Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Tolgan is a Nord residing in Castle Bruma. He may give the Hero the quest "Lifting the Vale" if their fame is high enough.


Lifting the Vale[]

"I'm sorry. You must speak to Countess Carvain for any further information."

When the Hero enters Bruma, Tolgan will ask them to meet with Countess Narina Carvain and gives the Hero 25 Gold as an incentive. The Countess needs some help locating an artifact.


Lifting the Vale[]

"Good day. I'm Tolgan, herald to Countess Narina Carvain here in Bruma. She requests your company at your earliest convenience."

What's this regarding? "Countess Carvain would prefer if you speak to her in person. She also said to present you with this stipend as a taste of things to come. My lady holds court from 8 in the morning until 6 in the evening each day. That would be the best time to see her."
Countess Carvain "The Countess is in attendance from 8 in the morning until 6 in the evening each day. If you wish to seek audience with her, please return at that time. You're also welcome to wait anywhere in the Great Hall. Good day."

If approached again:

"I'm sorry. You must speak to Countess Carvain for any further information."

After the quest is completed:

"I've never seen my Lady so happy. You've done well."

