Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
For other uses, see Unique Items.

The following is a list of all unique items found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This includes armor, weapons, clothing, and miscellaneous items.

Armor sets[]

In the case of upgradeable sets, they are ordered in the sequence the Dragonborn can receive them.

Armor of the Old Gods[]

This armor is given to the Dragonborn during the quest "No One Escapes Cidhna Mine," if Madanach is allowed to escape. One can still turn on Madanach after receiving the armor set to claim an additional reward from Thonar Silver-Blood.

Ancient Shrouded Armor[]

Through the quest Breaching Security (if the bonus is earned), a token for a psychic reading from Olava in Whiterun is received. She sends the Dragonborn to Deepwood Redoubt, where the upgraded Ancient Shrouded Armor is.

Cicero's Outfit[]

It can only be obtained from Cicero himself, by choosing to kill him in the culmination of the Dark Brotherhood questline or by pickpocketing him using Perfect Touch.

Jester's Outfit[]

These are related to the Dark Brotherhood and have many similar bonuses. They are clothes, however, and provide no armor rating. They can be found lying on a table in the Dawnstar Sanctuary, or in Cicero's room at the Falkreath Sanctuary once he has moved in.

Falmer Armor[]

Located in the Mzinchaleft ruins.

Guild Master's Armor[]

Received upon the completion of the quest "Under New Management," superior from the Thieves Guild Armor in every way.

Linwe's Armor Set[]

Found on Linwe's corpse during a Thieves' Guild special quest.

Nightingale Armor[]

This is received at the start of the quest Trinity Restored, towards the end of the Thieves Guild questline. Unusually, the Nightingale Armor is upgraded using Void Salts. All of the effects on the Nightingale Armor are leveled to the character at the start of the quest.

Shrouded Armor[]

First given to the Dragonborn when joining the Dark Brotherhood, after the quest "Sanctuary." It can also be obtained by killing any member of the Dark Brotherhood and looting their body. (Randomly generated Dark Brotherhood members cannot be looted for their armor.)

Shrouded Outfit[]

These can be found in various places in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary near Falkreath. Festus Krex and Gabriella also wear them.

Thieves Guild Armor[]

This is given when the Thieves Guild quest "Loud and Clear" is started. It can also be obtained by killing named members of the Thieves Guild.

After the quest "Scoundrel's Folly," Tonilia will offer to upgrade one piece of Thieves' Guild armor. (The full set of Upgraded armor cannot be obtained without console commands.)

Ancient Falmer Armor DG[]

Obtained from the corpse of Arch-Curate Vyrthur after defeating him at the conclusion of "Touching the Sky."

† The Ancient Falmer Crown cannot be obtained without the use of console commands, and is classed as a circlet, rather than a piece of armor.

Blackguard's Armor DR[]

The full set can be found in a display case in the basement of Glover Mallory's House. The basement can only be entered after completing the quest "Paid in Full."

Standalone items[]


These pieces of armor are not part of any set.





List of weapons[]

Thane weapons[]










Jars with insects[]

Dragon Claws[]

Thieves Guild Trophies[]

Thieves Guild Larceny Targets[]

Paragons DG[]

