association confuse you into thinking I will tolerate disrespectful speech concerning our sovereign."
'Lies'? Helseth IS a poisoner, isn't he? (High disposition) "I take your point. King Helseth IS a skilled alchemist and student of bodily processes. But it won't do to have people referring to our sovereign as a common poisoner, will it?"
The Common Tongue "You're the one who helped us identify 'The Common Tongue' as the source of the unfortunate rumors about King Llethan's death. The vague falsehoods in this broadsheet encourage the people to think King Helseth is a poisoner, and that he poisoned Athyn Llethan. We're looking for the anonymous writer of this broadsheet."

If approached again:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you located the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'?"
anonymous writer "Have you found the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue' and made sure he will never print lies about King Helseth again?"

After killing Trels Varis:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you located the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'?"
anonymous writer "So Trels Varis is the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'. And Trels Varis is dead? Your solution is simple and elegant. We are very satisfied with your service. You have earned our generous reward, and our most sincere expressions of gratitude. There's one more official matter. Go to Lady Barenziah. She's asked to speak with you."
anonymous writer "We are quite satisfied with your service in this matter."
official matter "We are quite satisfied with the way you handled the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'. I haven't anything more for you, but I understand Lady Barenziah would like to speak with you."
official matter (after speaking to Barenziah) "We are quite satisfied with the way you handled the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'. I haven't anything more for you, but perhaps there will be more to discuss later."
The Common Tongue "Thank you for attending to that problem so efficiently."

If Trels Varis was threatened with his parents:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you located the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'?"
anonymous writer "So Trels Varis is the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'. And you threatened the lives of his aged parents. And Trels Varis gave you his word that he would not discuss King Helseth in 'The Common Tongue'. You show fine judgement, and a light touch. We are very satisfied with your service, and are pleased to give you a rich reward, and great honor besides. I give you a 'King's Oath' blade -- exactly like those used by the Royal Guard. Only those sworn to the king's service and tested by great trials may use them. They bear deadly curses that kill thieves and traitors. I salute you, and welcome you into our brotherhood. And there's one last official matter. Go to Lady Barenziah. She's asked to speak with you."

If Trels Varis was bribed:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

official matter "Have you located the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'?"
anonymous writer "So. Trels Varis is the anonymous writer of 'The Common Tongue'. And Trels Varis gave you his word that he would not discuss King Helseth in 'The Common Tongue'. And you gave him 3000 gold to contribute to the Widows and Orphans Fund."
Yes, and I expect 3000 gold to cover my expenses. (low disposition) "Yes. So you give me your word that Trels Varis will keep HIS word? Well. We have placed our trust in your judgement, and I'm sure you will stand guarantee for it. And you shall have your expenses, and rich reward besides. Thank you. There's just one more official matter. Go to Lady Barenziah. She's asked to speak with you."
Yes, and I expect 3000 gold to cover my expenses. (high disposition) "We place great trust in your judgement. We are very satisfied with your service. You shall have your expenses, and a rich reward and great honor besides. I give you a 'King's Oath' blade -- exactly like those used by the Royal Guard. Only those sworn to the king's service and tested by great trials may use them. They bear deadly curses that kill thieves and traitors. I welcome you into our brotherhood. And there's one last official matter. Go to Lady Barenziah. She's asked to speak with you."
Yes. A small sacrifice in the service of my king. "We place great trust in your judgement, and we are very satisfied with your service and sentiments. You shall have 3000 gold to cover your expenses, and a rich reward and great honor besides. I give you a 'King's Oath' blade -- exactly like those used by the Royal Guard. Only those sworn to the king's service and tested by great trials may use them. They bear deadly curses that kill thieves and traitors. And there's one last official matter. Go to Lady Barenziah. She's asked to speak with you."
Show: The Goblin Army
Inside the Royal Palace:

"Yes, Nerevarine (Player name). Is this an official matter? Or is there something else you want?"

goblins "Little vermin. I'd love to get my hands on some of their scrawny little necks. The people have been making a stink about seeing some around the city recently, especially in the Godsreach area. I'll keep my eyes out for them."
Altmer trainers "Trainers? I'm not even certain there are goblins about, though there are rumors. I suppose if there were trainers, they'd be close by the goblins. Makes sense, don't you think?"
Show: An Attack on Mournhold
Inside the Royal Palace:

"I have heard about the attack on the city, and I've dispatched guards to take care of it. Thank you for your report. You can help in another way. I'd like you to investigate the disturbance."

investigate the disturbance "Obviously, we can't allow these attacks to continue, but we need to know more about the source. It seems the attacks originated from some Dwemer ruins that have been buried deep beneath Mournhold. The Memorial statue has been destroyed, and we've cleared a passage below. My reports tell me that the creatures that attacked were at least partially mechanical, so perhaps they were of Dwemer origin. I want you to explore these ruins, find out where these creatures have come from, and report back to me."
investigate the disturbance "Do as you were told. Investigate the ruins of the Dwemer city that have been unearthed in the Plaza Brindisi Dorom. When you have learned the source of these attacks, report to me. This is a matter for the Empire to handle."

After checking the ruins:

"Well, have you been able to investigate the disturbance?"

investigate the disturbance "The Dwemer constructs were fighting these...fabricants? This situations gets more and more disturbing to me. Your effort has been appreciated, though, Nerevarine (Player name). In fact, I believe the King himself would like to speak with you."
investigate the disturbance "That's been taken care of."


  • "Long live the King."
  • "The King's health to you, sera."
  • "The Nine and the Empire, citizen..."



  1. Dialogue with Fedris Hler