Vale of the Guardians is a grove that appears in the region of Glenumbra in The Elder Scrolls Online.
The Wyrd Sisters[]
Seeking the Guardians[]
The Beldama Wyrd asked for the Vestige to help them more. The Wyrd rely on the elemental guardians for guidance and counsel, but the spirits have become mysteriously silent.
Champion of the Guardians[]
Angof the Gravesinger has imprisoned the elemental guardians that the Beldama Wyrd rely on for protection and counsel. The Vestige agreed to help the Wyrd set the guardians free.
To the Wyrd Tree[]
Go to the Beldama Wyrd Tree after freeing the Guardians.
Notable items[]
- Ghosts of Glenumbra (east of the location)
- Eloise Miller
- Initiate Alana
- Initiate Aurelie
- Initiate Celence
- Initiate Delighre (Merchant)
- Initiate Faliara
- Initiate Gine
- Initiate Lamur
- Initiate Mathilde
- Initiate Nyna
- Initiate Raelyn
- Initiate Vien
- Morric Miller
- Wyress Elain
- Wyress Helene
- Wyress Ileana
- Wyress Initiate
- Wyress Jehanne
Quest Related:
- Lurcher
- Deepwood Lurcher (during quest)
- Bloodthorn Cultist (during quest)
- Patch 1.0.1: Fixed an issue where the quest could get blocked if one of the monsters defending the Wyress got stuck.[1]