Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
For other uses, see Wanted: Sgolag.

Wanted: Sgolag is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.


I found a wanted poster offering a reward for the head of an Orc named Sgolag.


  1. Examine Adainurr's body
  2. Collect Sgolag's Head
  3. Talk to Curinaire


In Mobar Mine, you will find a dead body of a Khajiit named Adainurr. When examining his body, you will find a wanted poster in his hand, indicating that this cat was hunting a wanted criminal named Sgolag. Your mission is now to kill Sgolag and bring his head to the guard captain.

Sgolag is all the way on the other side of the mine; he is the boss of this delve. You will find him in the dead end on the west side of the mine. Once he is dead, cut off his head and head out of the mine. You can collect your reward from Lieutenant Curinaire at the Altmer Embassy in Elden Root.


  • 18–75 Gold
  • Whispering Gloves


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