A transmutation station in use.
Transmutation Stations are interactive items in The Elder Scrolls Online that allows the traits of weapons, armor and jewelry to be changed to another using Transmutation Crystals and for pieces of non-craftable item sets that have previously been collected to be reconstructed. Both transmutation and reconstruction require Transmutation Crystals. Transmutation was introduced in Update 16,[1] while reconstruction was not introduced until Update 28 with Item Set Collections.[2]
Only one regular Transmutation Station exists in the Hall of Refined Techniques of the Brass Fortress in Clockwork City, CC but others can be present in player housing. Transmutation Stations can be purchased as furnishings from Rolis Hlaalu in Elden Root, Mournhold and Wayrest for 1,250 or from the Crown Store for 4,500
- "Seed-crystals of potent transmutative energy, useful for changing the qualities of things."
- ―In-game description[src]

Transmutation Crystals are used for both transmutation and reconstruction. They are applied to an entire account and are accessible by all of an account's characters at any time; as such, they cannot be banked or transferred. Unlike other currencies, a maximum of 500 crystals, or 1,00 for ESO Plus members, can be possessed at any one time, up from 100 prior to Update 28.[note 1] Crystals are usually provided in the form of Transmutation Geodes and Uncracked Transmutation Geodes, the former of which is provided by regular dungeons and similar less difficult activities, and the latter of which is provided by veteran dungeons and other more difficult activities. An infinite supply of crystals is provided in the Public Test Server.
Crystals are obtained from completing various player-versus-enemy and player-versus-player activities:
- 50 from 30-day Cyrodiil campaigns and reaching the top 10% leaderboard
- 10 from 7-day Cyrodiil campaigns and reaching the top 10% leaderboard
- 10 from a random daily group dungeon
- 5 from reaching an arena, battleground or trial leaderboard
- 5 from trial repeatable quests
- 4–25 from Rewards for the Worthy containers
- 5 from veteran arenas, except Maelstrom Arena
- 5 from veteran hard mode Undaunted pledges
- 4 from Maelstrom Arena
- 3 from veteran Undaunted pledges
- 1 from normal Undaunted pledges

Transmutation is the process of changing an items trait from one to another. A character needs to have learned the trait they want to change an item to for that specific item, i.e. Even if Training is known for one item, it cannot be transmuted for another item if it is not known for that item. Transmuted items also become account bound, meaning that they cannot be traded to other players, sold in guild stores, or stored in guild banks. They can, however, be stored in regular banks or sold to regular merchants.
Items that have been transmuted cannot have their trait learned at a crafting station, meaning that an item cannot be transmuted for the purpose of having another character learn the trait it has been transmuted to. This is especially relevant for the Nirnhoned trait, as without knowing the trait itself to craft one, Nirnhoned items can only be obtained from the quest "Dawn of the Exalted Viper" (one random item), or by purchasing them from other players who have crafted their own. Despite this, transmuted items will provide the trait's crafting material when it is deconstructed at a crafting station at the same frequency as any other item.

Items that are a part of sets that cannot be crafted can be reconstructed if the character has possessed the item previously. The number of crystals necessary to reconstruct the item is based on how many items are in the set and how many are known, provided by rounded down, which results in a range from 25 to 75. Deconstructing a reconstructed item at a crafting table will not provide any crafting materials, but will refund 25 , regardless of how many where actually spent to produce it. Like transmuted items, reconstructed items are account bound, meaning that they cannot be traded to other players, sold in guild stores, or stored in guild banks. They can, however, be stored in regular banks or sold to regular merchants.

Reconstruction menu.
All reconstructed items can be made without using Fine quality improvement resources, making it the baseline quality for most reconstructed items, but requires Superior, Epic or Legendary improvement resources respective to the class of item that is being created. Sets related to more difficult content such as trials and some arenas will have a higher baseline quality, and will not need Superior or even Epic quality improvement resources. The number of improvement resources needed corresponds to how many Expertise ranks the character has for the related crafting skill. All reconstructed items can be made with any trait that has already been learned for the item type without using any trait resources.
- ↑ Any crystals earned after reaching the limit will be treated as if they were not earned at all. For example, if the limit has already been reached, a character will still be able to loot the crystals from a geode, but they will not be added, thereby wasting the crystals.