- ""Know, O my prince, that in that forgotten time there arose a ruler of great wickedness, who unjustly took unto himself the title of Emperor. Cruel was he, utterly without ruth, and his name was Tarish-Zi." - The Unveiled Azadiyeh"
- ―Tombs of the Na-Totambu Loading Screen[src]
Tombs of the Na-Totambu is a location that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online in the region of Craglorn.
Notable items[]
- Anka-Ra soldiers;
- Gargoyles
- Imps
- Wasps
- Duneripper (sometimes).
- The Craven Shield (Zombie)
- The Fumbled Knife (Anka-Ra)
- The Glorious Coil (Anka-Ra Soldier)
- The Hungry Pillar (Gargoyle)
- The Servile Staff (Anka-Ra)
- Emperor Tarish-Zi