Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Wadracki is a powerful Xivkyn found inside the Imperial City Sewers, in the Harena Hypogeum area. Defeating him is part of the Sewer Subjegator achievement.


during combat
  • "Fool. You'll die here!"
  • "More victims for the pile!"
  • "Death awaits you here, fool!"
  • "The weak shall perish!"
  • "By the Lord of Domination, you will be destroyed!"
  • "I will cleave your flesh from your bones!"
  • "Your weakness amuses me."
  • "Die, wretched creature!"
  • "My axes long to taste your blood!"
after the first encounter
  • "The fool returns to face me yet again!"
  • "This time, you will fall, fool!"

