Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Tormir is a Nord resident of Darkwater Crossing in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim who works at Goldenrock Mine.


Tormir is the mother of Hrefna and sometimes references Hrefna's father negatively, saying she is not happy with him and if Hrefna knew him, she would not be either.

"What's your trouble? Dasturn telling tales again?"

She also mentions a man named Dasturn, implying he cannot be trusted. She also has qualms about an elf named Meieran, who does not appear in the game, teaching her daughter and being friendly with her. Due to the pressures of both mining and caring for her daughter, Sondas Drenim helps to take care of Hrefna.


Radiant A.I.[]

If Kjeld is killed, Tormir may send a letter to the Dragonborn saying that they aided her, and that she will provide a reward.


"Is there something I can help you with?"

What can you tell me about Darkwater Crossing? "Not much to it, really. We fish, and keep to ourselves. Try to keep from upsetting the Empire or the Stormcloaks, and so far the war's left us alone."



Tormir: "Sondas, does Hrefna ever mention Meieran to you?" Sondas: "She hardly mentions anything else." Tormir: "I'm just worried about what he's teaching her." Sondas: "I wouldn't worry about that. He's a good elf. I trust him." Tormir: "You're probably right."

Relationship qualms[]

Hrefna: "And Meieran thinks we should go there!" Tormir: "I don't want to hear another word about what you're learning from the elf! It's high time you learned to be a Nord, too!" Hrefna: "But mama..." Tormir: "He's a half-decent farmer. Ask him to teach you to farm!"

Good influences[]

Tormir: "Thanks for looking after Hrefna." Sondas: "Oh, it's no trouble. She's a smart little girl. Might talk your ear off, but she's fun." Tormir: "Well, I know she thinks the world of you." Sondas: "Well, I'll try to be a good influence, then."


  • "We keep hearing that the war could come through here. I try not to worry about it."
  • "It's tough to keep track of Hrefna. If her father wasn't such a snowback, he'd be around to help out."
  • "I'm not proud of Hrefna's father. If she knew him, she wouldn't be either."

