- Not to be confused with Vala Candidius.
- "Hello, . My name is Vala Catraso, and I run a little class for outlanders new to Morrowind. You may find it easier to get along here if you know a little bit about Morrowind lore. I'm also a priest, and I'd be happy to talk to you about my trade."
- ―Vala Catraso[src]
Vala Catraso is an Imperial priestess found next to an altar situated within the downstairs portion of the Ald'ruhn Guild of Mages. Upon meeting her, Vala can be seen wearing a matching outfit, consisting of an expensive robe and a pair of expensive shoes. She also has two expensive rings, one of which she actually equips, and an expensive amulet.
Literacy Campaign[]
Find two books for the school in the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild.
Books for Vala[]
Steal history books for an Imperial Cult priest.
While she does not wield a weapon to protect herself in combat, Vala has a vast knowledge on a variety of spells, most of which stem from the Restoration school of magic. The full list of each individual spell is outlined below:
- Burden
- Cure Common Disease
- Detect Key
- Great Open
- Ondusi's Open Door
- Regenerate
- Resist Fire
- Resist Frost
- Resist Magicka
- Resist Poison
- Resist Shock
- Rilm's Gift
- Shield
- Strong Open
- Wild Open
- Literacy Campaign
people cannot read "Have you brought me books for my students?"
- Yes, here they are "These will be of more help than you know,
- people cannot read "Thank you for bringing me the books, ."
. I am grateful."
- No "Obviously you do not really care about my school or the literacy of the Dunmer. How can Morrowind truly be a part of the Empire when most Dunmer cannot read and know little of our common culture?"
- Books for Vala
history books "You have a complete set of "A Brief History of the Empire" to donate to the school?"
- Yes, here they are "These are exquisite! I've never seen their equal,
- I stole them from Odral Helvi. "I'll just pretend I didn't hear that last thing you said, whatever it was. Thank you for the books, ."
- Consider them a gift from the Bal Molagmer. "The Bal Molagmer? I have heard rumors of their return, and now this. Those gloves are priceless, I hope you know. I don't know what to say. Thank you for the books, these should last at least a few months."
. Where did you get them?"
- No, nevermind "If you change your mind, I'll be here."