- "No talking. And, by the way, we execute escaping prisoners. Just a friendly reminder."
- ―Tyrellius Logellus[src]
Tyrellius Logellus is an Imperial Bruma guard who watches over the prisoners in the Bruma Jail. He is very interested in the location of the stash of gold belonging to Jorundr (a recent prisoner).
Two Sides of the Coin[]
While roaming around the city of Bruma, the Hero can overhear rumors about Arnora Auria. According to the rumor mill, Auria's lover, Jorundr, has been arrested for stealing money from Auria. Auria reportedly needs help recovering the stolen money.
He constantly harasses Jorundr for the location of the gold stash and will go to any length to retrieve it. At the end of "Two Sides of the Coin", if the Hero decided to spare Arnora Auria, Tyrellius will be waiting for the Hero outside the stash of gold. Upon returning to Arnora's house, she will be found dead.
"I don't talk to inmates. Now shut up, and don't bother me."
After discovering the location of the gold by following Arnora's plan:
"I'm here for Jorundr's gold, and you're my only loose end. I'd been hoping to get someone in his cell and loosen his lips, and then you showed up. You really should be more careful when you talk in the dungeons... the sound tends to carry. Jorundr's such an idiot. I've taken care of Arnora, she won't be around to point the finger. And Jorundr's not going anywhere for a long time. That just leaves you..."
- Two Sides of the Coin
Tyrellius Logellus: "You've got nothing to lose. So why not just tell me and save us both a heap of trouble?" Jorundr: "Yeah, sure. And I suppose I just end up rotting while you spend it all? Forget it." Tyrellius Logellus: "You're gonna end up rotting here anyway, you idiot." Jorundr: "Look, you horse's ass. I've never trusted city guardsmen. Never. So I'm definitely not going to start trusting you, Tyrellius." Tyrellius Logellus: "Suit yourself. Enjoy your stay."
This section contains bugs related to Tyrellius Logellus. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:
- Tyrellius may remain alive inside the Bruma dungeon after being killed by the Hero at the stash of gold.