Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Othrelas.
"I'm Uravasa Othrelas, priest of Mara. I'm also a Speechcraft trainer. I can help you make... different mistakes, at least."
―Uravasa Othrelas[src]

Uravasa Othrelas is a Dunmer spell merchant in Bravil's Great Chapel of Mara. She also trains Apprentice level Speechcraft.

Vital Stats[]

Knights of the Nine[]

At the completion of the Knights of the Nine quest "Nature's Fury," the Bravil chapel is attacked by Aurorans and its inhabitants killed.

Spells for sale[]

Spell Skill Level Required Effects Base Magicka Cost
ConjurationTurnUndeadRepulse Undead Apprentice (25) Turn Undead up to level 7 for 30 secs on Target 29 MagickaIcon
RestorationRestoreConvalescence Apprentice (25) Restore Health 15 pts on Target 48 MagickaIcon
RestorationCureCure Disease Journeyman (50) Cure Disease on Self 140 MagickaIcon
RestorationCureCure Paralysis Apprentice (25) Cure Paralysis on Touch 50 MagickaIcon
RestorationCureCure Poison Apprentice (25) Cure Poison of Self 60 MagickaIcon
RestorationFortifyFortify Speed Apprentice (25) Fortify Speed 5 pts for 90 secs on Self MagickaIcon
RestorationRestoreGreater Convalescence Journeyman (50) Restore Health 20 pts for 2 secs on Target 138 MagickaIcon
RestorationFortifyGreater Fortify Speed Journeyman (50) Fortify Speed 10 pts for 90 secs on Self MagickaIcon
RestorationRestoreHeal Greater Wounds Journeyman (50) Restore Health 20 pts for 2 secs on Self 92 MagickaIcon
RestorationRestoreHeal Major Wounds Apprentice (25) Restore Health 25 pts on Self 61 MagickaIcon
RestorationRestoreMajor Respite Apprentice (25) Restore Fatigue 80 pts on Self 54 MagickaIcon
RestorationRestoreMinor Respite Novice (0) Restore Fatigue 15 pts on Self 6 MagickaIcon
RestorationRestoreRestore Speed Apprentice (25) Restore Speed 5 pts on Self MagickaIcon
RestorationRestoreSuperior Convalescence Expert (75) Restore Health 20 pts for 4 secs on Target 277 MagickaIcon

Note: "Base Magicka Cost" refers to how much magicka it costs to cast the spell without factoring in player's skill level, attribute level, and individual spell effects. Generally, magicka costs are higher.

