Vardnknd Gallery is a sub-location of Runoff Caverns in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition that is a part of the Forgotten Seasons Creation Club content.
Varnknd Gallery is a large, underground chamber acting as a central hub connecting the Dwemer ruins of Vardnknd. The central chamber branches off into four connecting chambers; Autumn's Bells, Spring's Symphony, Summer's Chords and Winter's Chimes. In the middle a pathway leads to Vardnknd Skykiller Gallery, guarded by a large Dwarven Spider which retreats on approach.
Close to the entrance a mage's camp can be found, containing the unfortunate remains of Elberon, a Bosmer struck by lightning. He was using mercenaries to explore the ruins in search of Turn of the Seasons, a spell tome that grants magical effects from the weather.
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