The two moons of Nirn, Masser and Secunda
The Void Nights were a two-year period in the Fourth Era (4E 98 – 4E 100), during which the two moons of Nirn, Masser and Secunda, disappeared.[1]
Given the significance of the moons to the Khajiit in Elsweyr, there was large panic and unrest among them. The Khajiit religion is based on the moons, as it determines the birth patterns of the Khajiit race. When the moons did return, the Thalmor took credit, claiming to have used previously undiscovered Dawn Magics, and the Khajiit considered them their saviors, causing a massive decline in Imperial influence in the region. A coup then overthrew the Elsweyr Confederacy, recreating the two kingdoms of Anequina and Pelletine, which the Aldmeri Dominion accepted as client states.[2]